List of Case Closed chapters

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The cover of the first Case Closed tankōbon, released in Japan by Shogakukan on June 18, 1994.
The cover of the first Case Closed tankōbon, released in Japan by Shogakukan on June 18, 1994.

This is a list of chapters in the manga series Case Closed, written by Gosho Aoyama and serialized in Weekly Shōnen Sunday.[1] The first chapter appeared in the May 1994 issue and the series is currently ongoing, with six hundred forty-eight chapters published as of May 1, 2008. An anime adaptation based on the manga is being produced by Tokyo Movie Shinsha and aired on Nippon TV, Yomiuri TV, and Animax. The first episode aired on January 8, 1996, with five hundred two episodes aired as of April 28, 2008.[2] In addition, twelve animated movies and seven OVAs based on the manga have been produced.

Six hundred forty-one chapters have been collected into sixty-one tankōbon and published in Japan by Shogakukan. The first tankōbon was released on June 18, 1994, and the sixtieth was released on January 12, 2008. The cover of each volume features the central character, Jimmy Kudo in the form of Conan Edogawa. Each volume also includes a "Gosho Aoyama's Mystery Library" feature at the back, providing a one page biography of a fictional detective or criminal.

In North America, Case Closed is licensed by Viz Media, who has released twenty-three volumes. The first volume was released on September 7, 2004, with the twenty-third released on May 20, 2008.


[edit] Volume list

[edit] Volumes 1-30

# Japanese English
Release date ISBN Release date ISBN
01 June 18, 1994 ISBN 4-09-123371-6 September 7, 2004 ISBN 1-59116-327-7
Chapter list:
  • 001. A Modern-Day Sherlock Holmes (平成のホームズ?)
  • 002. The Great Detective Turned Small (小さくなった名探偵?)
  • 003. The Unwelcome Great Detective (仲間はずれの名探偵?)
  • 004. The Sixth Smokestack (6本目の煙突?)
  • 005. The Other Perpetrator (もう一人の犯人?)
  • 006. From Third-Rate to Great Detective (迷探偵を名探偵に?)
  • 007. The Bloody Case of the Lovely Pop Idol (血ぬられたアイドル?)
  • 008. Resemblance (あなたに似た人?)
  • 009. An Unfortunate Misunderstanding (不幸な誤解?)
High school detective Jimmy Kudo is really good at solving crimes. His best friend, Rachel Moore, is worried that one day he'll get in too deep, but he casually brushes off her concern. After noticing two suspicious men in black clothes at a festival murder scene, Jimmy sights one of them later and decides to follow him, only to be attacked from behind. The attacker, a crime syndicate lord, force-feeds Jimmy a newly-developed, undetectable poison instead of killing him outright. But instead of the poison killing him, it turns his body into that of a grade schooler. To prevent a followup attack on him or his family and friends, Jimmy adopts the pseudonym Conan Edogawa, one that he must use even in front of Rachel. He quickly finds that no one will listen to a child, and is forced to solve crimes through Rachel's incompetent P.I. father, Richard Moore, with help from Dr. Hiroshi Agasa's voice-modulating tie and his own ingenuity. Along the way, Rachel reveals her true feelings to him, and he vows to do whatever is necessary to get his original body back and return her feelings.
02 July 18, 1994 ISBN 4-09-123372-4 November 3, 2004 ISBN 1-59116-587-3
Chapter list:
  • 010. The Advantageous Shadow (割のいい尾行?)
  • 011. The Perfect Alibi (完璧なアリバイ?)
  • 012. The Picture Speaks (写真は語る?)
  • 013. The Missing Man (行方不明の男?)
  • 014. The Sad Girl (かわいそうな少女?)
  • 015. Follow That Big Man! (大男を追え!?)
  • 016. A Devil-like Woman (悪魔のような女?)
  • 017. The Scary Building (恐怖の館?)
  • 018. The Disappearing Children (消える子供達?)
  • 019. The Underground Room's Nightmare (地下室の悪夢?)
Conan must contend with the murder of a man who burns to death while the prime suspect has the perfect alibi; he helps a seemingly sweet and innocent girl look for her missing father; and he still has time to explore a haunted house with some of his new friends from elementary school!
03 October 18, 1994 ISBN 4-09-123373-2 January 4, 2005 ISBN 1-59116-589-X
Chapter list:
  • 020. The Hatamoto Family (籏本家の一族?)
  • 021. The Secret Of The Impenetrable Room (密室の秘密?)
  • 022. The Location of the Inheritance (遺産の行方?)
  • 023. Family Obliteration (一族抹殺?)
  • 024. Trap-Springer In The Dark (暗闇の仕掛人?)
  • 025. The Dream That Will Not Come True (かなわぬ夢?)
  • 026. Curious Presents (奇妙な贈り物?)
  • 027. The Same Person (同一人物?)
  • 028. The Mystery Of August 3rd (8月3日の謎?)
  • 029. Safe Before Your Eyes (眼前セーフ?)
Jimmy, Rachel and Richard take a vacation aboard a cruise ship, but little do they know that the patriarch of the wealthy Hatamoto family is about to be murdered.
04 February 18, 1995 ISBN 4-09-123374-0 March 1, 2005 ISBN 1-59116-632-2
Chapter list:
  • 030. The Armored Knight (甲冑の騎士?)
  • 031. Dying Message (ダイイング・メッセージ?)
  • 032. The Pen That Cannot Write (書けないペン?)
  • 033. Running Into The Two (はちあわせた二人組?)
  • 034. The Four In The Green Car (グリーン車の四人?)
  • 035. The Last 10 Seconds Of Terror (ラスト10秒の恐怖?)
  • 036. Code Sheet Obtained! (暗号表入手!!?)
  • 037. The ABC's of Deciphering (暗号解読のABC?)
  • 038. An Answer And Another Answer (答えもうひとつの答?)
  • 039. The Shining Fish's True Form (光る魚の正体?)
Bloody murder is committed at a museum, reproducing a scene from a gruesome painting. Then, Conan finally finds the Men in Black that shrunk him... on a train that they're about to blow up! Finally, Conan and his friends find a treasure map that leads them on an adventure throughout Tokyo... and into the hands of Italian gangsters!
05 April 18, 1995 ISBN 4-09-123375-9 May 5, 2005 ISBN 1-59116-633-0
Chapter list:
  • 040. The Mysterious And Bandeged Man (怪人…包帯の男?)
  • 041. The First Victim! (第一の犠牲者!?)
  • 042. Ran's In Trouble (蘭ピンチ!?)
  • 043. The Attack In The Dark! (暗闇の襲撃!?)
  • 044. The Identity Of The Murderer! (殺人鬼の正体!?)
  • 045. The Karaoke Killer! (カラオケ殺人!?)
  • 046. Suicide Or Homicide (自殺か他殺か??)
  • 047. The Mystery Hidden In The Song (歌に秘められた謎?)
  • 048. How Lives Cross (すれちがい…?)
  • 049. An Unfimiliar Visitor (見知らぬ訪問者。?)
  • 050. Escape And Pursuit (脱出そして追跡。?)
A vicious murderer whose face is covered in bandages is on the lose. Will Conan be able to catch him before he strikes again? Later, Conan's friends Rachel and Serena want to blow off some steam but they get more than they bargain for when they discover murder at the karaoke box.
06 July 18, 1995 ISBN 4-09-123376-7 July 5, 2005 ISBN 1-59116-838-4
Chapter list:
  • 051. The Truth Under The Mask (仮面の下の真実?)
  • 052. Three Visitors (三人の訪問客?)
  • 053. Alibis Of The Three (三人のアリバイ?)
  • 054. Answering Machine Mystery (留守番電話の謎?)
  • 055. Words On The Chest (タンスの言葉?)
  • 056. Formation! The Detective Boys (結成!少年探偵団?)
  • 057. Mysterious Brothers (ナゾの兄弟?)
  • 058. Moving Corpse Mystery (動く死体の謎?)
  • 059. Festival Night (祭りの夜?)
  • 060. A Perfect Alibi (アリバイは完璧!??)
It's Conan versus the Phantom Thief! Who is this mysterious masked man? And why does he know Conan's true identity? Plus an investigation of an extramarital affair leads to bloody murder! Also, Conan's elementary school friends decide to become super sleuths when they form the Junior Detective League! But will they get into more trouble than they can handle?
07 November 18, 1995 ISBN 4-09-123377-5 September 8, 2005 ISBN 1-59116-978-X
Chapter list:
  • 061. The Photo Trap (写真のワナ?)
  • 062. The Invitation To Tsukikage Island (月影島への招待状?)
  • 063. The Piano's Curse (ピアノの呪い?)
  • 064. Left-Behind Music (残された楽譜?)
  • 065. The Hellfire Secret (業火の秘密?)
  • 066. Blood-Stained Button (血染めのボタン?)
  • 067. The Secret Of The Name!! (名前の秘密!!?)
  • 068. Shinichi's Sweetheart!! (新一の恋人!!?)
  • 069. Meitantei Ran (名探偵 蘭!??)
  • 070. A Time Limit On Life (命の時間切れ!??)
On a remote island, a job request comes in from a pianist who's been dead for over 10 years. Can Conan solve the case of the cursed piano? Later, a mysterious woman shows up claiming to be Jimmy's girlfriend. The only problem is, Conan's never seen her before in his life!
08 December 9, 1995 ISBN 4-09-123378-3 November 15, 2005 ISBN 1-4215-0111-2
Chapter list:
  • 071. Found at Last!! (ついに見つけた!!?)
  • 072. The Baron of the Night (闇の男爵(ナイトバロン)?)
  • 073. The Virus Of Fear (恐怖のウイルス?)
  • 074. Underneath the Mask (仮面の下?)
  • 075. Ran's Tears (蘭の涙?)
  • 076. The Wind's Trick!? (風のいたずら!??)
  • 077. Secret Of The Spot Of The Fall (落下地点の秘密?)
  • 078. The Bride's Tragedy (花嫁の悲劇?)
  • 079. The Forbidden Lemon Tea!? (禁断のレモンティー!??)
  • 080. A Reason to Kill (殺しの理由?)
Conan enters a mystery contest where he must be the first to discover the true identity of the enigmatic Night Baron. But the fun and games end when the contest turns into a real-life murder. Later, Rachel's high school teacher is about to get married. But the wedding bells stop ringing when someone tries to murder the beautiful bride.
09 January 18, 1996 ISBN 4-09-123379-1 January 17, 2006 ISBN 1-4215-0166-X
Chapter list:
  • 081. A Dangerous Game Of Hide-And-Seek (危ないかくれんぼ?)
  • 082. Follow The Voice!! (声を追え!!?)
  • 083. What! Really (えっ!本当!??)
  • 084. Kogorou's Class Reunion (小五郎の同窓会?)
  • 085. An Unexpected Hint (意外なヒント?)
  • 086. The Two Benkei Standing Deaths (弁慶の仁王立ち?)
  • 087. Choosing A Groom (花婿選び?)
  • 088. The Encroching Shadow (忍び寄る影?)
  • 089. Another Body (死体がもうひとつ…?)
  • 090. Random Murder (無差別殺人!??)
The Junior Detective League takes action! While playing hide and seek, first-grader Amy discovers a chopped-off head. Will Conan and friends be able to save Amy from a serial murderer? when Richard Moore attends a reunion of his college friends, one of them ends up with a bullet hole to her temple and a gun in her hand. Was it suicide or murder?! Later, Conan, Richard, and Rachel attend the birthday party of the daughter of a wealthy financier. But Conan's deductive skills are put to the test when the birthday girl ends up missing and someone turns up dead.
10 April 18, 1996 ISBN 4-09-123380-5 March 21, 2006 ISBN 1-4215-0316-6
Chapter list:
  • 091. The Water Time-Difference Trick (水の時間差トリック?)
  • 092. The Great Detective Of The West (西の名探偵?)
  • 093. Double Reasoning (二人の推理?)
  • 094. The Great Detective Of The East (東の名探偵…!??)
  • 095. The Great Detective Of The East Appears! (東の名探偵現る!??)
  • 096. A Burning Body (熱いからだ?)
  • 097. A Psychopath Prowls (忍び寄る殺人鬼?)
  • 098. An Additional Person (もう一人の乗客?)
  • 099. Snowstorm Tragedy (吹雪が呼んだ惨劇?)
  • 100. The Last Words (最後の言葉?)
A diplomat is found dead in his study and Conan's on the case. But what exactly happened? The elder statesman was definitely murdered, but the door and windows to his private chamber were all locked from the inside. How in the world did the killer escape? Later as if that wasn't bad enough, Conan and his pals get swept up in a missing person caper at the local library. Murder, kidnapping and drug smuggling aren't exactly the sorts of things condoned by librarians. What's the connection? Conan thinks he knows the answer but he's got more pressing things to worry about--like escaping the deadly grasp of the fiendish miscreant!
11 July 18, 1996 ISBN 4-09-125041-6 May 16, 2006 ISBN 1-4215-0441-3
Chapter list:
  • 101. A Table Cloth that Talked (話すテーブルクロス?)
  • 102. A Death During a Live Broadcast (生放送中の死?)
  • 103. Illusionary Road (幻の道?)
  • 104. Flash News (緊急推理ショー?)
  • 105. An Important Person!? (大事な人!??)
  • 106. The Weapon Of The Crime (凶器のありか?)
  • 107. The Two Mysteries (二つの謎?)
  • 108. The Fasting Room (修行の間?)
  • 109. The Sakura Blossoms and the Hole in the Wall (桜と壁の穴?)
  • 110. The Power Of Levitation (宙に浮く力?)
Stuck in the middle of a forest, Conan, Rachel, and Richard seek shelter at a temple where a Tengu (long-nosed goblin) is said to have murdered people. That night, the elder priest is found dead, hanging from a beam in a room with an incredibly high ceiling. No one could possibly have hanged himself from up there, and it couldn't be the work of any other human. Could the mythical Tengu really have done it?
12 September 18, 1996 ISBN 4-09-125042-4 July 18, 2006 ISBN 1-4215-0442-1
Chapter list:
  • 111. Dr. Agasa's Treasure Box (博士の宝箱?)
  • 112. The Black Sun (黒い太陽?)
  • 113. The Truth About the Treasure (宝の正体?)
  • 114. An Unexpected Meeting (突然の遭遇?)
  • 115. The Whereabout of the Bomb (爆弾の行方?)
  • 116. Conan's Mistake (コナンの誤算?)
  • 117. The Meeting at Microft (マイクロフトでの集い?)
  • 118. The Woman Who Knew Too Much (知りすぎていた女?)
  • 119. The Mysterious Explosion (ナゾの爆発?)
  • 120. The Lie is Revealed (見破られたウソ?)
Doc Agasa takes Conan and his young Junior Detective League pals to an old, abandoned mansion for a treasure hunt. When the pint-size investigators find a mysterious box, they open it and discover it is full of smashed toys and a violently stabbed teddy bear! Conan follows the trail of clues and runs smack-dab into a dead old man in an attic! Who killed the old man, and more importantly, who killed teddy?
13 December 10, 1996 ISBN 4-09-125043-2 September 19, 2006 ISBN 1-4215-0443-X
Chapter list:
  • 121. The Revalation (本当の姿?)
  • 122. The Witnesses Are (目撃者は…!??)
  • 123. The Triplets (三つ子の容疑者?)
  • 124. A Really Sad Brothership (哀しき兄弟の絆?)
  • 125. The Falling Body (落ちる死体?)
  • 126. A Suspicious Suicide (疑惑の自殺?)
  • 127. Flowers And Butterfly (花と蝶?)
  • 128. The Runaway (逃亡者?)
  • 129. The Tragedy Of The Monster Gomera (怪獣ゴメラの悲劇?)
  • 130. A Silhouette Which Disappear (去りゆく後ろ姿?)
It's summer! Conan and Rachel are invited to Serena's family beach house. Serena's sister has a fiancé with a family beach house next door, who plans to introduce his bride-to-be to his father and brothers that weekend. But plans go awry when Conan witnesses the fiancé killing his father! To add to the confusion, it turns out the suspected murderer is one of three identical triplets! Can Conan figure out who the real murderer is? Is this marriage over before it even begins?
14 March 18, 1997 ISBN 4-09-125044-0 November 21, 2006 ISBN 1-4215-0444-8
Chapter list:
  • 131. Found the Picture (写真があった!!?)
  • 132. The Telephone's Number (電話の数字?)
  • 133. The Case is Just Beginning!? (事件はこれから!??)
  • 134. Question In Dead Leaves (落葉の中の尋問?)
  • 135. In The Mother's Chest (母さんの胸の中!??)
  • 136. Conan Grin (コナンの笑み…?)
  • 137. Yukiko Grin (有希子の笑み…?)
  • 138. One More Person... (もう一人の…?)
  • 139. Unexpected Crew (奇妙な集まり?)
  • 140. The Last Guest (最後の客?)
When a master magician commits suicide his wife suspects foul play and pays a visit to private detective Richard Moore's office. The culprit is one of the dead magician's three assistants. Can Conan find out which one of them had something deadly up their sleeve? Plus, Rachel takes Conan's glasses off while he is sleeping and discovers Conan looks just like a young Jimmy Kudo! Is Jimmy's cover blown? Or can he find a way to pull the wool over her eyes yet again?
15 June 18, 1997 ISBN 4-09-125045-9 January 16, 2007 ISBN 1-4215-0445-6
Chapter list:
  • 141. Gone!? (ない!??)
  • 142. The Disappearing Rope (消えた凶器?)
  • 143. Truth From Tears (涙で語る真実?)
  • 144. Their Voices Are Alike!? (声が似てる!??)
  • 145. What They Are After (狙うは…?)
  • 146. A Duet!? (デュエット!??)
  • 147. Licking His Finger!? (指をペロッ!??)
  • 148. She Used Magic!? (魔法を使った!??)
  • 149. A Devil's Calling (悪魔の呼び声?)
  • 150. The Blood-Stained Bandage (血染めの包帯?)
During a school field trip, Conan and Rachel end up in a mountain cabin with several members of the teaching staff. Conan gets quite a surprise when he answers the doorbell and a frozen teacher's corpse falls into the house! To add to the mystery, a strange letter is written on the teacher's hand, which sends another of the educators running to his room. Shortly after, he's found dead too! Can Conan put his brainpower to work and solve the mystery before the students run out of teachers?
16 August 9, 1997 ISBN 4-09-125046-7 March 20, 2007 ISBN 1-4215-0881-8
Chapter list:
  • 151. White Murder (白き殺人者?)
  • 152. Truth of the Telephone (真実の電話?)
  • 153. Bonds of Flame (炎の絆?)
  • 154. The School's Mystery (学校の不思議?)
  • 155. Someone's There!? (誰かいる!??)
  • 156. Chance Meeting (邂逅?)
  • 157. Annihilation (消滅?)
  • 158. Presence (気配?)
  • 159. Finale (終極?)
  • 160. The Machination of the Potter (陶芸家達の企み?)
Conan meets his trickiest adversary yet when the Sebastian Financial Group hosts an exclusive party on the lavish ocean liner the Q. Selizabeth. All 500 guests are wearing a copy of the priceless jewel the Black Star pearl. One pearl is the real thing. And one guest is also the notorious thief Kaito Kid, aka Phantom Thief 1412, who is bent on leaving the event with one very expensive party favor. Can Conan save Serena's family heirloom from a master thief who's also a master of disguise?
17 November 18, 1997 ISBN 4-09-125047-5 May 15, 2007 ISBN 1-4215-0882-6
Chapter list:
  • 161. The Unmoving Evidence (動かぬ証拠?)
  • 162. Killed by a Sound (音で殺す!??)
  • 163. Three Puzzled Tricks (三つの謀?)
  • 164. Lost Weapon (逃げた凶器?)
  • 165. Who Could I Forget It (忘れちゃいけない?)
  • 166. What Should We Do (どうしよう!??)
  • 167. The Cuckoo Clock (時計が…?)
  • 168. The Demon Appears (鬼が出た!??)
  • 169. L-N-R (L・N・R?)
  • 170. The Actors Gathered (役者が揃った?)
A mysterious letter brings Conan and his friends to a mansion full of beautiful clocks that aren't quite behaving themselves. As Conan attempts to figure out what's wrong with the timepieces and who wrote the letter, he uncovers a tale of treasure, thieves and a family tree with very twisted branches. Plus, a famous actor's wife meets with an unfortunate accident right in front of Conan, who takes on the mission to find out about her sudden demise.
18 January 17, 1998 ISBN 4-09-125048-3 July 17, 2007 ISBN 1-4215-0883-4
Chapter list:
  • 171. It Must Be Similar (同じはずなのに…?)
  • 172. Two Rooms (二つの部屋?)
  • 173. First Love (初恋の人…?)
  • 174. The Burning Truth (燃える真実?)
  • 175. Unlock Your Heart (心は開く!??)
  • 176. The New Student (転校生は…?)
  • 177. The Lady In Black (黒ずくめの女?)
  • 178. Code Name Sherry (コードネーム・シェリー?)
  • 179. The Girl Made Of Lies (偽りの少女?)
  • 180. Checkmate (チェックメイト?)
At a mystery-themed college party, a fire threatens the life of a pretty freshman--and Conan suspects arson. But Rachel is more worried by the discovery that the victim has a past with Jimmy Kudo. Can she compete with Jimmy's beautiful, brilliant first love? Then the Junior Detective League stumbles upon a counterfeiting operation led by a woman in black, and Conan finds himself on the trail of the shadowy crime syndicate that turned him into a kid--not to mention the scientist who created the de-aging formula!
19 April 18, 1998 ISBN 4-09-125049-1 September 18, 2007 ISBN 1-4215-0884-2
Chapter list:
  • 181. Why (どうして…?)
  • 182. The Writer that Disappeared (蒸発した文士?)
  • 183. Climax of Half (1/2の頂点?)
  • 184. In France (フランスにて…?)
  • 185. The Living City (食いだおれの街?)
  • 186. The Fourth Wallet (四人目の財布?)
  • 187. In The Wallet (財布の中の…?)
  • 188. The Secret of the Driving License (免許証の秘密?)
  • 189. The Endangered Ball (狙われたボール?)
  • 190. The 56 Thousand Hostages (5万6千人の人質?)
At long last, Conan has located the scientist responsible for the formula that turned him into a kid. Trouble is, she's taken the formula herself--and she can't change back! Together, Conan and the diminutive doctor track down a floppy disk that may contain the secret to curing their condition, only to find the former owner crushed under a fallen bookshelf. Can they crack both the locked-room mystery and the locked disk?
20 July 18, 1998 ISBN 4-09-125050-5 November 20, 2007 ISBN 1-4215-0885-0
Chapter list:
  • 191. The Eye From Far Away (遠くからの眼?)
  • 192. Run Away (逃げろ!?)
  • 193. In The Middle Of The Snow (雪原の中で…?)
  • 194. Suspect Behaviors (怪しい動き?)
  • 195. Search (探索?)
  • 196. From The Sky (発露?)
  • 197. Goodbye (サヨナラ…?)
  • 198. Tangible Proof (証拠が見える?)
  • 199. Sisterly Love (姉思い…?)
  • 200. Invitation To An Isolated Castle (孤城ヘの誘い?)
Conan is baffled by a murder at a snowbound mansion--and with stage magicians for suspects, anything seems possible. Is this really a case of murder by magic? As the mini-detective tries to conjure up a solution, he doesn't suspect that he's about to cross paths with an old nemesis! Then Detective Moore's dream comes true: he's going to see his favorite singer, Yoko Okino, in concert! But he's forced to cancel his big night out when a girl dies in a locked bathroom. Is it a case of suicide...or revenge?
21 October 17, 1998 ISBN 4-09-125491-8 January 15, 2008 ISBN 1-4215-1456-7
Chapter list:
  • 201. And Again (そしてまた…?)
  • 202. Countdown (カウントダウン?)
  • 203. Ivory Tower (象牙の塔?)
  • 204. The Initial Call (最初の挨拶?)
  • 205. Midair Sealed Chanber (大空の密室?)
  • 206. The Last Trump Card (最後の切り札?)
  • 207. Hidden Within The Depth Of The Heart (胸に秘めて…?)
  • 208. The Sakurada Gate (桜田門の変!??)
  • 209. The Inspector Leads The Investigation (警部の推理?)
  • 210. An Unexpected Rival (意外な敵?)
  • 211. A Nice Day In Tokoyo (東京日和?)
Conan and Rachel take to the skies! But their transcontinental detective mission runs into unexpected turbulence when a murder is committed on board their passenger plane. Rachel doesnt think she can solve the case before the plane lands, but then she receives a little in-flight assistance...from none other than the long-lost Jimmy Kudo! Has Conan finally returned to his teenage self? And if so, how? Whatever the answer, Rachels in for a bumpy flight!
22 February 18, 1999 ISBN 4-09-125492-6 March 18, 2008 ISBN 1-4215-1674-8
Chapter list:
  • 212. Uneasiness (おそろいや?)
  • 213. The Evidence (証拠は…?)
  • 214. The Last Laugh (かかった獲物?)
  • 215. The Northbound Train (北斗星?)
  • 216. Search The Train (馬脚を露わす1??)
  • 217. To Be Continued (to be continued…?)
  • 218. The Last Station (終着駅?)
  • 219. Go On, Sonoko! (それゆけ園子?)
  • 220. The Sleeping Beauty (眠り姫?)
  • 221. The Prince With A Kick (蹴撃の貴公子?)
While on a train, a killing and a recent robbery lead Conan to believe that both events are tied to a mystery novel that his father once wrote, but never published. Then, while staying at the beach, a mysterious man attacks Serena Sebastian! Can Conan find out who the killer is before he strikes again... and succeeds?
23 April 17, 1999 ISBN 4-09-125493-4 May 20, 2008 ISBN 1-4215-1675-6
Chapter list:
  • 222. The Last Movie (チネ・チッタ?)
  • 223. The Truth In The Mirror (鏡の中の真実?)
  • 224. Dreamland (夢の場所?)
  • 225. Gray Planner (影の計画師?)
  • 226. The Motive Thickens (殺意は燃えて…?)
  • 227. The Unintentional Target (意外な標的?)
  • 228. Disappearing Among The Waves (波涛に消ゆ…?)
  • 229. This Is The Truth (これが真実?)
  • 230. The Witness Survived (証人生還?)
  • 231. Investigation Begins! (捜査開始!!?)
Surely the Junior Detective League cant get into any trouble at an afternoon monster movie. But when a man in the audience dies, Conan and Anita realize that the real monster isnt the big green behemoth on the screen. Then Rachel gets her own movie moment, playing Rose--minus Jack--at the prow of a glittering ocean liner. When a suspicious explosion kills the romance, its time for Conan and teen detective Harley Hartwell to make sure that the passengers hearts will go on!
24 July 17, 1999 ISBN 4-09-125494-2 July 15, 2008 ISBN 1-4215-1676-4
Chapter list:
  • 232. Finding Evidence (現場検証?)
  • 233. Count Down (カウントダウン?)
  • 234. Another Half Year (あと半年?)
  • 235. In the Dark (闇の中…?)
  • 236. The Unbelievable Link (信じられぬ接点?)
  • 237. From the Bottom of Heart (最後の心?)
  • 238. The Secret Corner of Betrayal (裏切りの街角?)
  • 239. The Black Burial Ranks (漆黒の葬列?)
  • 240. The Sudden Parting (突然の別れ?)
  • 241. The Bullet from the Past (過去からの銃弾?)
  • 242. The White World (白の世界?)
25 October 18, 1999 ISBN 4-09-125495-0  
Chapter list:
  • 243. Not Linke the Rest (?)
  • 244. The Victim Doesn't Talk (?)
  • 245. The Expiramental Words (?)
  • 246. The Spider Mansion (?)
  • 247. Seen Horror (?)
  • 248. Heiji's Cry (?)
  • 249. Heiji's Anger (?)
  • 250. Unable to Speak (?)
  • 251. Mistaken Detectives (?)
  • 252. Ethusiastic Detectives (?)
  • 253. One's Trust (?)
Cover character(s)
26 February 18, 2000 ISBN 4-09-125496-9  
Chapter list:
  • 254. An Infatuated Heart (迷える心?)
  • 255. The Intruder's Sudden Arrival (突然の侵入者?)
  • 256. Concealed Truth (覆われた真実?)
  • 257. Revival Under The Threat Of Death (命懸けの復活?)
  • 258. Momentary Rest (束の間の休息?)
  • 259. A Tranquil Time (穏やかな時間?)
  • 260. The Memorable Place (思い出の場所?)
  • 261. Music Strings (琴線に触れた!??)
  • 262. The Vanishing Sound (消えた音?)
  • 263. Spring Has Come (春よ来い!??)
27 April 18, 2000 ISBN 4-09-125497-7  
Chapter list:
  • 264. A Taste Of One's Own Medicine (身から出た錆?)
  • 265. An Important Witness (重要参考人?)
  • 266. Unwavering Resolve (思い切って?)
  • 267. The Witness from 18 Years Ago (18年前の男?)
  • 268. The Imprisoned Policeman (囚われた刑事?)
  • 069. Time's Up (時効成立?)
  • 270. Game Start (試合開始?)
  • 271. TTX... (TTX…?)
  • 272. Game Over (試合終了?)
  • 273. Stuck On The Same Boat (呉越同舟?)
28 July 18, 2000 ISBN 4-09-125498-5  
Chapter list:
  • 274. The Shrunken Target (小さな標的?)
  • 275. True Motive (殺意の真意?)
  • 276. A Lying Client (偽りの人?)
  • 277. The Evidence Held (一握りの証拠?)
  • 278. The Horrifying Woman (恐怖の女?)
  • 279. The Mermaid's Curse (人魚の呪い?)
  • 280. The Elder's Prophecy (命様の予言?)
  • 281. The Devil's Arrow (悪魔の矢?)
  • 282. The Last Arrow (最後の一矢?)
  • 283. Uncompensated Heart (報われぬ心?)
29 September 18, 2000 ISBN 4-09-125499-3  
Chapter list:
  • 284. The Buried Secret (小さな違和感?)
  • 285. The Suspicion (意外な理由?)
  • 286. An Unexpected Motive (見えない恐怖?)
  • 287. The Invisible Fear (危険信号?)
  • 288. Danger Signal (白日の下の潜伏?)
  • 289. Concealed Beneath The Truth (愛犬家たち?)
  • 290. The Dog Lovers Case (わずかな足跡?)
  • 291. A Tiny Trace (消えなかった証拠?)
  • 292. The Disappeared Evidence (Kスリー?)
  • 293. K3 (最後の可能性?)
  • 294. The Last Possibility (レッドカード?)
  • 295. Red Card (?)
30 December 18, 2000 ISBN 4-09-125500-0  
Chapter list:
  • 296. Straight Ball Match (?)
  • 297. The Open Closed Arena (?)
  • 298. Time Trap (?)
  • 299. The Meeting (?)
  • 300. Tragedy (?)
  • 301. Murder (?)
  • 302. Sting (?)
  • 303. Genta's Misfortune (?)
  • 304. Genta's Trap (?)
  • 305. On the Bottom (?)
  • 306. Surrounded By Hints (?)

[edit] Volumes 31-61

# Japanese English
Release date ISBN Release date ISBN
31 March 17, 2001 ISBN 4-09-126161-2  
Chapter list:
  • 307. The Hidden Word (隠れた言葉?)
  • 308. Imposter's Introduction (偽物登場?)
  • 309. The Truth from the Imposter (偽物の真実?)
  • 310. The Time of Lies (偽りの時?)
  • 311. Warm Ocean (暖かき海?)
  • 312. Caught In A Net (網にかかるは…?)
  • 313. A Courageous Decision (勇気ある決断?)
  • 314. The Knight Of Naniwa (浪花の剣士?)
  • 315. The Invisible Knight (移ろいの剣士?)
  • 316. The Knight Of Justice (裁きの剣士?)
  • 317. Ruler's Palace (天下人の城?)
32 April 18, 2001 ISBN 4-09-126162-0  
Chapter list:
  • 318. The Lord's Treasure (天下人の宝?)
  • 319. Back To the Past (時を越えて…?)
  • 320. Inside a Father's Heart (浪花勧進帳?)
  • 321. The Sad Tiger Scroll (悲しみの虎の巻?)
  • 322. A Long-Awaited Gathering (久しぶりの集結?)
  • 323. The Secret of Idols (アイドル達の秘密?)
  • 324. Idols' Regret (アイドル達の誤解?)
  • 325. Something the Lion Dropped (ライオンの落とし物?)
  • 326. P & A (P&A?)
  • 327. A Stupid Plan (バカな作戦?)
  • 328. Satou's Match-Up (佐藤のお見合い?)
33 July 18, 2001 ISBN 4-09-126163-9  
Chapter list:
  • 329. Sotou's Odds (佐藤の勝算?)
  • 330. Satou's Feelings (佐藤の気持ち?)
  • 331. Bloody Valentine 1 (血のバレンタイン・1?)
  • 332. Bloody Valentine 2 (血のバレンタイン・2?)
  • 333. Bloody Valentine 3 (血のバレンタイン・3?)
  • 334. Bloody Valentine 4 (血のバレンタイン・4?)
  • 335. A Memento of a Wife (妻の忘れ形見?)
  • 336. Clean Scent (清潔な香り?)
  • 337. Life of a Flower (花の命…?)
  • 338. The Meaning of X (「×」のその意味?)
  • 339. O X Δ ∼ ?! (○×△□!??)
34 September 18, 2001 ISBN 4-09-126164-7  
Chapter list:
  • 340. Time To Pick The Apple (リンゴの狩り時?)
  • 341. The Hint That Was Against (反撃の糸口…?)
  • 342. The Strange Neighbor (飛んだ隣人?)
  • 343. Who Are You? (あんた何者や?)
  • 344. The Storm of Booing (嵐のブーイング?)
  • 345. The Suspicious Supporters (疑惑のサポーター?)
  • 346. A Fake Supporter (エセサポーター?)
  • 347. Raining Deja-Vu (雨のデジャビュ?)
  • 348. The Misleading Washcloth (おしぼりの罠?)
  • 349. Cleared Memory (晴れた記憶?)
  • 350. Golden Apple 1 (ゴールデンアップル・1?)
35 December 18, 2001 ISBN 4-09-126165-5  
Chapter list:
  • 351. Golden Apple 2 (ゴールデンアップル・2?)
  • 352. Golden Apple 3 (ゴールデンアップル・3?)
  • 353. Golden Apple 4 (ゴールデンアップル・4?)
  • 354. Golden Apple 5 (ゴールデンアップル・5?)
  • 355. The Haunted House's Mystery 1 (幽霊屋敷の謎・1?)
  • 356. The Haunted House's Mystery 2 (幽霊屋敷の謎・2?)
  • 357. The Haunted House's Mystery 3 (幽霊屋敷の謎・3?)
  • 358. Mitsuhiko's Disappearance 1 (消えた光彦・1?)
  • 359. Mitsuhiko's Disappearance 2 (消えた光彦・2?)
  • 360. Mitsuhiko's Disappearance 3 (消えた光彦・3?)
  • 361. Death Island (デス・アイランド?)
36 February 18, 2002 ISBN 4-09-126166-3  
Chapter list:
  • 362. Dangerous Visitor (危険な来訪者?)
  • 363. Mysterious Words (ミステリー・ワード?)
  • 364. The Servitor of Goosoh (グソーの使い?)
  • 365. The Princess & The Dragon Palace (姫と龍宮城?)
  • 366. March in Malice (悪意の中の行進?)
  • 367. Proof on The Videotape (ビデオの中の証拠?)
  • 368. Bombers' Aim (爆弾犯の狙い?)
  • 369. The Officer Who Never Returned (帰らざる刑事?)
  • 370. Unerasable Memory (消せない記憶?)
  • 371. Red Trap (赤い罠?)
  • 372. The Most in this World... (この世で一番…?)
37 April 18, 2002 ISBN 4-09-126167-1  
Chapter list:
  • 373. Bye-bye (バイバイ…?)
  • 374. Kogoro's Choice 1 (小五郎の選択(1)?)
  • 375. Kogoro's Choice 2 (小五郎の選択(2)?)
  • 376. Kogoro's Choice 3 (小五郎の選択(3)?)
  • 377. The Footsteps of Darkness 1 (暗黒の足跡(1)?)
  • 378. The Footsteps of Darkness 2 (暗黒の足跡(2)?)
  • 379. The Footsteps of Darkness 3 (暗黒の足跡(3)?)
  • 380. White Snow, Black Shadow (白い雪…黒い影…?)
  • 381. Precarious Encounter (危険なめぐり逢い?)
  • 382. Fellow Passengers (同乗者?)
38 July 18, 2002 ISBN 4-09-126168-X  
Chapter list:
  • 383. The New Weapon (新兵器!?)
  • 384. The Old Picture (意外なお宝?)
  • 385. Ayumi's Worry (歩美の心配?)
  • 386. Stairs in the Setting Sun (夕陽と階段?)
  • 387. The Tarnished Hero (汚れたヒーロー?)
  • 388. Wolf's Shadow (狼たちの影?)
  • 389. The Man who can Never be a Wolf (狼になれなかった男?)
  • 390. Heiji and Kazuha in Grave Danger 1 (服部平次絶体絶命!1?)
  • 391. Heiji and Kazuha in Grave Danger 2 (服部平次絶体絶命!2?)
  • 392. Heiji and Kazuha in Grave Danger 3 (服部平次絶体絶命!3?)
39 November 18, 2002 ISBN 4-09-126169-8  
Chapter list:
  • 393. The Luring Red Horse (誘う赤馬?)
  • 394. Shadow of the Red Horse (赤馬の影?)
  • 395. The Owner of the Red Horse (赤馬の持ち主?)
  • 396. The Witness of the Red Horse (赤馬の目撃者?)
  • 397. Obtuse Imitation (愚かなる模倣?)
  • 398. Torn Friendship 1 (引き裂かれた友情・1?)
  • 399. Torn Friendship 2 (引き裂かれた友情・2?)
  • 400. Torn Friendship 3 (引き裂かれた友情・3?)
  • 401. A Small Client (小さな依頼者?)
  • 402. With a Mole (ホクロのある女性?)
  • 403. Red Mole?! (赤いホクロ…!??)
40 February 18, 2003 ISBN 4-09-126170-1  
Chapter list:
  • 404. Be on Guard on a Sweet Date (甘いデートにご注意を!?)
  • 405. Misguided Massive Hunt (不純な大捜索?)
  • 406. Misguided but Successful Arrest (不純な大捕り物?)
  • 407. Tennis Court of Remembrance (思い出のテニスコート?)
  • 408. Calais of Doubt (疑惑のカレー?)
  • 409. My Voice is Gone (声が出ない…!??)
  • 410. Agasa's First Love (博士の初恋?)
  • 411. The Place of Memory (思い出の場所?)
  • 412. First Love, Reunion, Farewell (初恋・再会・別れ?)
  • 413. Kogoro's Big Mistake (小五郎大失態?)
41 April 9, 2003 ISBN 4-09-126411-5  
Chapter list:
  • 414. A Tight Match (ママはライバル!??)
  • 415. Suspicious Gunshot (疑惑の銃声?)
  • 416. The Night Baroness's Entry (闇の男爵夫人(ナイトバロニス)登場!?)
  • 417. Darkness is a Death Trap (暗闇は死の罠(デストラップ)の扉?)
  • 418. A Silent Murder in the Dark (暗闇の音無き殺人?)
  • 419. Mystery of the Black Light (黒い光の謎?)
  • 420. The Enclosing Surrounding Net (迫る包囲網?)
  • 421. The Crisis that is There (そこにある危機?)
  • 422. Inescapable Target (逃れられないターゲット?)
  • 423. A Mystery Left by a Visitor (ある来訪者の残した謎?)
  • 424. A Mystery Left in a Small Room (小さな密室に残された秘密?)
42 July 18, 2003 ISBN 4-09-126412-3  
Chapter list:
  • 425. The Hidden Truth (隠されていた真実?)
  • 426. Goodbye Jodie (good-byeジョディ?)
  • 427. Ran's Deduction (蘭の推理?)
  • 428. The Unbelievable Conclusion (信じられない結末?)
  • 429. The Full Moon and the Trap at the Banquet (満月の夜と黒い宴の罠?)
  • 430. The Haunted Ship Painted with Blood (血塗られた幽霊船?)
  • 431. The Invisible Man Appears (透明人間現る!?)
  • 432. Kudo Shinichi to the Rescue (工藤新一登場!??)
  • 433. The Truth Behind the Mask (仮面の下の真実?)
  • 434. Rotten Apple (ラットゥンアップル?)
  • 435. Trace in the Rain (雨中の刻印?)
43 October 18, 2003 ISBN 4-09-126413-1  
Chapter list:
  • 436. Search for the Mark! (おしりの印(マーク)を探せ!?)
  • 437. Haibara Ai's Resolution (灰原哀の決意?)
  • 438. The Forgotten Number (忘れられた携帯電話?)
  • 439. The Strange Address Book (奇妙なメモリー?)
  • 440. Another Detective (もうひとつの名探偵?)
  • 441. Multiple Proposals?! (どっちの推理ショー!??)
  • 442. Six Masks of the Message (六面体のメッセージ?)
  • 443. The Dying Message's Hidden Meaning (ダイイングメッセージの裏を読め!?)
  • 444. The Made-Up Message (仕組まれたメッセージ?)
  • 445. One Evil Among 53,000 (53,000分の1の悪魔?)
  • 446. The Challenge of Koshien's Evil Spirit (甲子園の魔物の挑発?)
44 January 17, 2004 ISBN 4-09-126414-X  
Chapter list:
  • 447. Solving the 3 Numeric Codes! (3つの数字の謎を解け!?)
  • 448. No Hint!? (ヒントが無い!??)
  • 449. The End of the Game?! (試合終了(ゲームセット)…!??)
  • 450. From Heaven to Hell (天国から地獄?)
  • 451. Makes No Sense! (全然平気!??)
  • 452. There is no Suspicion?! (疑わないの??)
  • 453. Miracle (奇蹟?)
  • 454. Shock (驚愕?)
  • 455. Panic (戦慄?)
  • 456. Escape (脱出?)
  • 457. A Ghost Story At School (学校奇譚?)
45 April 5, 2004 ISBN 4-09-126415-8  
Chapter list:
  • 458. Where are the Footprints?! (足跡はどこに!??)
  • 459. Truth Behind the Remaining Desk (残された机の真実?)
  • 460. Open Murder at Sea (海の上の開かれた密室?)
  • 461. Poison on the Bait?! (釣りエサは毒!??)
  • 462. The Blessed Fishing Spot (嬉しい火傷?)
  • 463. Hideyoshi's Counterattack (秀吉の大返し?)
  • 464. A Strange Feeling (違和感…?)
  • 465. A Back-Street in the Sky (大空の裏道?)
  • 466. A Secret Letter from the Star (星より密かに?)
  • 467. Have You Seen the Star? (星を見たかい?)
  • 468. A Wish to the Star (星に願いを?)
46 July 16, 2004 ISBN 4-09-126416-6  
Chapter list:
  • 469. The Star Knows Everything (星は何でも知っている?)
  • 470. Prelude (前奏曲(プレリュード)?)
  • 471. Capriccio (狂奏曲(カプリッチョ)?)
  • 472. Requiem (鎮魂曲(レイクイエム)?)
  • 473. Impromptu (即興曲(アンプロンプテュ)?)
  • 474. Fantasia (幻想曲(ファンタジア)?)
  • 475. Seal (封印?)
  • 476. Trick (絡繰?)
  • 477. Sacred Treasure (神器?)
  • 478. Immortal (不滅?)
  • 479. The Suspicious Message (疑惑のメール?)
47 October 18, 2004 ISBN 4-09-126417-4  
Chapter list:
  • 480. Solving the Suspicion (疑惑の推理?)
  • 481. The Suspicious Alibi (疑惑のアリバイ?)
  • 482. The Suspicious Truth (疑惑の真相?)
  • 483. Unlocking It... (ロックをはずして…?)
  • 484. From Him to Her (彼氏から彼女へ?)
  • 485. From Suicide to Murder (自殺から他殺へ?)
  • 486. From Sky to Ground (天空から地上へ?)
  • 487. Appearing Magic (出現マジック?)
  • 488. The Forbidden Document (禁じられたファイル?)
  • 489. The Magician's Home (奇術師(マジシャン)の館?)
  • 490. Failed Magician (奇術師(マジシャン)失格?)
48 January 14, 2005 ISBN 4-09-126418-2  
Chapter list:
  • 491. Summer Vacation's Code (夏休みの暗号?)
  • 492. Lay Down and Wash Your Face (寝転んで顔を洗え!?)
  • 493. The Perfect Deduction (パーフェクト解読!!?)
  • 494. Mansion of the Evil Spirit (悪霊の棲む屋敷?)
  • 495. The Nightmare from 13 Years Ago (13年前の悪夢?)
  • 496. The Reviving Evil Spirit (蘇る悪霊?)
  • 497. Ignored Evidence (見過していたもの?)
  • 498. Impact of the 13th Year (13年目の衝撃?)
  • 499. Ding-Dong Dash (ピンポンダッシュ?)
  • 500. A New Woman in Black (新たなる黒の者?)
49 April 6, 2005 ISBN 4-09-126419-0  
Chapter list:
  • 501. Follow the Target! (ターゲットを追え!?)
  • 502. New Order (新たなる指令?)
  • 503. Black Organization Versus FBI (黒の組織VS.FBI(1)?)
  • 504. Black Organization Versus FBI 2 (黒の組織VS.FBI(2)?)
  • 505. A New Teacher (新しい先生?)
  • 506. The Secret Path to School (秘密の通学路(1)?)
  • 507. The Secret Path to School 2 (秘密の通学路(2)?)
  • 508. The Two who Cannot Return (戻れない二人?)
  • 509. The Sealed Car (密閉された車?)
  • 510. The Love of Lies (偽りの愛情?)
50 July 15, 2005 ISBN 4-09-126420-4  
Chapter list:
  • 511. The Uptight Party (緊迫のコンパ?)
  • 512. The Secret Visit (秘密の家庭訪問?)
  • 513. Boring Game (つまんない試合?)
  • 514. Big Win! (大当たり!?)
  • 515. Exciting Interview (ワクワク取材?)
  • 516. Message of the True Criminal (真犯人の伝言?)
  • 517. The Detective Boys (ザ・少年探偵団?)
  • 518. Heiji's Memories (平次の思い出?)
  • 519. The Snow Woman's Plans (雪女の計?)
  • 520. Lift of Puzzle (謎のリフト?)
  • 521. The Legend of the Snow Woman's Silver Kimono (雪女の銀衣伝説?)
51 October 18, 2005 ISBN 4-09-127361-0  
Chapter list:
  • 522. Vengeance in the Snowstorm (吹雪の中の復讐?)
  • 523. Fish Incident (おさかな事件?)
  • 524. Three Fish (3匹の魚?)
  • 525. Relaxing Shellfish Hunt (ため息潮干狩り?)
  • 526. Mystery of the Plastic Bottle (ペットボトルの怪?)
  • 527. Mixture Trick (混入トリック?)
  • 528. Russian Blue (ロシアンブルー?)
  • 529. Goro is Goro?! (ゴロはゴロでも!??)
  • 530. The Tightly Shut Window (開かずの窓?)
  • 531. The Set Up Locked Room (作られた密室?)
  • 532. Demon's Cave (魔物の抜け穴?)
52 January 14, 2006 ISBN 4-09-120026-5  
Chapter list:
  • 533. Suspicious Action (挙動不審!??)
  • 534. The Star Blade Connection (因縁の試写会?)
  • 535. The Wedding Hall Panic (式場パニック?)
  • 536. The Uninvited Guest (招かれざる客?)
  • 537. Wedding Battle (ウエディング・バトル?)
  • 538. Out of Ordinary Room (常識はずれの部屋?)
  • 539. Upside Down Mystery (逆さまミステリー?)
  • 540. The Thing He Wanted to Hide (隠したかったもの?)
  • 541. Sonoko's Red Handkerchief (園子の赤いハンカチ?)
  • 542. Made in Katakana (カタカナの名前?)
  • 543. Superman (スーパーマン?)
53 February 17, 2006 ISBN 4-09-120110-5  
Chapter list:
  • 544. Guren (紅蓮?)
  • 545. Konjiki (金色?)
  • 546. Seiran (青嵐?)
  • 547. Junbaku (純白?)
  • 548. The Mysterious 200-Faced Man (怪人二百面相?)
  • 549. Grade 1 Class B's Great Battle (1年B組大作戦?)
  • 550. The Only Eye Witness (目撃者は一人?)
  • 551. Nail and Snake (釘とへび?)
  • 552. The Identity of the Hammer (トンカチの正体?)
  • 553. Mysterious Job (不可思議なバイト?)
54 June 16, 2006 ISBN 4-09-120377-9  
Chapter list:
  • 554. Menu for Dinner (夕食の献立?)
  • 555. A Dreaming Star (夢見るスター?)
  • 556. The Detective Boys' Snowman (探偵団の雪ダルマ?)
  • 557. The Locus of the Fall (転落の軌跡?)
  • 558. The Catastrophe in the Snow-Covered Mountains (破局の雪山?)
  • 559. The Room which Swallows People (人を飲む部屋?)
  • 560. The Phantom Corpse (幻の死体?)
  • 561. The Trick of the Bloodstain (血痕のカラクリ?)
  • 562. High School Detective of the East (東の高校生探偵?)
  • 563. The Detective Koshien (探偵甲子園?)
  • 564. Demonstration of the Locked Room (密室証明?)
55 September 15, 2006 ISBN 4-09-120628-X  
Chapter list:
  • 565. The Detectives' Famous Reasoning (探偵たちの名推理?)
  • 566. The Zealous Detectives (熱血探偵?)
  • 567. Genta's Shot (元太のシュート?)
  • 568. Genta and El (元太とエル?)
  • 569. Mischievous Boy (イタズラ坊主?)
  • 570. Under the Moon (月下?)
  • 571. Dawn (黎明?)
  • 572. Broad Daylight (白昼?)
  • 573. Setting Sun (落日?)
  • 574. Secret Kisaki Eri (秘密の妃英理(1)?)
  • 575. Secret Kisaki Eri 2 (秘密の妃英理(2)?)
56 January 13, 2007 ISBN 9-78-4-09-120706-7  
Chapter list:
  • 576. Engagement Ring?! (婚約指輪!?(1)?)
  • 577. Engagement Ring?! 2 (婚約指輪!?(2)?)
  • 578. Engagement Ring?! 3 (婚約指輪!?(3)?)
  • 579. Mountain Witch Legend Case 1 (鬼婆伝説殺人事件(1)?)
  • 580. Mountain Witch Legend Case 2 (鬼婆伝説殺人事件(2)?)
  • 581. Mountain Witch Legend Case 3 (鬼婆伝説殺人事件(3)?)
  • 582. A Clue from the West (西からの手がかり?)
  • 583. Location of the Photograph (写真の行方?)
  • 584. Company (カンパニー?)
  • 585. Wrong Number!? (間違い電話!??)
  • 586. The Truth which Blood Tells (血が語る真実?)
57 April 5, 2007 ISBN 9-78-4-09-121110-1  
Chapter list:
  • 587. Deceased Mother's Memento (母の遺品?)
  • 588. The One Hand Glove Which Calls Death (死を呼ぶ片手袋?)
  • 589. A Murderer from Hades (黄泉からの殺人者?)
  • 590. Glove of Sadness (哀しみの手袋?)
  • 591. The Devil Comes (悪魔が来たりて…?)
  • 592. Devilish Trick (悪魔のカラクリ?)
  • 593. The Devil's Tears (悪魔の涙?)
  • 594. The Fugitive (逃亡者?)
  • 595. Crow's Song (鴉の唄?)
  • 596. The Second Thread (2本目の糸?)
  • 597. The Fake Patient (偽りの患者?)
58 July 18, 2007 ISBN 9-78-4-09-121155-2  
Chapter list:
  • 598. Pursuit and... (追跡、そして…?)
  • 599. Akai's Past (赤井の過去?)
  • 600. All or Nothing (イチかバチか…?)
  • 601. Camouflage (擬装?)
  • 602. Last Resort (最終手段?)
  • 603. Mission (任務?)
  • 604. Older Sister and Younger Brother (姉弟?)
  • 605. The Unexpected Suspect (意外な容疑者?)
  • 606. Friday the 13th (13日の金曜日?)
  • 607. Camel's Past (キャメルの過去?)
  • 608. Spell of Magic (魔法の呪文?)
59 October 18, 2007 ISBN 9-78-4-09-121199-6  
Chapter list:
  • 609. Wedge of Steel (鋼の楔?)
  • 610. Sound (?)
  • 611. Flying Corpse (空飛ぶ死体?)
  • 612. Mechanics and the Alibi (力学とアリバイ?)
  • 613. Centipede (百足?)
  • 614. Armored Warrior (鎧武者?)
  • 615. Art of War (兵法?)
  • 616. Fuurinkazan (風林火山?)
  • 617. War (?)
  • 618. Shadow and Thunder (陰と雷?)
  • 619. Suspicious Eisuke (疑惑の瑛祐?)
613-618 : Mori Kogoro was hired by the Torada (虎田?) family in Nagano prefecture to investigate the death of their son, Yoshio Torada (虎田 義郎 Torada Yoshio?), who was found dead after being carried off by a tornado, with a centipede placed mysteriously by his corpse. Hattori Heiji was sought by the Tatsuo (龍尾?) family to investigate the death of their son, Yasuji Tatsuo (龍尾 康司 Tatsuo Yasuji?), who was found dead, buried to his neck in the ground, also with a centipede next to his body.

The Torada and the Tatsuo clans had a longstanding feud, though no one could recall the original nature of the quarrel. Both families have a tradition of admiring Takeda Shingen.The younger generations of both clans went to school together and got along well with each other. They even worked together to hunt for the legendary lost treasure of Takeda Shingen.

When the wife of Shigetsugu Tatsuo (龍尾 繁次 Tatsuo Shigetsugu?) was found hung from a tree in the forest, Conan and Heiji realised the killer(s) could be emulating the characters Wind (Tornado), Mountain (Earth), and Forest found in three of the four war-banners of Takeda Shingen. They surmised that there would be another death related to the fourth character, Fire. Furthermore, the centipede was the historical insignia used on identification flags carried by messengers of Takeda Shingen.

All the murders seemed related to a death six years before of Kaino Haruto (甲斐 玄人?), a policeman and master of traditional skill of horseback archery. The local village maintained that tradition and selected an annual champion from a competition to perform a ceremonial target shooting for divine blessings for good harvest.

A new police chief, Yamato Kansuke, was introduced in this story-arc.
60 January 12, 2008 ISBN 9-78-4-09-121266-5  
Chapter list:
  • 620. The Vanished Blunt Weapon (消えた鈍器?)
  • 621. Eisuke's Confession (瑛祐の告白?)
  • 622. Red, White, and Yellow (赤白黄色?)
  • 623. Kuroshiro-kun (クロシロ君?)
  • 624. New Neighbor (新たな隣人?)
  • 625. Hammer Man (ハンマー男?)
  • 626. Delivered Malice (届けられた悪意?)
  • 627. The Hammer Man's True Identity (ハンマー男の正体?)
  • 628. Coffee of Murderous Intent (殺意のコーヒー?)
  • 629. Impossible Crime (不可能犯罪?)
  • 630. The Bitter Truth (苦い真実?)
61 April 3, 2008 ISBN 9-78-4-09-121340-2  
Chapter list:
  • 631. Purple Nail (紫紅の爪 murasaki kurenai no tsume (paapuru.neiru)?)
  • 632. Instant Movement (瞬間移動 shunkan idou?)
  • 633. Three Taboos (3つのタブー 3 tsu no tabuu?)
  • 634. Zero (Zero Zero(zero)?)
  • 635. Burn (燃える moeru?)
  • 636. Cause of Fire (火種 hidane?)
  • 637. Crackle (バチバチ bachibachi?)
  • 638. Paper Airplane (紙飛行機 kami hikouki?)
  • 639. Message (メッセージ messeeji?)
  • 640. Rescue (レスキュー resukyuu?)
  • 641. Destruction (隠滅 inmetsu?)

[edit] Chapters not yet in tankōbon format

  • 642. False Friendship (偽りの友情 itsuwari no yuujou?)
  • 643. Wings of Icarus (イカロスの翼 ikarosu no tsubasa?)
  • 644. Retaliation (返し技 kaeshi waza?)
  • 645. Accidental Hit (ケガの功名 kega no koumyou?)
  • 646. Village of Animosity (憎悪の村 zouo no mura?)
  • 647. The Lost Memory (失われた記憶 ushinawa re ta kioku?)
  • 648. Kudo Shinichi's Homicide (工藤新一の殺人 kudou shinichi no satsujin?)
  • 649. Shiragami-sama (死羅神様 Shi Ra Kamisama?)
  • 650. Endless tears (止まらぬ涙 Tomara nu Namida?)
  • 651. True Identity (正体 Shoutai?)
  • 652. The Thing She Really Wants to Ask (ホントに聞きたいコト Honto ni Kikitai Koto?)
  • 653. My Deduction (オレの推理 Ore no Suiri?)

[edit] References

  1. ^ Case Closed (manga). Anime News Network. Retrieved on 2008-05-01.
  2. ^ Case Closed (anime). Anime News Network. Retrieved on 2008-05-06.

[edit] External Links
