List of Byzantine Empire-related topics

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This is a list of people, places, things, and concepts related to or originating from the Byzantine Empire. Feel free to add more, and create missing pages.

Contents Top · 0–9 · A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

[edit] A

Aachen Cathedral, Acacius of Constantinople, Academy, Aegean Sea, Aegyptus (Roman province), Aelia Eudoxia, Aelia Flaccilla, Alans, Albania in the Middle Ages, Alexander of Constantinople, Alexander III of the Byzantine Empire, Alexios Doukas Philanthropenos, Alexios I Komnenos, Alexios II Komnenos, Alexius III, Alexius IV, Alexios Philanthropenos, Alexios Strategopoulos, Alexius Studites, Alexius V, Alp Arslan, Amalric I of Jerusalem, Ammonius Hermiae, Anastasius I of the Byzantine Empire, Anastasius II, Anatolia, Anatolius of Constantinople, Andronicus I Comnenus, Andronicus II Palaeologus, Andronicus III Palaeologus, Andronicus IV Palaeologus, Anicius Manlius Severinus Boethius, Ankara, Anna Comnena, Anna Dalassena, Anno Domini, Anthemius, Anthemius (praetorian prefect), Anthimus I of Constantinople, Antioch, Antony I Kassymatas of Constantinople, Antony II Kauleas of Constantinople, Antony III Studites of Constantinople, Antony IV of Constantinople, Arcadius, Arsacius of Tarsus, Artabanes (general), Artabasdus, Asia Minor, Aspar, Athanasius I of Constantinople, Athanasius II of Constantinople, Atticus, Augustaion, Avars

[edit] B

Baldwin I of Constantinople, Baldwin I of Jerusalem, Baldwin II of Constantinople, Baldwin II of Jerusalem, Baldwin III of Jerusalem, Balearic Islands, Bardas, Bari, Basil I, Basil II, Basil II Carnaterus, Basil Skamandrenus, Basiliscus, Battle of Ad Decimum, Battle of Adrianople (378), Battle of Adrianople (813), Battle of Adrianople (1205), Battle of Anchialus, Battle of Callinicum, Battle of Civitate, Battle of Frigidus, Battle of Kleidion, Battle of Manzikert, Battle of Mons Lactarius, Battle of Myriokephalon, Battle of Nineveh (627), Battle of Syllaeum, Battle of Taginae, Battle of Tricamarum, Battle of the Volturnus (554), Battle of Yarmuk, Belgrade, Belisario, Belisarius, Beyazid I, Bithynia, Blachernae, Bogomils, Bohemund I of Antioch, Boniface of Montferrat, Boril of Bulgaria, Boris I of Bulgaria, Bosporus, Boukoleon Palace, Bulgaria, Bulgars, Byzantine architecture, Byzantine aristocracy and bureaucracy, Byzantine Army, Byzantine calendar, Byzantine complexity, Byzantine currency,Byzantine dance, Byzantine diplomacy, Byzantine dress, Byzantine economy, Byzantine Empire, Byzantine Greeks, Byzantine Heraldry, Byzantine law, Byzantine music, Byzantine navy, Byzantine novel, Byzantine Senate, Byzantine Studies, Byzantine text-type, Byzantium, Byzantine scholars in Renaissance

[edit] C

Callinicus I of Constantinople, Callistus I of Constantinople, Callistus Xanothopoulos, Cappadocia, Carthage, Castle, Catalan Company, Cataphract, Chariot racing, Charlemagne, Charles Annibal Fabrot, Charles I of Sicily, Childebert II of Austrasia, Church of the Holy Sepulchre, Cilicia, Codex Theodosianus, Column of Justinian, Comnenus, Conrad III, Conrad of Montferrat, Constans II, Constantine Chliarenus, Constantine I of the Roman Empire, Constantine II of the Roman Empire, Constantine III of Byzantium, Constantine IV, Constantine IX, Constantine Lichoudas, Constantine V, Constantine VI, Constantine VII, Constantine VIII of the Byzantine Empire, Constantine X, Constantine XI, Constantinople, Constantius II, Corpus Juris Civilis, Cosmas Atticus, Cosmas I of Constantinople, Council of Basel, Council of Chalcedon, Council of Clermont, Council of Lyon, County of Edessa, Crimea, Crusade, Crusader State, Cumans, Cyprus, Cyriacus of Constantinople, Cyril of Alexandria, Czargrad

[edit] D

Damietta, Dara (Mesopotamia), Dark Ages, De Administrando Imperio, De Ceremoniis, Demophilus of Constantinople, Despotate of Epirus, Despotate of Morea, Diocese of Asia, Diocese of Pontus, Diocese of Thrace, Dobruja, Donation of Constantine, Dorylaeum, Dositheus of Constantinople, Dubrovnik, Duchy of Athens, Duchy of the Archipelago, Durrës

[edit] E

Eastern Orthodoxy, Eastern Orthodox Church calendar, Emperor, Empire, Empire of Nicaea, Empire of Trebizond, Enrico Dandolo, Eparchy of Krizevci, Epiphanius of Constantinople, Epirus (region), Eudocia, Eudocia Macrembolitissa, Eudoxia, Eudoxius of Antioch, Euphrosyne (9th century), Euphrosyne Doukaina Kamaterina, Eusebius of Nicomedia, Eustathias, Eustathius Garidas, Euthymius II of Constantinople, Euthymius Syncellus, Eutyches, Evagrius of Constantinople, Evagrius Scholasticus, Exarch, Eastern Orthodox Christianity

[edit] F

Fall of Constantinople, Filioque clause, First Council of Nicaea, First Crusade, Flavian of Constantinople, Fourth Crusade, Franks, Frederick I, Holy Roman Emperor, Frederick II, Holy Roman Emperor, Fulk of Jerusalem

[edit] G

Galata, Galla Placidia, Gennadius Scholarius, Geoffrey of Villehardouin, George Gemistos Plethon, George Maniaces, George Syncellus, George of Trebizond, George Pachymeres, George Xiphilinus, George Acropolites, Gerasimus I of Constantinople, Germanus I of Constantinople, Germanus II of Constantinople, Germanus III of Constantinople, Glycerius, Godfrey of Bouillon, Golden Horn, Grand duke, Great Moravia, Great Palace of Constantinople, Great Schism, Greece, Greek fire, Greek language, Greeks, Gregoras Nicephorus, Gregorius Palamas, Gregory Cyprius, Gregory Mammas, Gregory Nazianzus, Gunthamund

[edit] H

Hagia Sophia, Haroun al-Raschid, Helena Dragas, Hellenes, Henotikon, Henry of Flanders, Heraclius, Heraclonas, Hermit, Hesychasm, Hexagram, Hilderic, Himerios (admiral), Hippodrome of Constantinople, History of Africa, History of Albania, History of Arab and Ottoman Egypt, History of Bulgaria, History of Christianity, History of Cyprus, History of Europe, History of Islam, History of Italy, History of Palestine, History of Roman and Byzantine Greece, History of Sparta, History of the Levant, Hormizd IV of Persia, Hugh of Vermandois, Huneric, Hungary

[edit] I

Iconoclasm, Idolatry, Illus, Images of Jesus, Irene (empress), Isaac I Comnenus, Isaac II Angelus, Isauria, Isidore I of Constantinople, Islamic architecture, Istanbul, Ivan III of Russia

[edit] J

Jesaias of Constantinople, Johannes Bessarion, John Agapetus, John Bekkos, John Camaterus, John Cappadox, John Chrysostom, John Glykys, John Grammaticus, John Hylilas, John I Tzimisces, John II Comnenus, John III Ducas Vatatzes, John IV Lascaris, John Kalekas, John Malalas, John Maron, John Nesteutes, John of Ephesus, John Scholasticus, John the Cappadocian, John the Patrician, John V Palaeologus, John VI Cantacuzenus, John VII Palaeologus, John VIII Palaeologus, John VIII Xiphilinus, John XII of Constantinople, Joseph Bringas, Joseph Galesiotes, Joseph II of Constantinople, Julian of Halicarnassus, Jurisprudence, Justa Grata Honoria, Justin I, Justin II, Justinian I, Justinian II

[edit] K

Kaloyan of Bulgaria, Karl Eduard Zachariae, Karl Krumbacher, Kaykhusraw I, Kerak, Khazaria, Khazars, Khosrau I of Persia, Khosrau II of Persia, Kievan Rus', Kilij Arslan I, Kilij Arslan II, Kingdom of Cyprus Kingdom of Thessalonica, Komnenian army, Krum, Kyiv

[edit] L

Latin Empire, Latin Patriarch of Constantinople, Leo I of the Byzantine Empire, Leo II, Leo III, Leo IV Chozar, Leo V, Leo VI, Leon Styppes, Leontius, Leontius of Byzantium, Leontius Theotokites, Liberius (praetorian prefect), Licario, Licinia Eudoxia, Lindos, List of battles 601-1400, List of battles 1401-1800, List of Byzantine Emperors, List of military commanders, List of Patriarchs of Constantinople, Liutprand, King of the Lombards, Liutprand of Cremona, Lombards, Longinus, Lordship of Negroponte, Louis VII of France, Lucas Notaras, Luke of Constantinople

[edit] M

Macarius of Constantinople, Macedonia, Macedonius I of Constantinople, Magister militum, Manuel Charitopoulos, Manuel Chrysoloras, Manuel I Comnenus, Manuel II of Constantinople, Manuel II Palaeologus, Manuel Moschopulus, Manzikert, Marcian, Marinus, Matthew I of Constantinople, Maurice, Maximianus, Maximus of Constantinople, Maximus II of Constantinople, Maximus Planudes, Medieval architecture, Mehmed II Mennas of Constantinople, Mercenary, Methodius I of Constantinople, Methodius II of Constantinople, Metrophanes II of Constantinople, Michael Autoreianus, Michael Cerularius, Michael Choniates, Michael I Rangabe, Michael II, Michael III, Michael IV, Michael Kurkuas, Michael of Anchialus, Michael Psellus, Michael V, Michael VI, Michael VII, Michael VIII Palaeologus, Middle Ages, Middle-Eastern archaeology, Monasticism, Monemvassia, Monoenergism, Monophysitism, Monothelitism, Morea, Mount Athos, Muawiyah I Mundus (general), Murad I, Mystras

[edit] N

Narses, Naval history, Nea Moni of Chios, Near Eastern archaeology, Neilus Kerameus of Constantinople, Neophytus I of Constantinople, Neoplatonism, Nephon I of Constantinople, Nestorianism, Nestorius, Nicaea, Nicephorus Bryennius, Nicephorus Callistus Xanthopoulos, Nicephorus I, Nicephorus II, Nicephorus III, Nicetas Choniates, Nicetas II Muntanes, Nicetas of Constantinople, Nicetas the Paphlagonian, Nicholas Chrysoberges, Nicholas Grammaticus, Nicholas Muzalon, Nicholas Mysticus, Nicholas of Myra, Nika riots, Normans, North Africa during the Classical Period

[edit] O

Odoacer, Olga of Kiev, Orhan I, Osman I, Otto I, Holy Roman Emperor, Ottoman Empire, Ottoman Triumvirate

[edit] P

Palace of Porphyrogenitus, Palaeologus, Palermo, Pantheon, Rome, Patriarch Anastasius of Constantinople, Patriarch Arsenius of Constantinople, Patriarch Chariton of Constantinople, Patriarch Constantine I of Constantinople, Patriarch Constantine II of Constantinople, Patriarch Cyrus of Constantinople, Patriarch Euphemius of Constantinople, Patriarch Eustathius of Constantinople, Patriarch Eutychius of Constantinople, Patriarch Fravitta of Constantinople, Patriarch Gennadius I of Constantinople, Patriarch Gennadius II of Constantinople, Patriarch George I of Constantinople, Patriarch Ignatius I of Constantinople, Patriarch John V of Constantinople, Patriarch John VI of Constantinople, Patriarch Macedonius II of Constantinople, Patriarch Nectarius of Constantinople, Patriarch Nicephorus II of Constantinople, Patriarch of Constantinople, Patriarch Paul III of Constantinople, Patriarch Peter of Constantinople, Patriarch Proclus of Constantinople, Patriarch Sisinnius I of Constantinople, Patriarch Theodotus of Cassiteras, Patriarch Timothy I of Constantinople, Paul I of Constantinople, Paul II of Constantinople, Paul IV of Constantinople, Peloponnesos, Persian Empire, Petchenegs, Peter the Hermit, Philip of Swabia, Philippicus, Philotheus Kokkinos, Phocas, Photius I of Constantinople, Phrygia, Polyeuctus of Constantinople, Pope Adrian I, Pope Adrian II, Pope Alexander III, Pope Gregory II, Pope Gregory III, Pope Gregory VII, Pope Innocent III, Pope John VIII, Pope John XIII, Pope John XXII, Pope Leo I, Pope Leo III, Pope Martin IV, Pope Nicholas II, Pope Paul I, Pope Pelagius II, Pope Stephen II, Pope Symmachus, Pope Urban II, Pope Vigilius, Population of the Byzantium Empire, Praetorian prefecture of Africa, Praetorian prefecture of Illyricum, Praetorian prefecture of the East, Presian, Prince Lazar, Principality of Achaea, Principality of Antioch, Procopius, Pronoia, Pulcheria, Pyrrhus I of Constantinople Church of Christ Pantokrator (Constantinople)

[edit] Q


[edit] R

Ravenna, Raymond IV of Toulouse, Raymond of Antioch, Raynald of Chatillon, Renaissance, Richard I of England, Robert Graves, Robert Guiscard, Robert of Ketton, Roger de Flor, Roger II of Sicily, Roman Empire, Roman law, Romanus I, Romanus II, Romanus III, Romanus IV, Rome, Romulus Augustus, Rossano Gospels, Rüm

[edit] S

Saint Nicephorus, Saladin, Samuil of Bulgaria, San Gavino, Sardis, Sassanid dynasty, Scutari, Second Council of Nicaea, Second Crusade, Seljuk Turks, Serbia, Serena, Sergius I of Constantinople, Sergius II of Constantinople, Severus of Antioch, Shivta, Sicilian Vespers, Sicily, Siege of Rome (537-538), Silk Road, Sisinnius II of Constantinople, Sixth Ecumenical Council, Sögüt, Spear of Destiny, Stauracius, Stefan Dragutin, Stefan Dusan, Stefan Uros V, Stephan of Amasea, Stephen I of Constantinople, Steven Runciman, Strategos, Suidas, Sutton Hoo, Sviatoslav I, Prince of Kiev, Synod of Constantinople

[edit] T

Tagma (military), Tancred, Prince of Galilee, Tarasius of Constantinople, Taticius, Teia, Tervel, Thema, Theme of Iberia, Theodora (6th century), Theodora (9th century), Theodora (11th century), Theodore Eirenicus, Theodore I Lascaris, Theodore I of Constantinople, Theodore II Lascaris, Theodore Metochita, Theodoric Strabo, Theodoric the Great, Theodosian Walls, Theodosius Borradiotes, Theodosius Branas, Theodosius I, Theodosius II, Theodosius III, Theodotus II of Constantinople, Theodulf, Theopaschite, Theophanes, Theophano, Theophanu, Theophilus, Theophylactus of Constantinople, Thessaloniki, Third Crusade, Thomas I of Constantinople, Thomas II of Constantinople, Thrace, Thrasamund, Three-Chapter Controversy, Tiberias, Tiberius II Constantine, Tiberius III, Timeline of Belgrade, Timur Lenk, Tongue splitting, Trabzon, Tribonian, Tryphon of Constantinople, Turkey, Turkic people

[edit] U

Uzes,University of Constantinople

[edit] V

Valens, Vandalic War, Vandals, Varangians, Venice, Verina, Viking, Visigoths, Vitalian, Vladimir I, Prince of Kiev

[edit] W

Wallachia, Walls of Constantinople, William II of Sicily

[edit] X

[edit] Y

Yaroslav, Prince of Kiev

[edit] Z

Zadar, Zeno of the Byzantine Empire, Zoe of Byzantium, Zoe Karvounopsina, Zealots, Thessalonica Zoe