List of Dungeons & Dragons deities

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This is a list of deities of Dungeons & Dragons, including all of the current gods and powers of the "Core Setting" for the Dungeons & Dragons roleplaying game. Because the Core Setting is based on the World of Greyhawk, the Greyhawk gods list contains most of the deities listed here, and many more.

Five categories of deities are listed here:

  1. Core powers - Deities presented in the Player's Handbook 3.5th edition or substantially introduced in the other two core books (Dungeon Master's Guide and Monster Manual). Most of these deities are worshipped by humans. There is a subset within this category called Additional Deities which has deities not mentioned in the core rulebooks but instead in supplements and as such considered additions to the core category.
  2. Alternate human pantheons - This lists the pantheons and the deities within them that are presented in the supplement book Deities and Demigods. Most are based upon real-life mythology.
  3. Demihuman powers - This refers to deities worshipped by core races besides humans (such as elves and dwarves).
  4. Monster powers - This refers to the deities of the monstrous races intended as enemies of the players rather than player races. Whether they should be considered true deities or not is debated.
  5. Non-deity powers - These beings would fit into the previous category, but are not actually deities, plus most of them aren't the patron of a specific monstrous race. This includes the demon princes and archdevils as well as some other godlike beings.

Note that there is some overlap between the categories. Most of the head deities of the demihuman pantheons, such as Corellon Larethian and Moradin, for example, are both obviously demihuman powers but are also mentioned in the Player's Handbook and as such core powers as well. Hence they appear on both lists.


[edit] Second edition and prior

Before third edition, there was no Core Setting, so the distinctions above are not as clear-cut. For the most part, materials which did not specify a setting were assumed to be at least compatible with the World of Greyhawk if not outright parts of the canon. As such, those prior materials are covered in the setting-specific lists of deities.

[edit] Core deities

There are over 100 deities in the Greyhawk setting, and when creating Dungeons and Dragons 3rd Edition Wizards of the Coast selected a subset to become iconic deities. They selected and altered deities to correspond to "iconic" aspects of core D&D. Most core deities are human deities; except for the chief gods of the demihuman races. Certain aspects of the deities were altered to make them more generic - for example: the "Core" Heironeous favors the longsword (in order to make the favored weapon of the "God of Chivalry" more traditionally knight-like), as contrasted with the original "Greyhawk" Heironeous, who favors the battleaxe.

The designation of "greater" vs. "intermediate" comes from the Greyhawk setting, and is not used in the Player's Handbook, but it is used in other v3.5 Edition materials.

[edit] Greater deities

[edit] Intermediate deities

  • Ehlonna, goddess of forests, woodlands, flora & fauna, and fertility.[1] [2]
  • Erythnul, god of hate, envy, malice, panic, ugliness, and slaughter.[1] [2]
  • Fharlanghn, god of horizons, distance, travel, and roads.[1] [2]
  • Heironeous, god of chivalry, justice, honor, war, daring, and valor.[1] [2]
  • Hextor, god of war, discord, massacres, conflict, fitness, and tyranny.[1] [2]
  • Kord, god of athletics, sports, brawling, strength, and courage.[1] [2]
  • Obad-Hai, god of nature, woodlands, freedom, hunting, and beasts.[1] [2]
  • Olidammara, god of music, revels, wine, rogues, humor, and tricks.[1] [2]
  • Saint Cuthbert, god of common sense, wisdom, zeal, honesty, truth, and discipline.[1] [2]

[edit] Lesser deities

[edit] Additional deities

Although not listed in the Players Handbook, these deities are listed as part of the default D&D pantheon in new works and as such are regarded as additions to the default pantheon. Although some of these originally come from the Greyhawk or Forgotten Realms campaign settings, and the Mockery from Eberron, each one is mentioned at some point in a non-setting-specific source. The name in brackets next to each one specifies the source they are mentioned in.

[edit] Alternate human pantheons

The supplement book Deities and Demigods presents human pantheons different from the core pantheon to be used instead. Most of these are based upon actual-life religions and mythologies. These alternate pantheons are not really intended to exist alongside the core or other pantheons; instead to be used for specific settings in which they are the only deities (although in the Forgotten Realms campaign setting, the Pharaonic pantheon, called in the setting the Mulhorandi pantheon, does coexist with the other, fictional deities of the setting.)

[edit] Olympian pantheon

Based upon the deities of Greek mythology.

  • Aphrodite, intermediate goddess of love and beauty.
  • Apollo, intermediate god of light, prophecy, music and healing.
  • Ares, intermediate god of war, killing and strife.
  • Artemis, intermediate goddess of hunting, wild beasts, childbirth and dance.
  • Athena, greater goddess of wisdom, crafts, civilization and war.
  • Demeter, lesser goddess of agriculture.
  • Dionysus, intermediate god of mirth, madness, wine, fertility and theatre.
  • Hades, greater god of death, the underworld, earth and wealth.
  • Hecate, intermediate goddess of moon, magic abundance and undead.
  • Hephaestus, intermediate god of smithing and crafts.
  • Hera, greater goddess of magic, women and intrigue.
  • Hercules, demigod of strength and adventure.
  • Hermes, intermediate god of travel, commerce, thieves, gambling and running.
  • Hestia, lesser goddess of home, hearth and family.
  • Nike, demigoddess of victory.
  • Pan, lesser god of nature, passion, shepherds and mountains.
  • Poseidon, greater god of the sea, rivers and earthquakes.
  • Tyche, lesser goddes of good fortune.
  • Zeus, greater god of the sky, air, storms, fate and nobility.

[edit] Pharaonic pantheon

Based upon the deities of Egyptian mythology.

  • Anubis, lesser god of judgement and death.
  • Apep, demigod of evil, fire and serpents.
  • Bast, lesser goddess of cats and vengeance.
  • Bes, lesser god of luck, music and protection.
  • Hathor, lesser goddess of love, music, dance, moon, fate and motherhood.
  • Imhotep, demigod of crafts and medicine.
  • Isis, greater goddess of fertility, magic and marriage.
  • Nephthys, intermediate goddess of death and grief.
  • Osiris, greater god of harvest, nature and the underworld.
  • Ptah, intermediate god of crafts, knowledge, secrets and travel.
  • Re-Horakhty, greater god of nobility, sun, supreme and vengeance.
  • Set, greater god of darkness, evil, night, desert storms and drought.
  • Sobek, demigod of water, river hazards, crocodiles and wetlands.
  • Thoth, intermediate god of knowledge, wisdom and learning.

[edit] Asgardian pantheon

Based upon the deities of Norse mythology.

  • Aegir, intermediate god of the sea and storms.
  • Balder, intermediate god of beauty, light, music, poetry and rebirth.
  • Forseti, intermediate god of justice and law.
  • Frey, greater god of agriculture, fertility, harvest and sun.
  • Freya, intermediate goddess of fertility, love, magic and vanity.
  • Frigga, greater goddess of birth, fertility and love.
  • Heimdall, intermediate god of watchfulness, sight, hearing and loyalty.
  • Hel, intermediate goddess of death and the underworld.
  • Hermod, demigod of luck, communication and freedom.
  • Loki, greater god of thieves, trickery and murder.
  • Njord, intermediate god of commerce, sea and wind.
  • Odin, greater god of knowledge, magic, supreme and war.
  • Odur, demigod of light, sun and travel.
  • Sif, lesser goddess of war and dueling.
  • Skadi, lesser goddess of earth and mountains.
  • Surtr, intermediate god of fire and war.
  • Thor, greater god of storms, thunder and war.
  • Thrym, intermediate god of war, cold and giants.
  • Tyr, intermediate god of courage, trust, stratedgy, tactics and writing.
  • Uller, lesser god of archers, hunting and winter.

[edit] The Faith of the Sun

The Faith of the Sun is a fictional, monotheistic religion presented in and constructed according to the guidelines given for monotheistic religions in 3rd Edition Deities and Demigods. Being monotheistic, it of course consists of only one deity (though said deity is described as having two aspects; a creator one and a destroyer one):

  • Taiia, greater goddess of creation, destruction, mortal life and death.

[edit] Following the Light

Following the Light is a fictional dualistic religion presented in and constructed according to the guidelines given for dualistic religions in 3rd Edition Deities and Demigods. Being dualistic, it consists of two, polar-opposite deities:

  • Elishar, intermediate deity (sexless) of positive energy, light and prophecy.
  • Toldoth, intermediate deity (sexless) of negative energy, darkness and destruction.

[edit] Dennari

The faith of Dennari is a fictional mystery cult, presented in and constructed according to the guidelines given for mystery cults in 3rd Edition Deities and Demigods. It worships a single deity of the same name:

  • Dennari, lesser goddess of earth, liberation and suffering.

[edit] Demihuman deities

Demihuman deities refers to the gods of the core races besides humans (E.G... Elves, Dwarves, ETC. Note that Goliaths, Illumians and Raptorans are special, additional core races that were described in the Races of Stone, Races of Destiny and Races of the Wild supplement books respectively. An article does not currently exist for any of these races.)

[edit] Dwarven deities

  • Abbathor, intermediate god of greed.
  • Berronar Truesilver, intermediate goddess of safety, truth, home and healing.
  • Clanggedin Silverbeard, intermediate god of battle and war.
  • Dugmaren Brightmantle, lesser god of scholarship, discovery and invention.
  • Dumathoin, intermediate god of exploration and mining.
  • Hanseath, lesser god of war, carousing and alcohol.[4]
  • Laduguer, intermediate god of magic weapons, artisans, magic and duergar.[4]
  • Moradin, greater god of all dwarves, as well as creation, smithing, protection, metalcraft and stonework. (also a core power)
  • Muamman Duathal, lesser god of expatriates, urban dwarves, travellers and exiles.
  • Mya, greater goddess of clan, family and wisdom.[4]
  • Roknar, lesser god of greed, intrigue, lies and earth.[4]
  • Tharmekhûl, demigod of the forge, fire and warfare.[4]
  • Thautam, intermediate god of magic and darkness.[4]
  • Valkauna, intermediate goddess of oaths, death and birth.[4]
  • Vergadain, intermediate god of wealth and luck.

[edit] Elven deities

Most of the elven deities (other than Corellon Larethian) are found in the Races of the Wild supplement. They are organized in a pantheon called the Seldarine — a term which originated in Dragon magazine issue #60, but has been most widely used in the Forgotten Realms setting.

  • Alobal Lorfiril, demigod of hedonism, mirth, magic and revelry.[3]
  • Aerdrie Faenya, intermediate goddess of air, weather, avians, rain and fertility.
  • Corellon Larethian, greater god of all elves, as well as magic, music, arts, crafts, warfare and poetry. (also a core power)
  • Deep Sashelas, intermediate god of aquatic elves, oceans, knowledge, beauty and water magic.[3]
  • Elebrin Liothiel, intermediate god of nature, gardens, orchards and harvest.[3]
  • Erevan Ilesere, intermediate god of mischief, change and rogues.
  • Fenmarel Mestarine, lesser deity of wild elves, outcasts, scapegoats and isolation.
  • Hanali Celanil, intermediate goddess of love, romance, beauty, fine art and artists.[3]
  • Labelas Enoreth, intermediate god of time, longevity and history.
  • Rillifane Rallathil, intermediate god of wood elves, woodlands, nature and druids.
  • Sehanine Moonbow, intermediate goddess of mysticism, dreams, far journeys, death, full moons and transcendece.[3]
  • Solonor Thelandira, intermediate god of archery, hunting and wilderness survival.
  • Vandria Gilmadrith, intermediate goddess of war, guardianship, justice, grief, vigilance and decision.[3]

[edit] Gnome deities

  • Baervan Wildwanderer, intermediate god of forests, nature and travel.
  • Baravar Cloakshadow, lesser god of illusions, protection, deception and hatred of goblinoids.
  • Callarduran Smoothhands, intermediate god of earth, good, healing and protection.[4]
  • Flandal Steelskin, intermediate god of mining, smithing and fitness.
  • Gaerdal Ironhand, lesser god of protection, vigilance and combat.
  • Garl Glittergold, greater god of all gnomes, as well as protection, humor, trickery, gemcutting and smithing. (also a core power)
  • Gelf Darkhearth, intermediate god of entropy and revenge.[4]
  • The Glutton, lesser god of disaster and greed.[4]
  • Ril Cleverthrush, lesser god of invention, creation and sky.[4]
  • Segojan Earthcaller, intermediate god of earth and nature.
  • Sheyanna Flaxenstrand, intermediate goddess of love, beauty and passion.[4]
  • Urdlen, intermediate god of greed, bloodlust, evil, hatred and blind destruction.

[edit] Goliath deities

  • Kavaki, the Ram-Lord, greater god of all goliaths as well as competition.[4]
  • Kuliak, the Dead Goddess, demigoddess of the dead and exiles.[4]
  • Manethak, the Wise Hunter, intermediate god of hunting and lore.[4]
  • Naki-Uthai, the Brave Climber, lesser god of mountains, climbing and bravery.[4]
  • Theleya, the Fertile One, intermediate goddess of fertility and growth.[4]
  • Vanua, the Harbinger of Woe, lesser god of natural disasters and misfortune.[4]

[edit] Halfling deities

  • Arvoreen, intermediate goddess of protection, vigilance and war.[3]
  • Brandobaris, lesser god of stealth, thieves and adventuring.[3]
  • Cyrrollalee, intermediate goddess of friendship, trust and home.[3]
  • Dallah Thaun, intermediate goddess of secrets, guile, thieves and rogues, acquisition of wealth and death. She is the darker aspect of Yondalla.[3]
  • Sheela Peryroyl, intermediate goddess of nature, agriculture and weather.[3]
  • Urogalan, demigod of earth, death and protection of the dead.[3]
  • Yondalla, greater goddess of all halflings, as well as family, law and protection. (also a core power).

[edit] Illumian deities

  • Alausha, demigoddess of learning, books and grief.
  • Glautru, demigod of prophecy, fate, life and death.
  • Soorinek, demigoddess of intrigue, secrets and betrayal.
  • Syeret, demigod of inspiration, light and creativity.
  • Tarmuid, demigod of all illumians, as well as magic and languages.
  • Wathaku, demigod of entropy, wrath and endings.

[edit] Raptoran deities

  • Duthila, lesser goddess of autumn, hunting and abundance.[3]
  • Kithin, lesser god of winter, the dead and dying, barrenness and paucity.[3]
  • Lliendil, intermediate god of weather, rain, storms, sun, wind, change and trickery.[3]
  • Nilthina, lesser god of summer, abundance, warmth, growth and lore.[3]
  • Tuilviel Glithien, greater god of all raptorans, as well as night birds, stars and moon.[3]
  • Ventila, lesser goddess of spring, fertility, growth and love.[3]

[edit] Monster deities

Monster deities refers to the gods of the monstrous races; in other words, those of races that are primarily to fight and are not generally intended as player characters. It should be noted that most of these beings are not actually gods. The dividing line between a god-like being and a true god in the D&D cosmology really seems to be the ability to grant divine spells to cleric worshipers and other divine casters. Most of the beings listed below are actually just very powerful extra-planar beings, though many have designs on godhood.[2]

[edit] Dragon deities

Bahamut and Tiamat are described in the primary materials for Dungeons & Dragons 3rd and 3.5th editions. Other draconic deities are described in sources such as Draconomicon and Races of the Dragon.

  • Aasterinian, demigoddess of play, invention and pleasure. Messenger of Io.[7]
  • Astilabor, lesser goddess of acquisitiveness, status and wealth.[7]
  • Bahamut, intermediate god of good (metallic) dragons, wisdom and the wind. (also an additional core power)
  • Chronepsis, lesser god of fate, death and judgement.[7]
  • Faluzure, lesser god of energy draining, undeath, decay and exhaustion.[7]
  • Garyx, lesser god of fire, destruction and renewal.[7]
  • Hlal, lesser god of humor, storytelling and inspiration.[7]
  • Io, greater god of all dragons, as well as balance and peace.[7]
  • Lendys, lesser god of balance and justice.[7]
  • Sardior, lesser dragon god of gem dragons, psionics, secrets, and the night.
  • Tamara, lesser goddess of life, light and mercy.[7]
  • Tiamat, intermediate goddess of evil (chromatic) dragons, conquest, greed and cruelty. (also an additional core power)

[edit] Drow deities

The deities of the Drow, an evil, underground-dwelling subrace of true Elves, are arranged in a corrupted version of the Elven pantheon called the Dark Seldarine.

  • Eilistraee, lesser goddess of good (renegade) drow, song, beauty, dance, swordwork, hunting and moonlight.
  • Kiaransalee, demigoddess of undead and vengeance.
  • Lolth, greater goddess of all drow, as well as spiders, evil, darkness, chaos and assassins. (also a core power and a nondeity power)
  • Vhaeraun, lesser god of male drow, thievery and evil activity on the surface.
  • Zinzerena, demigoddess of chaos and assassins.

[edit] Fey deities

The deities of fey and other mystical, nature-loving creatures are arranged in a pantheon called the Seelie Court (Dungeons & Dragons).

  • Caoimhin, demigod of killmoulis, food, shyness and friendship.
  • Damh, lesser god of korreds, satyrs, atomies, dance, song, and celebrations.
  • Eachthighern, lesser god of unicorns, pegasi, healing, loyalty and protection.
  • Emmantiensien, lesser god of treants, trees, and deep and hidden magic.
  • Fionnghuala, demigoddess of swanmays, communications and sorority.
  • Nathair Sgiathach, intermediate god of pseudodragons, faerie dragons, sprites, pixies, grigs, mischief and pranks.
  • Oberon, lesser god of nature, wild places and animals. Titania's consort.
  • Skerrit, lesser god of centaurs, community and natural balances.
  • Squelaiche, demigod of leprechauns, trickery and illusions.
  • Titania, greater goddess of all Fey, as well as their realms, friendship and magic. Leader of the Seelie Court and Oberon's consort.
  • Verenestra, lesser goddess of dryads, nymphs, sylphs, female fey, charm and beauty.

Evil-aligned fey venerate a dark, corrupted version of the Seelie Court called the Unseelie Court. This consists of only one member, who was exiled from the Seelie Court due to her evil ways:

[edit] Giant deities

  • Annam, greater god of all giants, as well as magic, knowledge, fertility and Philosophy.
  • Grolantor, intermediate god of hill giants, ettins, hunting and combat.
  • Hiatea, greater goddess of female giants, nature, agriculture, hunting and children.
  • Iallanis, lesser goddess of good giants, love, mercy and beauty.
  • Karontor, lesser god of fomorians, deformity, hatred and beasts.
  • Memnor, intermediate god of pride, mental prowess and control.
  • Skoraeus Stonebones, intermediate god of stone giants.
  • Stronmaus, greater god of cloud giants, storm giants, sun, sky, weather and joy.
  • Surtr, intermediate god of fire giants.
  • Thrym, intermediate god of frost giants, cold, ice and magic.

[edit] Goblin deities

[edit] Lycanthrope deities

[edit] Orc deities

  • Bahgtru, intermediate god of strength and combat.
  • Gruumsh, greater god of all orcs, as well as conquest, strength, survival and territory. (also a core power)
  • Ilneval, intermediate god of warfare.
  • Luthic, lesser goddess of female orcs, fertility, medicine and servitude.
  • Shargaas, intermediate god of darkness and thieves.
  • Yurtrus, intermediate god of death and disease.

[edit] Other deities

[edit] Nondeity powers

Similar to monster powers, these are not true deities but very powerful extraplanar beings. These however do not even profess to be gods (though many still have designs on godhood).

[edit] Demon lords of the Abyss

The single unifying feature of all demon lords (also called demon princes) is the control of one of the infinite layers of The Abyss. Only the first 666 layers of The Abyss are generally known, and of those only a small fraction of the princes of those layers are a part of the D&D cosmology.

  • Baphomet, Prince of Beasts, demon prince of beasts and vengeance. (also the monster power of minotaurs)[10]
  • Dagon, demon prince and patron of the deep sea.[10]
  • Demogorgon, self-proclaimed "Prince of Demons".[10]
  • Eltab, demon prince of hatred and retribution.
  • Fraz-Urb'luu, demon prince and patron of illusionists and tricksters.[10]
  • Graz'zt, demon prince and patron of rulers by force.[10]
  • Juiblex, demon prince and patron of oozes and slimes.[10]
  • Kostchtchie, demon prince of the 23rd layer of The Abyss, the Ice Wastes; patron of evil frost giants.[11] [10]
  • Lolth, demon princess of spiders, evil, darkness, chaos and assassins. (also a core power and the monster power of Drow)[8] [2] [3]
  • Malcanthet, demon queen of the succubi and patron of the hedonistic and lustful.[10]
  • Obox-ob, demon prince and patron of vermin.[10]
  • Orcus, demon prince of the 113th layer of The Abyss, Thanatos and patron of the undead.[6] [10]
  • Pale Night, demon princess and self-proclaimed mother of the demon lords.[10]
  • Pazuzu, demon prince of the 503rd layer of the Abyss.[10]
  • Sess'Innek, demon prince of civilization and dominion. (also the monster power of dark nagas and lizard kings)
  • Vaprak, demon prince of combat and greed. (also the monster power of ogres and trolls)
  • Yeenoghu, demon prince and patron of gnolls.[10]
  • Zuggtmoy, demon princess and "Lady of the Fungi".[10]
  • Numerous others.

[edit] Arch-devils of Baator

[edit] Celestial paragons

The celestial paragons are powerful unique outsiders of the Upper Planes. They are to the celestials as the archdevils are to the devils and the demon lords are to demons.

[edit] Archon paragons

The celestial paragons of the archons are known collectively as the Celestial Hebdomad. They rule the layers of the Plane of Mount Celestia.

ruler of the Silver Heaven of Lunia, the bottom layer of Celestia.
ruler of the Golden Heaven of Mercuria, the second layer of Celestia.
ruler of Venya, the Pearly Heaven, the third layer of Celestia.
Pistis Sophia
ruler of Solania, the Crystal Heaven, the fourth layer of Celestia.
ruler of Mertion, the Platinum Heaven, the fifth layer of Celestia.
ruler of Jovar, the Glittering Heaven, the sixth layer of Celestia.
ruler of the Illuminated Heaven of Chronias, the seventh layer of Celestia.

[edit] Eladrin paragons

The celestial paragons of the eladrins are collectively known as The Court of Stars. They hail from the Plane of Arborea.

oversees the defense of the Court of Stars and liberates eladrins captured by evil forces.
Queen Morwel's loyal champion and a barbarian of unparalleled ferocity.
the ruler of the eladrins and the Court of Stars.

[edit] Guardinal paragons

The celestial paragons of the guardinals are collectively known as Talisid and the Five Companions. They hail from the plane of Elysium.

the matriarch of the Ursinals, resides on Eronia, the second layer of Elysium.
the paragon of Lupinals.
the duke of the Cervidals.
the voice of the Avorals, and matron and muse for painters and sculptors.
the most powerful of Leonals. Spends most of his time on Amoria, the topmost layer of Elysium.
the duchess of the Equinals, resides on Amoria.

[edit] Archomentals

Archomentals are powerful exemplary beings of the Elemental Planes and the rulers of the elementals. Although they are not truly rulers of their planes, archomentals like to consider themselves as much and often grant themselves regal titles like Prince or Princess. They are compared in the source material to the archfiends or celestial paragons, and are considered to be the elemental equivalent of such beings.

[edit] Evil Archomentals

The evil archomentals are collectively known as the Princes of Elemental Evil. The five most famous are:

  • Cryonax, prince of evil cold creatures.
  • Imix, prince of evil fire creatures.
  • Ogrémoch, prince of evil earth creatures.
  • Olhydra, princess of evil water creatures.
  • Yan-C-Bin, prince of evil air creatures.

[edit] Good Archomentals

The good archomentals are collectively known as the Elemental Princes of Good. The five most famous are:

  • Ben-Hadar, prince of good water creatures.
  • Chan, princess of good air creatures.
  • Entemoch and Sunnis, prince and princess of good earth creatures.
  • Zaaman Rul, prince of good fire creatures.

[edit] Archomentals of Uncertain Alignment

Three other archomentals are mentioned in Manual of the Planes (TSR, 1987). Only their names and planes are given; it is unknown if they are evil or good.

  • Bwimb, prince of ooze creatures.
  • Chlimbia, prince of magma creatures.
  • Ehkahk, prince of smoke creatures.

[edit] Slaad Lords

The Slaad Lords are the de-facto rules of the Slaadi race and the plane of Limbo. Though true to their chaotic nature they often do not appear anything like other Slaadi.

  • Chourst, lord of randomness.
  • Rennbuu, lord of colors.
  • Ssendam, lord of madness.
  • Wartle, domain unknown.
  • Ygorl, lord of entropy.

[edit] Titans

"Titans are closer to the well spring of life and thus experience more pronounced emotion including Deity-like fits of rage. in ages past some rebelled against the deities themselves..." these two sentences, from the monster manual 3.5 edition, indicate that they are strong enough to challenge the deities and thus deserve mention as a significant non-deity power.

[edit] The Lady of Pain

The Lady of Pain is an enigmatic being who oversees the city of Sigil in the plane of the Outlands. Almost nothing is known about her; her origin, her race, her motives and her level of power are all obscure. She is shown at times; however, to have absolutely immense power. In the Forgotten Realms campaign setting, the creator of the world is Ao, an overgod. He and other overgods do not tolerate mortal worshippers. The Lady of Pain, likewise, refuses to tolerate worshippers, killing those who do worship her, and as such she may also be an overgod. As Sigil supposedly lies at the center of the multiverse; the Lady of Pain may indeed be the creator of the multiverse, the ruler of absolutely everything, and the most powerful being on this entire list. Then again; she may not be; she may only be a non-deity power on par with the mere demon lords and celestial paragons described above. Again; virtually nothing is known about her.

[edit] Vestiges

These entities are outside the boundary of life, death, and undeath. They are untouchable by even the most powerful deities although they can be summoned and used by the weakest mortal through pact magic and binding. Binders are often feared and hunted down by "Witch Slayers." The list of vestiges that can be bonded with include:

  • Acererak: The Devourer.
  • Agares: Truth Betrayed.
  • Amon: The Void Before The Altar.
  • Andras: The Grey Knight.
  • Andomalius: The Repentant Rogue.
  • Aym: Queen Avarice.
  • Balam: The Bitter Angel.
  • Buer: Grandmother Huntress.
  • Benh'Aenni: The Quivering Mound of Injustice.
  • Chupoclops: Harbinger of Forever.
  • Dahlver-Nar: The Tortured One.
  • Dantalion: The Star Emperor.
  • Eligor: Dragon's Slayer.
  • Eurynome: Mother of the Material.
  • Focalor: Prince of Tears.
  • Geryon: The Deposed Lord.
  • Haggenti: Mother of Minotaurs.
  • Halphax: Angel in the Angle.
  • Haures: The Dreaming Duke.
  • Ipos: Prince of Fools.
  • Karsus: Hubris in the Blood.
  • Leraje: The Green Herald.
  • Malphas: The Turnfeather.
  • Marchosias: King of Killers.
  • Naberius: The Grinning Hound.
  • Orthos: Sovereign of the Howling Dark.
  • Otiax: The Key to the Gate.
  • Paimon: The Dancer.
  • Ronove: The Iron Maiden.
  • Savnok: The Instigator.
  • Shax: Sea Sister.
  • Tenebrous: The Shadow That Was.
  • Zagan: Duke of Disappointment.
  • ~Vestiges were introduced in D&D: Tome of Magic supplement
  • ~By Matthew Sernett, Ari Marmell, David Noonan, Robert J. Schwalb. Wizards of the Coast (C) march 2006
  • the supplement Dragon Magic, by Rodney Thompson and Owen Stephens published in September 2006, introduces this vestige:
  • Ashardalon: Pyre of the Unborn
  • wizards of the coast created these vestiges online:

[edit] Fourth edition deities

Melora Sehanine Avandra Bahamut

[edit] See also

[edit] References

  1. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u Tweet, Jonathan; Cook, Monte and Williams, Skip (2003). Player's Handbook: Core Rulebook I v.3.5. Wizards of the Coast. ISBN 0-7869-2886-7. 
  2. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z Redman, Rich; Williams, Skip and Wyatt, James (2002). Deities and Demigods. Wizards of the Coast. ISBN 0-7869-2654-6. 
  3. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v Williams, Skip (2005). Races of the Wild. Wizards of the Coast. ISBN 0-7869-3438-7. 
  4. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t Noonan, David; Decker, Jesse and Lyons, Michelle (2004). Races of Stone. Wizards of the Coast. ISBN 0-7869-3278-3. 
  5. ^ Noonan, David (2004). Complete Divine. ISBN 0786932724. 
  6. ^ a b c d e Collins, Andy; Cordell, Bruce R. (2004). Libris Mortis: The Book of Undead. Wizards of the Coast. ISBN 0-7869-3433-6. 
  7. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m Kestrel, Gwendolyn F.M.; Wilkes, Jennifer Clarke and Liquette, Kolja Raven (2006). Races of the Dragon. Wizards of the Coast. ISBN 0-7869-3913-3. 
  8. ^ a b Cook, Monte; Tweet, Jonathan and Williams, Skip (2003). Dungeon Master's Guide: Core Rulebook II v.3.5. Wizards of the Coast. ISBN 0-7869-2886-7. 
  9. ^ a b c Cagle, Eric; Rosenberg, Aaron (2004). Races of Destiny. Wizards of the Coast. ISBN 0-7869-3653-3. 
  10. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n Stark, Ed; Jacobs, James and Mona, Erik (2006). Fiendish Codex I: Hordes of the Abyss. Wizards of the Coast. ISBN 0-7869-3919-2. 
  11. ^ Baur, Wolfgang; Jacobs, James and Strayton, George (2004). Frostburn: Mastering the Perils of Ice and Snow. Wizards of the Coast. ISBN 0-7869-2896-4. 
  12. ^ a b c d e f g h i Cook, Monte (2002). Book of Vile Darkness. Wizards of the Coast. ISBN 0-7869-2650-3. 

[edit] External links

  • The Gods List - Available at Planewalker contains basic information on all gods released in the Dungeons & Dragons product line.
  • Encyclopedia of the Planes - Some more detailed information on a lot of deities from Dungeons & Dragons (among many other things).