List of Charmed family and friends

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This is a list of all the Charmed Ones family and friends that have recurring roles on the television series Charmed. Characters from the Charmed books are not included, as the books are not considered to follow in continuity with the series.


[edit] Close Family

[edit] Penelope Halliwell, nee Johnson

Main article: Penelope Halliwell
The Charmed Ones' Grandmother
The Charmed Ones' Grandmother

Born - June 23, 1931, Boston
Died - March 5, 1998, San Francisco
Relationship - Daughter of P. Baxter and Gordon Johnson; Mother of Patricia Halliwell; Grandmother of the Charmed Ones.
Marital Status - Married four times; first marriage: Allen Halliwell.
Powers - Telekinesis.

Jennifer Rhodes, Kara Zediker - Grandmother of Prudence, Piper, Phoebe, and Paige; mother of Patricia, wife of Allen Halliwell.[1] (and three other men). Born Penelope Johnson on June 23, 1931 and died March 5, 1998.[2] A powerful and no-nonsense woman, she possessed the power of telekinesis[3] and added a great many potions and spells to the Book of Shadows. She bound Prue, Piper, and Phoebe's powers when they were children to protect them from a warlock.[3] After Patty died, Grams raised the three girls on her own and kept the secrets of their Charmed destiny and Paige's existence from them. She died of a heart attack six months before the events of the first season),[4] but continues to watch over her grandchildren (she flips the pages of the Book of Shadows in the early years). "Women in our family keep their last name."

[edit] Allen Halliwell

Born - 19 June 1930
Died - 13 January 1967, San Francisco
Relationship - Brother of Janice; Father of Patricia Halliwell; Grandfather of the Charmed Ones.
Marital Status - Married: Penelope "Penny" Johnson.
Powers - None (mortal).

Patrick Cassidy - Allen Halliwell was the first husband of Penelope "Penny" Johnson, the father of her only daughter, Patricia Halliwell, and grandfather of the four Charmed Ones (Prudence, Piper and Phoebe Halliwell, and Paige Matthews).[1] Allen, a mortal who was completely accepting of witchcraft,[5] and his wife were peace-loving hippies during the 1960s, hosting many be-ins at the family manor and gatherings in the local park.[1] Unfortunately, Allen was killed by Penny's former best friend, Robyn, and Robyn's warlock boyfriend, Nigel. As a result, Penelope became a fierce demon and warlock slayer, vanquishing Nigel in revenge.[1] Allen was never able to witness the birth of his granddaughters; however, he met Piper, Phoebe and Paige when the three accidentally time-traveled to the time immediately before (and immediately after) his death.[1] According to his widow, Allen was a "good man" and, even today, his great-grandson Wyatt Halliwell has "a little" resemblance to him.[6]

[edit] Patricia Halliwell

Main article: Patricia Halliwell
The Charmed Ones' Mother, Patty Halliwell Is Played By Actress Finola Hughes
The Charmed Ones' Mother, Patty Halliwell Is Played By Actress Finola Hughes

Born - 5 April 1950
Died - 28 February 1978, San Francisco
Relationship - Daughter of Penelope and Allen Halliwell; Niece of Janice Halliwell and "Aunt Phoebe"; Mother of the Charmed Ones; Grandmother of Wyatt, Chris and Melinda Halliwell, Henry Mitchell Jr. and Phoebe's and Paige's other children.
Marital Status - Divorced: Victor Bennett; Lover: Samuel Wilder
Powers - Molecular immobilization

Finola Hughes - Mother of Prue, Piper, Phoebe, and Paige; daughter of Allen and Penelope. She was married to Victor Bennett and had an affair with her Whitelighter Samuel Wilder (Paige's father).[7] Patty kept her fourth pregnancy a secret, since the Elders wouldn't approve, and gave the baby up shortly after giving birth).[8] Only her mother and lover knew about that child. Like Piper, Patty possessed the power of molecular immobilization,[7] and she was briefly able to have premonitions while carrying Phoebe, which means she more than likely was telekinetic whilst carrying Prue and Paige.[3] She was killed by a water demon on February 28, 1978,[7] but her spirit occasionally visits her children.

[edit] Victor Bennett

Born - 16, January 1949.
Relationship - Father of Prudence, Piper and Phoebe Halliwell; No relation to Paige Matthews; Grandfather of Wyatt, Chris and Melinda Halliwell and Phoebe's daughters.
Marital Status - Married twice, first: Patricia "Patty" Halliwell, second: Doris (in 2003).
Powers - None (mortal).

Victor Bennett is played by James Read
Victor Bennett is played by James Read

Tony Denison (season 1), James Read (seasons 3-8) - The father of Prue, Piper, and Phoebe. He divorced the Charmed Ones' mother, Patricia Halliwell, when the girls were young, after not coping well with his wife and daughters having supernatural powers. Victor wasn't present for much of the girls' lives; his eldest daughter Prue resented him for most of her life. He began building a relationship with his daughters after they rediscovered their powers in their twenties.[9] By end of the third season, he was on good terms with all three girls. At the beginning of the fourth season, he found out that Patty and her whitelighter Sam had a daughter named Paige together, and treated her like a daughter of his own.[8] He has also reconciled with Patty through conversations with her ghost (though he still doesn't get along with Grams' spirit). Victor travels a lot for work and only occasionally drops in for visits. In the future as told by his grandson Chris, he and Victor were close due to Piper's death; however, as the Charmed Ones and Chris put the future on a different course and Piper's death was averted, it is unknown if this will change (based upon how happy adult Wyatt and Chris are to see Victor in the episode "Forever Charmed", it appears the two grandsons still have a close relationship with their grandfather even though Piper lives to an old age). He takes custody of both Wyatt and Chris when the Charmed Ones have to fake their deaths at the end of Season 7.[10] Tony Denison portrayed Victor for one episode, after which James Read took over the role. Victor was originally written to have the surname Halliwell (see "Thank You for Not Morphing"), but the family tree shown in "Pardon My Past" listed it as Jones. After that episode, he was known for a short time as Victor Bennet before settling on Bennett.

[edit] Sam Wilder

Scott Jaeck as Sam Wilder
Scott Jaeck as Sam Wilder

Samuel "Sam" Wilder , is a fictional character on the WB television series Charmed. He is played by actor Scott Jaeck.

Sam Wilder is a Whitelighter and Paige's father. Not much is known of his life as a mortal, but he did receive New York's Teacher of the Year award for 1872. After his death he became a whitelighter, one of his charges was Patty Halliwell.[7]

During the end of her marriage to husband Victor Bennett, Patty fell in love with Sam and he fathered her fourth child. Fearing repercussions if their relationship were to be discovered by the Elders, Sam and Patty took their newborn daughter to a church and gave her up to a nun there. They requested only that her name start with a "P" like the rest of the members of the Halliwell family.[11]

When a water demon began attacking children in the lake at a camp, Sam told Patty not to interfere because it was too strong. He feared for her life and tried to stop her. Patty was forced to freeze him with her powers of temporal stasis, but in the time it took her, the water demon attacked and killed Patty.[7]

Blaming himself for the death of his charge and lover, Sam "clipped his wings" and stayed to live out his days at the camp, doing odd jobs there.[7]

When the Charmed Ones start to investigate the water demon, Sam tries to use some of Patty's memory dust that he had been saving for years. In an effort to protect them, he wants to keep them away from the camp, but the sisters break the spell and return. Together, Prue, Piper, Phoebe, Leo and Sam are able to use Patty's plan of electrocuting the water demon to kill it. Sam, however, is mortally wounded during the fight.[7]

Leo tries to heal Sam, but can't because he was not meant to. Sam is content to die, however, and is reunited with Patty, whom he sees as a specter, returning to greet Sam and take him into the afterlife.[7]

Sam, however, does not die, he is made a Whitelighter again and once again stops using his whitelighter powers. In Season 5, he is made Paige's first charge and at the same time she finds out who he is and understands what happened.[12] He reappears in season 8, where Paige felt she again had to get over her issues with Sam. His James Dean-esque charge from the 1950s, J.D., required extra help, which is why Sam contacted his daughter for the case.[13]

Sam's powers include: Orbing, healing, glamouring, sensing charges, limited telepathic communication with charges, thermokinesis, and hovering.

[edit] P. Baxter

P.Baxter, Past Life Of Piper Halliwell and Mother Of Penny Halliwell
P.Baxter, Past Life Of Piper Halliwell and Mother Of Penny Halliwell

Born- September 1897

Died - December 1970

Relationship - Mother of Penelope "Penny" Johnson. Cousins - P. Russell and P. Bowen

Marital Status - married Gordon Johnson.

Powers- Molecular Immobilization.

She is the great grandmother of the Charmed Ones and mother to Penelope Halliwell. She is a past life of Piper Halliwell.

In the 1920s, Baxter held a club which was very popular. She had a husband called Gordon Johnson, who was mortal, and two cousins P. Bowen and P. Russell, both of whom were witches. Unfortunately her cousin P. Russell fell in love with an immortal warlock named Anton. P. Russell fell under the influence of evil, and as a result went after her cousins, P. Baxter and P. Bowen. In the midst of the battle, P. Russell was captured by her cousins and killed. P. Russell had the power to throw fire, an upper-level demonic power; due to her abuse of that power, Phoebe Halliwell has no active powers until her third year as a witch.

[edit] Children

[edit] Children of Piper Halliwell and Leo Wyatt

  • Wyatt Matthew Halliwell: Wes Ramsey, Jason & Kristopher Simmons - Wyatt, the first child of Piper and Leo, was born to a prophecy that he is the 'twice-blessed child'. Born February 2, 2003, the day of the Wiccan Festival of Lights,[14] he is gifted with much magical power, including being the heir to Excalibur.[15] In an alternate future, Wyatt was kidnapped by the corrupted elder Gideon, and was, subsequently, raised evil. During his adult life he murdered his surviving aunt (Phoebe Halliwell - Paige Matthews had already been killed by the Titans, and the Power of Three was broken) and may have even been responsible for the death of his own parents. He later took over the manor, spread evil through it and tried to murder his brother, Christopher Halliwell. Luckily, Chris was able to travel back in time, to before Wyatt's kidnapping, and managed to keep Wyatt pure and innocent. Leo Wyatt, their father, killed Gideon,[16] and Wyatt grew to become a gentle and kind whitelighter-witch, who sacrifices his time in order to vanquish demons and warlocks and save innocents. 'Wyatt' was named after Leo Wyatt and 'Matthews' after Paige, who risked their lives to protect Wyatt.
  • Christopher Perry Halliwell: Drew Fuller - Chris was the second son of Piper Halliwell and Leo Wyatt. During the time when Piper and Leo separated (when Leo was promoted to becoming an elder) the couple accidentally traveled to the ghostly plane. It was here that, after discussing their true feelings for one another, they conceived Chris.[17] Unfortunately, in an alternate future Chris was raised by his grandfather, Victor Bennett (who later developed a smoking-related illness that may have killed him), after his mother, Piper Halliwell, died when he was 14. Furthermore, Chris had to deal with the fact that his elder brother, Wyatt, had become evil and was responsible for the death of Chris' fianceé, Bianca, and his aunt Phoebe Halliwell. Fortunately, Chris traveled back in time, to before Wyatt turned evil and managed to save his family. He is kind, humorous, although somewhat neurotic; he notes that Wyatt's multitude of powers has left him with an "inferiority complex" (on learning that Wyatt even had powers before his birth, Chris seemed somewhat outraged), and believes that family should always come first. Chris was named after Leo's father, Christopher, but his middle name (Perry) is unknown of it's origin.
  • Prudence Melinda Halliwell: Kathleen Teresa Scott - Both the Official Charmed Companion Book "The Book of Three, Vol. 2" and the official Charmed Magazine have confirmed that Piper and Leo will have a third child, a daughter, and that she will be named Prudence Melinda. Nonetheless, After the births of Wyatt and Chris, Piper and Leo had a third child: their first daughter. In the episode, "Baby's First Demon", Phoebe has said that Piper originally wanted to name her first child, Prudence Melinda. She was shown only in a short scene, being sent off to school with Wyatt and Chris, in one of the flashforward sequences at the very end of "Forever Charmed". The name "Melinda" appeared in one of the episode's casting scripts, but the name was not mentioned explicitly in the final episode. Other than the fact that she exists, there is little information about her. Melinda may only have inherited her powers from Piper, as Leo gave up his immortality to be with his family in Season 7.

[edit] Children of Phoebe Halliwell and Coop

Billie looks after Phoebes two eldest daughters, while Phoebe is pregnant with her third child
Billie looks after Phoebes two eldest daughters, while Phoebe is pregnant with her third child
  • Eldest daughter Halliwell : - With her husband Coop, Phoebe will conceive a daughter a few years after the birth of her nephew Christopher Halliwell. The daughter is only ever nicknamed on the show as "Ladybug". Subsequently, she will attend a local elementary school, alongside her two cousins, Wyatt and Chris, who will often tease her by playing on her mild fear of demons. Phoebe has been extremely proud of her daughter, even years before her birth. (Phoebe's daughter was stated as "Little Phoebe" By Piper at some point, maybe they call her "Lady bug" as a nickname, named after her mother to not get the two confused.)
  • Middle and Youngest Daughters Halliwell: Two years After the birth of their eldest daughter, Phoebe and Coop will be blessed with another daughter and four years after the birth of their middle daughter, they will welcome their last little girl. Their powers are unknown. The youngest of these two daughters will be born when "Ladybug" is six.

[edit] Children of Paige Matthews and Henry Mitchell

Paige, with her three children
Paige, with her three children
  • Twin Daughters Mitchell: Paige and Henry had twin daughters in the Charmed series, this is seen at the end of the final Charmed Episode, "Forever Charmed". One of her daughters is believed to be named "Pandora", as stated in one of the Charmed Books.
  • Henry Mitchell Jr.: Paige and Henry also had one son. Paige tells us, in Forever Charmed, that his name is "Little Henry" signifying his name is Henry, after his father. "Little Henry" is the only other child of a Charmed One to have their first name mentioned in "Forever Charmed", the Final Episode.

[edit] Halliwell family tree

Template:Family tree Template:Family tree

Penelope Johnson
Allen Halliwell
Victor Bennett
Patricia Halliwell
Sam Wilder
Prue Halliwell
Piper Halliwell
Leo Wyatt
Phoebe Halliwell
Paige Matthews
Henry Mitchell
Wyatt Halliwell
Chris Halliwell
Melinda Halliwell
Ashely Halliwell
Katilyn Halliwell
Sophie Halliwell
Henry Mitchell Jr
Pandora Mitchell
Phoebe Mitchell)

[edit] Grand Children

  • Matthew Halliwell:Unknown actor - During the final episode, Matt is portrayed with his grandfather in magic school. Because of his whitelighter powers he is believed to be the son of Wyatt or Chris Halliwell.
  • Prudence(According to the Forever Charmed commentary):Unknown actress - During the final episode, the little girl is portrayed with her grandmother Piper reading the Book of Shadows. As her telekinesis did not have a whitelighter variation (with orbs), she is believed to be the daughter of Melinda Halliwell.

Other than these two children, there are at the very least two boys and girls seen in the series finalé, it has not been made clear whose grandchildren these are.

[edit] Children of the Charmed Ones in alternate realities

  • Melinda Halliwell: Clara Thomas - During the episode "Morality Bites", the three original Charmed Ones traveled to the future, where Piper met her alternate future daughter, with Leo Wyatt, Melinda. Although the Charmed Ones actually met Melinda in the future, this was a future in which Melinda was Piper's first born child, Leo and Piper were divorced, Prue was still alive, Leo was not an Elder (nor, to our knowledge, an Avatar), and Wyatt and Chris Halliwell did not exist. This Melinda ceased to exist as the future was changed. However, Piper and Leo did go on to have another child, a daughter who was named "Melinda" in the scripts, but never named on the actual show.
  • Phoebe's and Leslie's Children: When the Charmed Ones changed reality after Lady Godiva was not able to demonstrate women's rights, they created a world where women were completely subservient to men. In this world, Phoebe Halliwell married Lesley "Les" St. Claire and, subsequently, had his children.
"Phoebe? What are you doing here? What are you wearing? Who's watching our children? Why aren't you at home with them?" -- Leslie St. Claire, The Bare Witch Project
  • No Children: In the reality where Melinda Halliwell was born, Phoebe did not have any children. Additionally, the same can be said for Paige in the future where she was killed by the Titans and Wyatt was converted to evil (Phoebe may also not have had children in this reality). However, later statements made by Chris contradict his original assertion that Paige remained a statue in his reality (in Spin City, for example, he says that he goes to Paige for money in the future).
  • The Warren Witches In the book, The Warren Witches, Paige had a future daughter named Pandora, and a granddaughter named Posie.

[edit] Friends, lovers, allies, and co-workers

Cole Turner (Julian McMahon)
Cole is Phoebe's first husband. When he first appears on the show, he is a powerful and legendary demon named Belthazor, trying to destroy the Charmed Ones. But because he is half-human, he ends up falling in love with Phoebe. Once his true self is revealed, Phoebe decides that she still loves him anyway and fakes his vanquish in order to save him. Upon his return, their relationship begins as a constant struggle to stay together through the disapproval of her sisters and trying to fight off countless demons who either want to kill Belthazor for being a "traitor" or try to lure him back to evil. After about a year of being together, he becomes completely human, but is soon tricked by the Seer into being possessed by the Source of All Evil. The Charmed Ones vanquish him as the Source, but Cole finds a way to come back from the dead. He refuses to give up on Phoebe, who won't accept him back into her life. He ultimately ends up going mad in his inner struggle between good and evil. After his final vanquish, he is doomed to spend eternity in Limbo for all that he had done to Phoebe, but continues to watch over her, unseen
Coop (Victor Webster)
The cupid sent by the Elders for Phoebe to fall in love with. After all they put her through, the Elders believed it was the least they could do. Phoebe and Coop married in 2006 and had 3 daughters.
Henry Mitchell (Ivan Sergei)
Paige's husband (married in 2006), and a parole officer. He knows she's a witch and has no problem with that. He and Paige first met in "Battle of the Hexes", where Henry was parole officer to Paige's new charge. While at first they didn't really like each other, their relationship grew over time. They had 2 twin girls and a boy named Henry Jr. in the future.
Agent Kyle Brody (Kerr Smith)
A mysterious federal agent who knows a lot about the supernatural world. Brody witnessed his parents' murder (by supernatural means) as a child and spent the majority of his life seeking vengeance against the beings he believed to be responsible for their deaths. For the majority of his life, he believed those beings were the Avatars, an ancient supernatural race determined to end the battle between Good and Evil by imposing their own order on the world. Brody is an ordinary mortal armed only with an ancient potion that kills Avatars. His search for these beings leads him to the Charmed Ones; he helps keep their secret in exchange for their help. While Piper, Phoebe, Leo, and Darryl are wary of Brody's extreme methods, Paige overlooks his obsession as she falls in love with him. Despite being later convinced that the Avatars were, in fact, not responsible for the death of his parents, Brody remained unconvinced of their motives, and formed an alliance with the demon Zankou in an effort to stop the Avatars from going through with their plan. Brody was killed while taking out the Avatar Beta, only to return as a whitelighter to bid farewell to his beloved Paige.
Billie Jenkins (Kaley Cuoco)
Billie is Paige's charge. While at first over-confident in her abilities, she eventually becomes a student of the sisters, helping them to maintain their normal lives. After being swayed by her sister Christy to betray the Halliwells, Billie eventually sides with them in the series finale.
Darryl Morris (Dorian Gregory)
Although Darryl is not a part of the Halliwell clan, he is like family to the girls. Darryl is a detective and is the reason the girls don't get arrested in the many times where they come close. No doubt about it, Morris looks after the Charmed Ones. He knows their secret and so does his wife. He is always sacrificing his job to help out. His wife, Sheila, forced him to move to another state.
Sheila Morris (Sandra Prosper)
Sheila is the wife of Inspector Darryl Morris. Darryl told her about the Halliwells being witches and she was able to cope with and understand it, which rather shocked the Halliwell sisters, she regarded them as family. She became frustrated when he spent so much time covering for them, and demanded that he stop after his life was put in danger when doing it.
Agent Murphy (Brandon Quinn)
A federal agent from homeland security much like Agent Brody and Keyes. The sisters reveal to him that they faked their deaths and made him promise to cover up their secret for them, in exchange for his safety and the occasional supernatural favour for the government. After the sisters discovered a government strategy using demons to create supersoldiers, which nearly wiped out the magical community, the sisters and Agent Murphy decided to stop working together.
Jason Dean (Eric Dane)
He was the new boss of 'The Bay Mirror', the newspaper Phoebe wrote advice for, and became Phoebe's boyfriend for over a year, Phoebe fell in love with him and he loved her. Jason was very career-oriented, and Phoebe traveled all over the world with him, including living in Hong Kong for a while. Phoebe was always working to keep her witch life a secret from him, and when he found out it ultimately led to the decision that they should not be together anymore.
Drake Dèmon (Billy Zane)
Drake was a Mercury Demon who had never killed an innocent because his extensive readings had taught him about human feelings. Cole Turner's ghost directed him to a Sorcerer who made him human for a year – the condition was that Drake had to renew Phoebe's faith in love before his year ended (at which point he'd die). Drake retained his demonic powers, but would lose them to the Sorcerer if he used them for evil. He worked briefly at the Magic School and fulfilled his promise to Cole before he died (falling for Phoebe in the process).
Elder Odin (John de Lancie)
A very powerful and uncompromising Whitelighter Elder. He was one of the Elders who put Leo on his test, but unfairly guided him to becoming an Elder on the way.
Elise Rothman (Rebecca Balding)
Phoebe's boss and editor at the Bay Mirror. She is hard and strict, but as the series progressed has become somewhat less so, especially towards Phoebe. When the Charmed ones faked their deaths, Elise openly admitted that Phoebe "was" her best friend, caring for her so much that she considered her the daughter she never had. Phoebe's reaction, under the guise of a false cousin, was very emotional in itself, showing the two truly grew a strong friendship in the 4 years Phoebe worked at the paper.
Kira (Charisma Carpenter)
A clairvoyant demon who uses a large pool to show her visions to her visitors. She foresees the Avatar's ascendance and attempts to make a deal with the Charmed Ones to become mortal. She's vanquished by Zankou before she has the chance.
Jack Sheridan (Lochlyn Munro)
Jack worked alongside Prue Halliwell in Bucklands Auction House. A cocky, friendly, fun-loving man who is surprisingly competent at his job. He dates Prue until she quits from her job at Bucklands. He has an identical twin brother named Jeff.
Leslie St. Claire (Nick Lachey)
A ghostwriter hired to write Phoebe Halliwell's advice column at the beginning of the 7th Season. Although Phoebe was shocked to learn that her ghostwriter was a man, she nonetheless finds herself in a romantic relationship with him for the six episodes during which he appeared.
Dex Lawson (Jason Lewis)
A artist who apparently has an interest in Phoebe in the beginning of the 8th season, after finding out that she was dead. Phoebe surprisingly has a premonition that they are going to get married. After an overnight trip with him, they get married, but only under the influence of a spell. She has no other choice but to tell him the truth: that she is a witch. She predicted that he was going to be her child's father and later on takes a pregnancy test believing she is pregnant. Her second test proved it was false. With that, she told Dex to annul the marriage and to take things slower.
Elder Sandra (Elizabeth Dennehy)
This female Elder is kinder to Leo and the sisters, even after they caused chaos in attempt to change the world. When Paige received a ringing (like all the other whitelighters), she sent her out to help a whitelighter-to-be in order to stop the ringing. That helped Paige gain clarity to herself and Sandra helped her to accept her new destiny as a whitelighter. She later appears to advise the sisters on how to reclaim the Book of Shadows and the Nexus from Zankou, and then again to Piper on how to deal with Billie and Christy.
Dan Gordon (Greg Vaughan)
Dan Gordon were next-door neighbors of the Halliwell Sisters.[18] He was a former baseball player for the Seattle Mariners until he blew out his knee sliding home, then worked in construction. He was in a relationship with Piper Halliwell. While dating Piper, he notices the oddity of the girls' lives and often suspects that they are hiding something. While Piper was attracted to Dan since he became their neighbor, she decides to date him instead of Leo because she felt that the relationship would be much less complicated than the on-again, off-again relationship she had with Leo. However, Piper's sudden unexplained disappearances and avoidance of his questions drives Dan crazy and makes him feel insecure in their relationship. He also always feels threatened by Leo, because even though Piper does not see him often, he knew that they had been serious and that Piper still cares for him. Dan feels as though he is simply "geographically desirable" and that that is the basis of the entire relationship. Piper finally breaks up with Dan after she realizes that despite loving Dan, she loves Leo more. Dan also becomes very suspicious of Leo and even asks his brother-in-law who works for the state department to check Leo's army records. When his brother-in-law discovers that Leo had been a soldier in World War II and had died in the war, Dan presents the information to Leo and finally to Piper. Dan moves away to Portland, Oregon when he was offered a job there, deciding that it was time for him to get on with his life.[19] Dan's past life in the 1920s was as Gordon Johnson, husband of P. Baxter (Piper's past life) and great-grandfather of the Halliwell sisters.[2]
Jenny Gordon (Karis Paige Bryant)
Jenny is the niece of Dan Gordon and next-door neighbor, and friend, of the Halliwell Sisters. Her parents were busy re-locating to a new home for their work and asked Dan to care for her until they were settled in. She was known to come to Piper, Phoebe and Prue for female advice when she was too embarrassed to talk to Dan.[20] She only appeared in few episodes, and in the end, she did not serve any major purpose in any of the plotlines, except for helping a boy realize that he is something he doesn't belive he is by giving him an advice[20]. She was then written to live with her parents again.
Glen Belland (Jesse Woodrow)
He had been Paige's best friend since kindergarten, and they have been dating and breaking-up since high school. Eventually he married Jessica, a girl he met while climbing the Matterhorn in Switzerland.
Claire Pryce (Christine Rose)
She replaced Rex Buckland as Prue's boss and the head of Buckland's Auction House. She is very strict and does not accept mistakes, especially from Prue's sudden family emergencies that never stop coming.
Richard Montana (Balthazar Getty)
A member of an old family of witches. Because of a curse he was not allowed to use magic anymore. Paige and Richard used to go out but this relationship did not last long because of his use of magic. He later strpped his powers to lead a normal life.

[edit] References

  1. ^ a b c d e "Witchstock". Charmed. The WB Television Network. 2004-01-11.
  2. ^ a b "Pardon My Past". Charmed. The WB Television Network. 2000-02-17.
  3. ^ a b c "That '70s Episode". Charmed. The WB Television Network. 1999-04-07.
  4. ^ "PreWitched". Charmed. The WB Television Network. 2001-03-22.
  5. ^ As Penelope Halliwell said in "Witchstock", "Allen [is] not a witch, but he's cool with it".
  6. ^ During Wyatt's wiccaning, in "Necromancing the Stone", his great-grandmother, Penelope Halliwell told the Charmed Ones that "he looks a little like your grandfather. Oh, trust me, that's a good thing. He was a good man."
  7. ^ a b c d e f g h "P3 H2O". Charmed. The WB Television Network. 1999-12-08.
  8. ^ a b "Charmed Again (Part2)". Charmed. The WB Television Network. 2001-10-04.
  9. ^ "Thank You for Not Morphing". Charmed. The WB Television Network. 1998-10-21.
  10. ^ "Something Wicca This Way Goes". Charmed. The WB Television Network. 2005-05-22.
  11. ^ "Charmed Again (Part 1)". Charmed. The WB Television Network. 2001-10-04.
  12. ^ "Sam I Am". Charmed. The WB Television Network. 2002-11-17.
  13. ^ "The Lost Picture Show". Charmed. The WB Television Network. 2005-11-06.
  14. ^ "The Day the Magic Died". Charmed. The WB Television Network. 2003-02-16.
  15. ^ "Sword and the City". Charmed. The WB Television Network. 2003-11-09.
  16. ^ "It's a Bad, Bad, Bad, Bad World (Part 2)". Charmed. The WB Television Network. 2004-05-16.
  17. ^ "The Courtship of Wyatt's Father". Charmed. The WB Television Network. 2004-02-22.
  18. ^ "Witch Trial". Charmed. The WB Television Network. 1999-09-30.
  19. ^ "Be Careful What You Witch For". Charmed. The WB Television Network. 2000-05-18.
  20. ^ a b "The Painted World". Charmed. The WB Television Network. 1999-10-14.