List of Ghost Whisperer characters

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The following are fictional characters from the television drama Ghost Whisperer by John Gray. The main protagonist, Melinda Gordon, has her own article.


[edit] Jim Clancy

Jim Clancy
First appearance Pilot
Portrayed by David Conrad
Episode count 62 (so far)
Gender Male
Occupation Paramedic
Family Faith Clancy(mother)
unnamed Father(father)
Dan Clancy(brother)
Spouse(s) Melinda Gordon

Jim Clancy is Melinda's husband. The character is portrayed by David Conrad. As a star of the series, he has appeared in all the episodes.

Jim and Melinda get married at the very start of the first season as well as move to Grandview. Jim had known of Melinda's unique abilies of being able to communicate with ghosts. JIm helped Melinda as much as he could, though Melinda's good friend Andrea Marino provided most of the aid. In "Pilot", Dan Clancy appears to Melinda, but it not seen crossing over at the end of the episode. On the five year anniversary of Jim's father's death in "On The Wings of a Dove", Jim begins acting strangely causing Melinda to think that Jim is being haunted by a malevolent spirit. In "Friendly Neighborhood Ghost" Jim argues with Melinda about how her gift can sometimes cause things to go too far. In, "Last Execution", Jim is sued for attempting to help a woman after an injury.

It is revealed in the Pilot that Jim witnessed his older brother, Dan, die when they were young kids. After having seen Dan die, and being unable to save him, Jim decides to become a paramedic. Jim enjoyed camping and playing baseball with his father when he was younger. Five years before the start of the show, Jim's father died. Jim met Melinda when he rescued her from her burning apartment complex.

With the death of Melinda's close friend, Andrea, at the end of season one, Jim becomes a big supporter of what Melinda does to help the dead in season two. The ghost of an old high school friend contacts him in the episode "The Woman of His Dreams", Melinda recommends Jim visit an occult professor from Rockland University, Rick Payne for help. When Jim and Melinda go on their first camping trip in "A Vicious Cycle", it is interrupted by a ghost. Jim, along with Rick and Melinda, break into Gabriel Lawrence's home, Gabriel is a fellow Ghost Whisperer though he supports the Dark Side, and learn of Gabriel's obsession with Melinda. Throughout the season, Jim's friend Tim Flaherty vias for Delia Banks's affections.

After Melinda's near death experience during the season two finale, "The Gathering", Jim becomes worried about what else could happen to Melinda due to the ghosts. Jim also helps try to find information about Melinda's father, Tom Gordon, who might or might not be dead, as well as try to find any information about Melinda's brother. In "Haunted Hero", Jim and Melinda welcome a returning soldier from Iraq, Matt, back to Grandview. When Matt becomes so fully paranoid due to being haunted by his dead comrades and due to post-tramtic stress disorder, Jim comfronts Matt in the town square and talks Matt out of trying to kill himself. Jim delivered some of his convincing argument with Matt's gun pointed at him. In "Weight Of What Was", Gabriel returns to Grandview and Jim throws him away, though, not before Gabriel reveals that he is Melinda's half-brother. Jim, Rick, and Delia go in search of Melinda, who is trapped in old Grandview which is buried under present day Grandview. Tessa, the ghost of Melinda's ancestor from her mother's side was also a Ghost Whisperer, helps them find Melinda by communicating with Delia and Jim. Jim also begins thinking of moving out of Grandview while attending Medical School, at first Melinda does not like the idea but she later agrees to it. In "Deadbeat Dads" Jim admits that he would like to have children someday!

[edit] Andrea Marino

Andrea Marino
First appearance Pilot
Last appearance Love Never Dies
Portrayed by Aisha Tyler
Episode count 23
Gender female
Age 25
Date of death May 11, 2006
Occupation Worked at Melinda's antique store
Family Mitch Marino (brother)

Andrea Marino had once worked in New York, as a lawyer, until her job changed. She would move to Grandview and obtain a job working at "The Same As It Never Was", an antique store that is owned by Melinda. Andrea was a tall and single woman up until her death. She was played by Aisha Tyler, and was part of the main cast during season one.

Andrea becomes Melinda's best friend while working with her. Melinda even comes to trust Andrea enough to tell her about her gift of being able to communicate with earthbound spirits, or ghosts. Andrea becomes essential to the store and Melinda, because of the very fact that she knows about Melinda's gift. Such as, whenever Melinda has to run off and help a ghost, Andrea is left to keep the store. Andrea also helps Melinda with difficult cross overs removing some of the stress from Melinda's husband, Jim. In "The One" a plane crashes and Andrea notices Melinda is hiding something. She believes that her brother Mitch had died during the plane crash and that Melinda is seeing his ghost.

At the end of season one it was revealed that it was Andrea who had died during the crash and not Mitch. While Andrea was not on the plane when it crashed she died in the crash because her car had been on the path that the plane had crashed on. Romano attempts to prevent Andrea from crossing over into the Light, and instead to join him on the Dark Side. Melinda would not allow such a horrific occurrence to happen to her friend and so she sets out to stop Romano and warn Andrea. With the help of an occult professor at Rockland University, Rick Payne, Melinda is able to help Andrea find peace and cross over into the Light.

Andrea is later mentioned in "Delia's First Ghost" and "The Prophet". Also, while having been successfully crossed over into the Light for over a year, two ghosts taunt Melinda by calling her Andrea during "Bad Blood".

[edit] Delia Banks

Delia Banks
First appearance Love Still Won't Die
Portrayed by Camryn Manheim
Episode count 39
Gender Female
Occupation Works at Melinda's Antique Store
Real Estate Agent
Spouse(s) Charlie Banks(Husband)(Deceased)
Children Ned Banks

Delia Banks joined the main cast of Ghost Whisperer at the start of season 2. She and her teenage son, Ned, lost their husband and father Charlie three years prior to their appearance on the show. Delia became a real estate agent after Charlie's death. The character is portrayed by Camryn Manheim.

Delia meets Melinda Gordon after Melinda calls Delia about Ned having tried to shoplift from Melinda's antique store. Delia tells Melinda about how stressful her job as a real estate agent is, so Melinda offers her a job to help work at the antique store, which Delia accepts. They begin a friendship, though Delia does not know about Melinda's gift at first. In the episode "Delia's First Ghost" Melinda has to tell Delia about her gift because Charlie's spirit is haunting her. At first Delia calls Melinda crazy, admitting that she had seen Melinda talking to herself and was worried. Delia even goes as far as to tell Melinda not to expect her at work again. By the end of the episode Delia learns, with Melinda's help, that Charlie is only haunting her because he wants her to be safe. While still a little skeptical of Melinda's gift, Delia tells her that she will open the shop the next morning.

Delia remains skeptical concerning Melinda's gift in season three, but discusses the various ghosts that Melinda encounters to help Melinda with them. When Melinda was stalked by a lawyer, Shane, he tampered with Ned's records because Delia was trying to get him into private school. Nevertheless, when Shane was caught Ned's records were untarnished and Ned got in. In episode 5, "Weight of What Was" Delia travels into a series of underground tunnels and alleyways from a much older Grandview to find Melinda along with Jim and Rick. With the help of a ghost named Tessa helping Delia and Jim they manage to find Melinda and get her to safety. In "Bad Blood", Delia's need to find a rational explanation for every situation, including ones involving ghosts, is brought up. Delia tells Melinda that she will try to accept the notion of ghosts more.

[edit] Rick Payne

Rick Payne
First appearance Love Never Dies
Portrayed by Jay Mohr
Episode count 30
Gender Male
Occupation Professor at Rockland University
Spouse(s) Kate Payne (Wife, deceased)

Rick Payne becomes a professor at Rockland University and marries his wife, Kate. He and his wife live somewhere in Grandview, at some point Kate Payne dies. The character is portrayed by Jay Mohr.

At the beginning of season two, Melinda Gordon first seeks Rick Payne's help to save her deceased friend, Andrea Marino, who is being attacked by dark spirits. She finds him teaching an occult class at Rockland University. She continues to seek Rick's help for varies paranormal occurrences throughout the rest of the season. Rick first meets Melinda's husband, Jim Clancy, when Melinda recommends Jim talk to him about a ghost. It is is "The Night We Met" that Rick first questions Melinda about whether or not she believes she has supernatural abilities, as well as meets Melinda's close friend and co-worker, Delia Banks. It is only in the episode "Cat's Claw", that Melinda finally informs Rick of her abilities. Come the season finale, Rick and Melinda are seen working very closely trying to figure out who Gabriel Lawrence, a dark Ghost Whisperer, really is. Rick, Jim, and Melinda go as far as breaking into Gabriel's home. It is also revealed that Rick's wife, Kate, is a ghost who works for the dark side.

The character joins the main cast in season three. Come the beginning of this season, Rick appears to be worried about Melinda after her near death experience. He also works a large deal more with Melinda on some things. In "The Weight of What Was", Rick, Jim, and Delia all travel into old Grandview to try and find Melinda. Jim and Delia are aided by a ghost named Tessa, who is an ancestor of Melinda's, to find the trapped Melinda. Rick also helps Melinda search town death records for information about Tessa, who at the time Melinda believed to be Gabriel's mother, though a group of ghosts attempt to stop them from finding anything. In "Double Exposure", Rick's date and co-worker, Claudia, is haunted by a ghost who makes it so she cannot appear in any pictures.

[edit] Romano

First appearance Free Fall (official)
Portrayed by John Walcott
Episode count 3
Gender male
Occupation cult leader

Romano, also known as the Man in the Hat (due to his outfit: black suit and black hat) was an evil cult leader in Spain, who committed suicide along with 115 followers. The energy of the mass suicide made him powerful and strong, and he went to the Dark Side and is Melinda's archenemy. He started to trick souls to go with him, by making them refuse to "cross over" into The Light. The character is portrayed by John Walcott.

When Romano first appeared on the show his appearances were quick and mysterious, and he was usually attached to a laughing man who never speaks. He always seemed to be observing Melinda. When there was a plane crash on Grandview by the end of season one, he tried to gather all of the lost souls from the accident. That was the first time he declared his hatred and rivalry to Melinda, and threatened her to release all "his earthbound souls" in exchange for hers.

Romano and Melinda confronted each other verbally, both using persuasive speeches directed to the souls from the plane crash. Finally, Romano managed to get at least seven of the souls, including a stewardess who later does go into the light in season two.

In "Love Never Dies" episode, the first of season two, Romano tried to prevent Melinda's friend Andrea from crossing over into The Light. Melinda gathered all her strength to make Andrea cross over, and she learns with the help of Professor Rick Payne the identity of Romano. Payne also warns Melinda about Romano's real purpose: to destroy good spirits (the ones in charge of helping souls to "cross over" into The Light, such as Melinda) in order to make the dead stronger than the living, and to be endlessly powerful. According to Professor Rick Payne, Dark Spirit Romano, would literally take over a weak soul in a weak body to make too much harm to humanity, until the last trace of joy and happiness vanish from earth. It is impossible for Romano to get closer when Melinda helps spirits to "cross over" into The Light, because there is too much Love, and Love is what Romano hates.

Romano last appeared in episode one of season two, when he was unsuccessful in trying to possess Andrea's soul. However, in the middle of season two, Melinda seems to foreshadow the come-back of Romano, when Delia Banks tries on a black hat which resembled Romano's.

[edit] Gabriel Lawrence

Gabriel Lawrence
First appearance The Collector
Portrayed by Ignacio Serricchio
Episode count 6
Aliases Gabriel Gordon, Gabriel Hastings
Gender Male
Family Melinda Gordon(step half-sister)

Gabriel Lawrence is Melinda's half-brother and also a "ghost whisperer". The character is portrayed by Ignacio Ariel Serricchio. He may or may not be Melinda's half-brother after learning Tom isn't Melinda's father and might not be Gabriel's father either.

When he was a child, Gabriel knew he could interact with the dead, but nobody believed him, and he received psychiatrist treatment in a mental health institution. Gabriel never had a living friend. In fact, all of his friends were dead, and he always hated watching them "cross over" into The Light. He managed to get out of the mental health institution by lying. He was in the same mental health institution that his mother resided in.

In The Collector episode, Gabriel is now in his late twenties, and he had recently moved to Grandview. He mentions that Grandview always brings him memories. Melinda Gordon has the opportunity to meet him, and she is amazed by the gift they have in common. Melinda warns Gabriel about a shift in the "other world": ghosts are becoming stronger. She tells him how she struggled against a very dark spirit called Romano the year before, when a plane crash occurred in Grandview. However, Melinda discovers that she was so naive to believe in Gabriel, who had invited her to work with him in the difficult task of dealing with ghosts. Gabriel turns out to be a Ghost Whisperer from the Dark Side, and he had been gathering souls to get prepare for what "was coming", a complex prophecy of the death of a "loved one".

Gabriel, along with the dark spirits, was blocking The Light, because he was trying to make the dead stronger than the living. When Melinda, Jim Clancy, and Rick Payne break into Gabriel's house, they find out Gabriel's obsession with Melinda. He had been observing her moves for quite a long time. At the end of season two, both Gabriel and Melinda struggle against each other for the fate of living and dead.

Gabriel returns to Grandview in the third season episode "Weight of What Was" informing Melinda that he is her half-brother. He hands her a package containing images of her father's family. An image in the package, that is in fact from Melinda's mother's past, leads Melinda to an underground church and her great-great-great grandmother, Tessa. A ghost that haunts the archives of Grandview tells Gabriel that Melinda had entered the tunnel, and Gabriel blocks the exit, preventing Melinda from escaping the way she entered. The episode ended with Gabriel speaking to Tom Gordon about what seems like a plan to get Melinda to help ghosts in a dark way. While in Grandview he resided in a hotel under the name Gabriel Gordon. Gabriel also appears in "All Ghosts Lead to Grandview" where he has a brief conversation with Melinda at the end of the episode.

[edit] Ned Banks

Ned Banks
First appearance Love Still Won't Die
Portrayed by Tyler Patrick Jones [S2]
Christoph Sanders [S3]
Gender male
Family Delia Banks (mother)
Charlie Banks (father, deceased)

Ned Banks is portrayed by Tyler Patrick Jones, but starting with season 3 episode, "Slambook" Christoph Sanders took over the role. He is the son of Delia and Charlie Banks. He makes a lot of mistakes that have been part of the plot of some episodes.

He was caught shoplifting at Melinda's antique shop. He was stealing Grateful Dead tickets because a spirit was forcing him to. Melinda as a person who sees and hears ghosts, understood this. He also tends to be a trouble maker, and tends to wear "bad boy" type clothes. He found out Melinda's secret before his mother did, when he overheard Melinda in the episode Curse of The Ninth. He is always eager to help Melinda with her ghosts, but almost never gets what he wants. A few episodes later, his deceased father Charlie visits him and his mother, Melinda helps his father go into the Light. In the season three episode "No Safe Place" Ned gets into a private school. In "Slambook", Ned is on the basketball team when a ghost begins tampering with the scoreboard. In the episode Home but Not Alone Ned has his first girlfriend and (probably) his first kiss.

[edit] Minor characters

[edit] Melinda's Grandmother

Melinda's grandmother, Mary Ann, as well Melinda and Melinda's mother, was a person who spoke to ghosts. She was the one who gave lost spirits the title "earthbound". She helped them cross over in the Light (Heaven). She is deceased. Her gift was passed down to Melinda who is the current "ghost whisperer". Sometimes Melinda's Grandmother crossed over into the Light so she is currently a "Light" Spirit. She helps Melinda bring ghosts to peace through dreams in two episodes: "Voices" and "The Gathering". It is later revealed in Season 3 that Melinda's great great great grandmother, Tessa (through her mother's side), can also communicate with ghosts and whom Melinda helps to crossover.

[edit] Charlie Banks

Delia was married to Charlie Banks until he died three years prior to Delia's first appearance on the show. They had a loving relationship. After a fire at the place that Charlie worked, Charlie was said to be different and more of a family man. We also learn that it was Tim who saved Charlie's life. Together with Charlie, Delia had her twelve-year-old son, Ned.

[edit] Laughing Man

Not much is known about who the Laughing Man is. It is known, that he usually appeares with Romano and that he is a ghostly agent for the dark side. He is usually seen laughing.

[edit] Bleeding Man

Like the Laughing Man, not much is known about the Bleeding Man. He is a dark spirit whose right hand is bleeding, hence his name. He first appeared at the end of Love Still Won't Die. So far, he has not appeared in any episodes with either Romano or the Laughing Man.

[edit] Tim Flaherty

In the episode "The Walk-In", Tim Flaherty, a friend and co-worker of Jim's, is trying to get Delia to go out on a date with him, something Delia refuses to do. In "Delia's First Ghost" Tim tries to get Jim to tell him what Delia likes so he can impress her. Charlie, Delia's dead husband, helps him by knocking over a pot of purple flowers that Delia likes. Tim also buys a motorcycle exactly like the one Charlie used to have. At the end of the episode, they are seen walking away hand in hand.

[edit] Tom Gordon

Tom Gordon first appears in the plot in season two's finale, however he had previously appeared in some flashbacks. When Melinda "dies" in season two's finale, she confronts an already dead Tom, who tells her she is ready to find the darkness within herself, and also tells her she has a brother, who is later revealed to be Gabriel. In season three, Tom has contact with both Melinda and Gabriel, manifesting himself in Melinda's dreams, and speaking as a ghost with Gabriel. It has been suggested that Tom is part of the Dark Side, and that he is developing a plan to get Melinda into the Dark Side.

[edit] Paul Eastman

Paul Eastman first appears in Melinda's dreams as someone who haunted her and/or wanted to haunt her. But, in the season 3 finale, it's revealed that Paul Eastman is Melinda's biological father, not Tom Gordon. Paul Eastman used a series of 'clues' to help Melinda see the truth. To quicken the process and save Melinda, he convinced Melinda's mother to tell Melinda the truth. Melinda was initially in disbelief and was consoled by Tom Gordon, who convinced her to follow him to a safe place. The 'safe' place was Melinda's childhood home and Paul Eastman's burial site. Once, they arrived Tom Gordon probed Melinda about her memory of Paul Eastman's death, she eventually had a flashback revealing that Tom Gordon deliberately killed Paul Eastman. Tom Gordon decided that he must kill Melinda to protect himself from the truth. Melinda cried out to her Dad. Tom Gordon said 'I'm not your Dad.' Melinda replied 'I wasn't talking to you.' At which point, Paul Eastman entered Tom Gordon's body and forced him to fall to his death. Paul Eastman talked to Melinda and her mother, then he went into the light.

[edit] Departed or dead spirits

These are the spirits who went in the Light (Heaven).

  • Grandmother of Melinda Gordon
  • Andrea Marino
  • Tessa (Melinda's great-great-grandmother)
  • Paul Adams
  • Kenny Dale
  • Three Boys
  • Kate Payne
  • Natalie Harper
  • Hope Paulson
  • Charlie Banks
  • Lacy Jensen
  • Serena
  • Sarah Applewhite
  • Jason Shields
  • Estella De La Costa
  • Ely Fisher
  • Eric
  • Daniel
  • Tais
  • Almost all of the people the air plane crash
  • Paul Eastman

[edit] Lost spirits

These are the spirits who either did not cross over or went in the Dark Side (Hell).

  • Romano AKA the Man in the Hat
  • Laughing Man
  • Reggie Zuko
  • Randy
  • Jared
  • Homer the Ghost Dog
  • Giles Nickelburg
  • Greg Carter
  • Robert Hall
  • Martha Rucker
  • Dan Clancy
  • Zach
  • Ventriloquist and the Dummy
  • at least three of the people fom the air plane crash

[edit] External links