List of Flash enemies

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This is a list of fictional characters from DC Comics who are or have been enemies of The Flash.


[edit] Golden Age Flash enemies

The Golden Age Flash enemies were all villains of the first Flash, Jay Garrick, and lived on Earth-two.

In chronological order (with issue and date of first appearance)

Villain First appearance Description
Shade Flash Comics #33 (September 1942) A villain who makes use of a special cane that enables him to cast complete darkness at will.
Ragdoll Flash Comics #36 (December 1942) Peter Merkel was born "triple jointed" which enabled him to flex farther than any other human being. Has recently died, but has had two sons who are also Ragdolls, one is a villain and the other a member of the Secret Six.
The Eel Comic Cavalcade #3 (Summer 1943) “Eel” Madden was a criminal who had a grease gun which made it almost impossible for anyone to catch him.
Thinker All Flash #12 (Fall 1943) Clifford Devoe, a former DA, was a villain who used a specially designed "thinking cap" as an aid in conjuring up and performing various crimes. He later became friends with the Flash before dying from cancer; however, his Thinking Cap technology has become a computer program that made itself into a villain that battled Wally West.
Golden Age Turtle All Flash #21 (January–February 1946) A villain who used slowness related weapons against the Flash, was inactive for a long time, then reappeared and now has the power to take away speed from people.
Rose and Thorn Flash Comics #89 (November 1947) Rose Canton had a multiple personality disorder, the Thorn, who was a villain. She later committed suicide.
The Fiddler All Flash Comics #32 (January 1948) Isaac Bowin was a villain who used a violin to perform crimes, usually by using the violin to hypnotize people. Recently, he joined the Secret Six, but when he failed a mission, he was killed by Deadshot on the orders of their leader, Mockingbird. After his death, a woman found his violin and is now using it, calling herself Virtuoso.
Golden Age Star Sapphire All Flash #32 (January 1948) A queen of the 7th Dimension, she tried to take over the Earth twice but failed. She is now trapped in the Gem.
The Rival Flash Comics #104 (February 1949) Dr. Edward Clariss, a professor at the university attended by the Golden Age Flash, Jay Garrick, believed he had recreated the formula that gave Garrick his speed, which he called "Velocity 9." However, this formula was only temporary, and he was defeated. He is now pure energy from the Speed Force.

[edit] Silver Age Flash enemies

The Silver Age of Comics Flash enemies all lived on Earth-One, and started out as enemies of the second Flash, Barry Allen, as well as of the third Flash and fourth Flash after the death of Allen. The Silver Age is when some enemies started to use the name Rogues. Originally, the rogues were just a few of the Flash's enemies teaming together, but since then they have formed a lasting team, and usually a rogue will never commit a crime by himself. The original eight rogues were Captain Cold, Mirror Master, Heatwave, Weather Wizard, The Trickster, Pied Piper, The Top, and Captain Boomerang.

In chronological order (with issue and date of first appearance)

Villain First appearance Description
Captain Cold Showcase #8 (June 1957) Len Snart was a criminal who wanted a chance to get rid of the Flash. Seeing an article about a weapon that might disrupt the Flash's Speed, Snart made a gun and exposed it to radiations. However, instead of slowing the Flash down, the gun could freeze anything to absolute zero. Calling himself Captain Cold, Snart started out on a criminal career. He is considered to be the arch-nemesis of both Barry Allen and Wally West, and the leader of the Rogues. Known for being a sympathetic villain, Cold has a sense of honor. Cold has strict rules on how the rogues should act, such as no drugs and to not kill unless they have to. Also has a sense of loyalty to his team and watches out for them.
Doctor Alchemy Showcase #14 (June 1958) Albert Desmond suffered from a split personality, one a good person and the other evil. Originally calling himself Mr. Element, he changed it to Dr. Alchemy when he found the Philosopher’s Stone, and was able to transmute elements. Soon it was found out that there were two Desmonds, Albert, the good one and Alvin, the bad, and that they shared a mental link. Alvin was destroyed, but Albert became Dr. Alchemy again.
Mirror Master The Flash #105 (March 1959) While working in a prison workshop, Sam Scudder accidentally stumbled upon a mirror that could project holograms. When he escaped, he made more mirror gadgets, and became the Mirror Master. He has created many different mirrors that can do various things like travel into other dimensions. He was killed during Crisis on Infinite Earths.
Gorilla Grodd The Flash #106 (May 1959) Grodd was an inhabitant of Gorilla City, a peaceful society of which Grodd was the only evil one. A mastermind in his early years, he has become more savage and stronger recently, to the point where he wants to "feast on the bones" of the Flash.
The Pied Piper The Flash #106 (May 1959) Hartley Rathaway was born deaf, but was cured after his rich parents sought a way to make him hear. Once he could hear, he became obsessed with music and sound, and made many sound based weapons. Originally a criminal, he reformed and came out at the same time. He became a friend of Wally West, even when The Top revealed he had changed the personality of some of the rogues (Piper included) to make them reform; Piper was able to fight off the Top and stay good. However he has recently gone back to being a rogue, although whether if he wanted to or just working undercover is unknown.
Weather Wizard The Flash #110 (December 1959-January 1960) Mark Mardon escaped from prison to his brother's house. His brother had just made a wand that could control the weather. Mark wanted the weapon and he and his brother got into a fight, and his brother was killed (although Mardon said he was dead when he got there, he has told to truth to Captain Cold). Has an infant son who was adopted by Iris West, and has some of his fathers powers, but only when his father is near him.
The Trickster I The Flash #113 (June-July 1960) James Jesse, a circus performer, invented shoes that used compressed air to "walk" on air. Inspired by Jesse James, James made other weapons and became the Trickster. Was once reformed, but it was revealed that was because The Top made it so, and he is now back with the rogues, but is contemplating whether to be a hero or a villain.
Captain Boomerang The Flash #117 (December 1960) Digger Harkness was a master of Boomerangs which he learned how to use in the Outback. When a mascot was needed for a bomerang company, Harkness was hired, but used the costume and boomerangs to commit crimes and he had many trick boomerangs. Harkness was killed during Identity Crisis, but also killed Jack Drake before he died. Harkness has a son, Owen, who became a hero after a brief stint with the rogues.
The Top The Flash #122 (August 1961) Roscoe Dillon used many top themed weapons to commit crimes, eventually learning how to spin himself at great speeds. Although he died, Dillon's mind was so powerful that it took over the minds of many people to keep on living, including Henry Allen and a senator, whose body was reformed by Dillon to look like his original body. He was later killed again by Captain Cold when Dillon tried to take over the rogues during "Rogue War". During this time it was revealed that Dillon had made some of the rogues reform, and during the war, he made them criminals again. He was also a victim of the JLA mind wipes, he was made a good person and overpowered it and changed back.
Abra Kadabra The Flash #128 (May 1962) A man from the 64th century; he uses the technology from that era to make it look like Magic.
Professor Zoom The Flash #139 (September 1963) Eobard Thawne is a speedster from the future. There are many theories on how he became Zoom. Once just a simple villain, he became more known when he killed Barry Allen's wife Iris Allen. Later, when Barry was about to remarry, Zoom tried to kill his bride, but, in a fit of rage, Barry killed Zoom by breaking his neck, thus putting The Flash on trial for murder where he was found guilty.
Heat Wave The Flash #140 (November 1963) Mick Rory is obsessed with heat, and at a young age, burned down his house, killing his family. He then made a heat gun and used fire to rob and kill. Rory was one of the rogues The Top made reform, and when that was taken away, Rory became a rogue again. Even during his redeemed life, his mind was already starting to turn to crime.
Golden Glider The Flash #250 (June 1977) Lisa Snart, the sister of Len Snart, a.k.a. Captain Cold, did not want to be a villain, but when her lover, The Top died, she swore revenge on the Flash. Using sharp ice skates which made ice, she battled the Flash, and got the approval or her brother. She was killed by Chill Blaine, a villain whom she gave ice powers too. Captain Cold has since gotten revenge by killing Chill Blaine.
Clive Yorkin The Flash #270 (February 1979) Clive Yorkin, a criminal spending life in prison, agreed to take part in a prison experiment. The experiment went wrong, and it drove him mad and able to kill someone by touching them. It was thought he killed Iris West, but he was innocent, the real culprit being The Reverse Flash.
Rainbow Raider The Flash #286 (June 1980) A color blind painter, Roy G. Bivolo's paintings looked horrible. His father made a pair of goggles for him that could project colors on a person, each color represented a different mood. Roy became a criminal who stole paintings and joined the Rogues. He was later killed by Blacksmith.

[edit] Modern Age Flash enemies

In addition to the Silver Age Rogues, there have been many other Flash villains created in the past few years. The special issue "Flash: Iron Heights" was the first appearance of many of them. Some of the "new breed", as the old rogues call them, made a team called the New Rogues led by Blacksmith. They tried to take away the allies of the Flash, so he would fight them alone, but the Flash beat them anyway. These villains are not part of the current rogues, which are still the silver age villains. Also, new versions of Mirror Master, The Trickster, and Captain Boomerang were introduced and became part of the rogues.

Villain First appearance Description
Magenta The New Teen Titans (first series) #17 (March 1982) Frankie Kane was a one time girlfriend of Wally West, who gained magnetic powers which killed her family. Not knowing her purpose in life, she became a villain and first joined the Cicada cult and the New Rogues before reforming.
Mirror Master II Animal Man #8 (February 1989) Evan McCulloch grew up in an orphanage, and after killing a bully, he escaped and became a mercenary. On one hit, he unknowingly shot and killed his father, and later found out his mother died of grief. Then, he was hired by the Government to be the new Mirror Master, and he got the original Mirror Master's equipment. Instead of working for the government, McCulloch became a member of the rogues, taking the place of the old Mirror Master. He also has a drug problem, of which Captain Cold does not approve of.
Manfred Mota Flash 50th Anniversary Special (1990) Mota is a villain who has fought all four Flashes, each time in a different form. He is also the father of Valerie Perez, girlfriend of Bart Allen.
Razer Flash v.2 #84 (November 1993) Razer is a villain who was a mercenary for hire who wears suit coated completely with lubrilon, an experimental near-frictionless chemical polymer. He nearly destroyed a shopping mall, though the Flash got almost everyone out. Razer later escaped and began working for Data Highways, Inc.
Inertia Impulse #50 (July 1999) Inertia is a clone of Bart Allen. He originally fought Allen when he was Impulse, and then when Bart aged five years after Infinite Crisis and became The Flash, Inertia fought him again. Inertia was responsible for the death of Allen, and when Wally West returned to he took revenge by stripping Inertia of all movement and putting him in the Flash Museum.
Folded Man Flash v.2 #153 (October 1999) Edwin Gauss is a criminal who uses a suit to shift from 3-D space to 2-D and 4-D space. He created Avernus, a grave yard in 4-D space for fallen Flash enemies.
Plunder Flash v.2 #165 (October 2000) Plunder is an assassin from a mirror universe, a copy of a police officer in the real world.
Brother Grimm Flash v.2 #166 (November 2000) The ruler of another realm, Grimm blames Wally West for driving him to kill his brother and assume the throne. He possesses powerful magical abilities and able to 'sense' the Speed Force, thus forcing Wally to limit himself to normal speed in any fight with Grimm.
Cicada Flash v.2 #171 (April 2001) During a thunderstorm sometime in the early twentieth century, David Hersch murdered his wife. Regretting what he had done, he sought to end his own life, only to be was struck by lightning. He had a vision that he had been chosen to live forever, and he would bring his wife back as well. Starting a cult, his followers killed people who had been saved by the Flash, and Cicada used the energy of these people to live forever.
Blacksmith Flash: Iron Heights (2001) Blacksmith is a Ferro-kinetic crime lord who was once married to Goldface. She founded her own rendition of the Rogues, and created "The Network", and underground hideaway for rouges that had been in operation for years with out any one knowing. However, she and her rogues were defeated by Wally West.
Double Down Flash: Iron Heights (2001) Jeremy Tell lost a card game and then killed the man who won. After this, the cards in the dead man's pocket flew out and covered Tell, becoming his skin. He can use the razor sharp corners of the cards as weapons by peeling them off of himself.
Fallout Flash: Iron Heights (2001) Neil Borman was a member of a team hired to do some additional work on a nuclear power plant they had helped construct. During a series of tests an explosion destroyed the floor that Borman and his work mates were working on, and they fell into the reactor's cooling system. His co-workers died, but Borman survived his body’s molecular structure shifted transforming into a man composed of high-energy electrons. Unfortunately Borman had brought his Wife and Son to work to show them around the plant.
Girder Flash: Iron Heights (2001) Tony Woodward was shoved into a vat of steel after he assaulted a female coworker. He survived, but became composed of scrap metal. He joined the New Rogues, and took part in the Rogue War.
Murmur Flash: Iron Heights (2001) A surgeon who went insane, Michael Amar now seeks sadistic ways to kill the voices he hears. His distinctive criminal act is to remove a victim's tongue early during the torture he inflicts. He also has a virus that will turn a person’s lung to mud in 90 minutes.
Tar Pit Flash vol. 2 #174 (July 2001) Joey Monteleone was the brother of a drug dealer, and while in prison discovered who could put his mind into inanimate objects. However, his mind got stuck inside tar, and now the tar has Monteleone's mind.
Zoom (as Hunter Zolomon) Flash Secret Files #3 (November 2001, (as Zoom) Flash #197 (June 2003) Hunter Zolomon was once a friend of the Flash who worked at the police station. When visiting Iron Heights prison, he was caught in an escape attempt by Grodd, who broke Hunter's back. He survived and asked for The Flash to go back in time and stop it from happening. Flash told him he can't change history, even for a friend. Hunter got very mad at Flash, and decided to try to do it himself. However the Cosmic Treadmill exploded during the process, and hunter was giving super speed not coming from the speed force, but from time itself, making him even faster than the Flash. Zoloman set out to make the Flash a better hero by letting him deal with loss, and killed his unborn twins. Zoom has been imprisoned many times, but always escapes.
Peek-a-Boo Flash v.2 #180 (January 2002) Lashawn Baez has the power to teleport, and used the power to try to steal a liver for her father who needed a new one. She was stopped by Flash and her father died. Is now a villain.
The Trickster II Flash v.2 #184 (April 2002) After the original Trickster reformed, teenager Axel Walker found his equipment and stole it, becoming the new Trickster. He joined the rogues, and took the place of the first Trickster (even though most of the rogues thought of him as to young and impulsive). During Rogue War, however, the original Trickster became a rogue again, and took back what was his. Axel has not been seen since then; his career as the Trickster over.
Captain Boomerang II Identity Crisis #3 (October 2004) Owen Mercer is the son of the original Captain Boomerang. He did not know his father until he was an adult. The two practiced together, and Owen found he had bursts of super speed. When his father died he joined the rogues, but One Year Later he reformed and is now a member of the Suicide Squad.

[edit] One Year Later Flash enemies

This villain was created during Bart Allen's short career as the Flash

Villain First appearance Description
The Griffin The Flash: Fastest Man Alive #1 (August 2006) Griffin Grey was a friend or Bart Allen until he was caught in an explosion at work, he found out he had enhanced speed and strength, and he became a hero, but only for the glory of it. However, the powers made him age faster, and he looked like an old man in days. He tried to find the secret of what kept Jay Garrick young, but could not. He then became a villain, and during a fight with Bart, he overpowered and died.
Spin Flash v.2 #238 (May 2008) Mysterious villain with the ability to magnify people’s fears and make them reality. Spin is actually Mr. Auerbach, a person in authority at KN News or its parent company. Spin’s secret headquarters, located below the television station’s office, conceals an emaciated captive telepath, plugged into machines and used to track public anxiety so that he can more reliably manipulate it.

[edit] Enemies created for other media

The Flash villains created in other media, with no appearances in previous or subsequent comics. Those sharing the names of comic villains but bearing no other similarities are noted:

Villain Media Actor/Actress
Prank I The Flash (TV series) Joyce Hyser
Prank II The Flash (TV series) Corinne Bohrer
Nightshade The Flash (TV series) Richard Burgi
The Ghost The Flash (TV series) Anthony Starke
Pike The Flash (TV series) Michael Nader

[edit] Villains from comics in other media

A number of villains from the comic books have made an appearance, or appearances, in other media featuring The Flash.

Villain Media Actor/Actress
Trickster The Flash (TV series)
Justice League Unlimited
Mark Hamill
Captain Cold Challenge of the Super Friends
The Flash (TV series)
Justice League Unlimited
Justice League: The New Frontier
Dick Ryal
Michael Champion
Lex Lang
James Arnold Taylor
Mirror Master Superfriends
The Flash (TV series)
Justice League Unlimited
The Batman (TV series)
Casey Kasem
David Cassidy
Alexis Denisof
John Larroquette
Captain Boomerang Justice League Unlimited Donal Gibson
Heat Wave Justice League Unlimited Lex Lang
Gorilla Grodd Challenge of the Super Friends
Justice League
Justice League Unlimited
Stanley Ralph Ross
Powers Boothe
Weather Wizard Legends of the Superheroes
Superman: The Animated Series
Justice League
Justice League Unlimited
Jeff Altman
Miguel Ferrer
Corey Burton
Pied Piper Justice League Unlimited None (did not speak)
The Top Justice League Unlimited None (did not speak)
The Fiddler Justice League Unlimited None (did not speak)
Abra Kadabra Justice League Unlimited None (did not speak)
Turtle Justice League Unlimited None (did not speak)
Thinker Justice League Unlimited None (did not speak)
Doctor Alchemy Justice League Unlimited None (did not speak)
Mr. Element Justice League Unlimited None (did not speak)

[edit] External links

  • Crimson Lightning, an online index to the comic book adventures of the Flash.
  • Alan Kistler's Profile On: THE FLASH - A detailed analysis of the history of the Flash by comic book historian Alan Kistler. Covers information all the way from Jay Garrick to Barry Allen to today, as well as discussions on the various villains and Rogues who fought the Flash. Various art scans.

[edit] See also