List of European mammals

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This is a list of European mammals. It includes all mammals currently found in Europe, whether resident or as regular migrants. It does not include species found only in captivity or extinct in Europe, except where there is some doubt about this. Each species is listed, with its binomial name and notes on its distribution where this is limited. Introduced species are also noted.


[edit] Marsupials

[edit] Insectivores

[edit] Hedgehogs

[edit] Moles and desmans

[edit] Shrews

[edit] Primates

[edit] Bats

[edit] Horseshoe bats

[edit] Evening bats

[edit] Free-tailed bats

[edit] Slit-faced bats

  • Egyptian slit-faced bat Nycteris thebaica

[edit] Lagomorphs

[edit] Rodents

[edit] Squirrels

[edit] Beavers

[edit] Porcupines

[edit] Hutias

  • Coypu Myocastor coypus (introduced)

[edit] Dormice

[edit] Muroids

  • Common hamster Cricetus cricetus (eastern Europe)
  • Romanian hamster Mesocricetus newtoni (shores of the Black Sea)
  • Golden hamster Mesocricetus auratus (introduced)
  • Grey hamster Circetulus migratorius (Balkans)
  • Arctic lemming Dicrostonyx torquatus (Svalbard as migrant)
  • Norway lemming Lemmus lemmus (northern Europe)
  • Wood lemming Myopus schisticolor (Scandinavia)
  • Bank vole Myodes glareolus
  • Northern red-backed vole Myodes rutilus
  • Grey-sided vole Myodes rufocanus
  • Balkan snow vole Dinaromys bogdanovi
  • Field vole Microtus agrestis
  • Common vole Microtus arvalis
  • Sibling vole Microtus epiroticus
  • Root vole Microtus oeconomus
  • Snow vole Microtus nivalis
  • Gunther's vole Microtus guentheri
  • Cabrera's vole Microtus cabrerae
  • Bavarian pine vole Microtus bavaricus
  • Common pine vole Pitymys subterraneus
  • Alpine pine vole Pitymys multiplex
  • Tatra pine vole Pitymys tatricus
  • Liechtenstein's pine vole Pitymys liechtensteini
  • Mediterranean pine vole Pitymys duodecimcostatus
  • Lusitanian pine vole Pitymys lusitanicus
  • Thomas's pine vole Pitymys thomasi
  • Savi's pine vole Pitymys savii
  • North-western water vole Arvicola terrestris
  • South-western water vole Arvicola sapidus (Spain and France)
  • Musk rat Ondatra zibethicus (introduced)
  • Mongolian gerbil Meriones unguiculatus (introduced)
  • Greater mole rat Spalax microphthalmus (eastern Europe)
  • Lesser mole rat Spalax leucodon (eastern Europe)
  • Brown rat Rattus norvegicus (introduced)
  • Black rat Rattus rattus (introduced)
  • Wood mouse Apodemus sylvaticus
  • Yellow-necked mouse Apodemus flavicollis
  • Pygmy field mouse Apodemus microps (eastern Europe)
  • Rock mouse Apodemus mystacinus (south-eastern Europe)
  • Striped field mouse Apodemus agrarius (eastern Europe)
  • Harvest mouse Micromys minutus
  • House mouse Mus musculus
  • Algerian mouse Mus spretus (France, Spain and Portugal)
  • Steppe mouse Mus hortulanus (south-eastern Europe)
  • Cretan spiny mouse Acomys minous (Crete)

[edit] Birch mice

[edit] Carnivores

[edit] Bears

[edit] Wolves and foxes

[edit] Weasels

[edit] Mongooses and genet

[edit] Raccoons

  • Raccoon Procyon lotor (introduced)

[edit] Cats

[edit] Pinnipeds

[edit] Seals

[edit] Walrus

[edit] Odd-toed ungulates

[edit] Even-toed ungulates

[edit] Pigs

[edit] Bovids

[edit] Deer

[edit] Cetaceans

[edit] Baleen whales

[edit] Sperm whales

[edit] Beaked whales

[edit] White whales

[edit] Dolphins

[edit] Porpoises

[edit] See also
