List of EMS abbreviations and definitions

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List of EMS Abbreviations and Definitions


[edit] How to Read An EMS Infobox

[edit] Fire Department

(see right)

Name of the fire department.
The logo of the fire department or the town that the fire department is located in.
Motto: The motto of the fire department.
Established The year that the fire department was established (created).
Staffing States whether the department is a career or volunteer department.
Strength The amount of firefighters employed at that department.
Stations The amount of stations in that city/town.
Engines The amount of fire engines, total, in that city/town's fire department.
Trucks The amount of fire trucks, total, in that city/town's fire department. Fire trucks do not include the fire engines. Examples of "fire trucks" include the personal personnel vehicle(s), fire department-owned pickup truck, etc.
Squads The amount of squad trucks in that city/town's fire department. Squad trucks are vehicles used to transport first responders to medical emergencies.
Rescues The amount of heavy/light rescue vehicles that are in that city/town's fire department.
EMS Units The amount of firefighters who have a level of professional medical education (EMT-Basic, EMT-Intermediate, EMT-Paramedic, etc.) in that city/town's fire department.
EMS Level Level of medical training required by that city/town's fire department.
Fire chief The fire chief.
Commissioner The commissioner.

[edit] Definitions

  • automated external defibrillator (AED) = a device which interrupts a heart's erratic rhythm by sending an electric shock. An AED is an automated defibrillator used for patients without an ICD (implanted defibrillator) who's heart is in ventricular fibrillation (VF).