List of Basque proverbs

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Below is a list of Basque Proverbs. The list includes English translations and other meanings.

[edit] Proverbs

A, zer parea! Karakola eta barea! "Oh, what a pair, a snail and a slug." Said of people who share similar defects or habits, and spend time together.
Abadearen lapikoa, txikia baina gozoa "The priest's pot is small but his supper is tasty." Better to have a bit than a lot
Aberats izatea baino, izen ona hobe "It's better to have a good reputation, than to be rich." none
Adiskide honekin, orduak labur. "Time flies when you are among friends." none
Adiskidegabeko bizitza, auzogabeko heriotza. "A life without friends, means death without company." none
Aditu nahi ez duenak, ez du esan behar "He who doesn't want to hear unpleasant things, shouldn't say unpleasant things." If you don't want to hear it, don't say it.
Aditzaile onari, hitz gutxi "A good listener needs few words." Said to indicate that one should be able to figure out the message, and that things shouldn't need to be spelled out fully.
Agindua zorra, esan ohi da "A promise is a debt, it's always been said." If you promise someone something, you cannot go back on your word.
Aita biltzaileari, seme hondatzaile "A thrifty father begets a squandering son." One expects a person's children to resemble that person, but sometimes the opposite is true.
Aldi luzeak, guztia ahaztu "With the passing of time, all things are forgotten." none
Alfer egon eta alfer-lana egin, biak berdin "To do nothing or to do useless work is the same thing." none
Alferkeria, askoren ondamendia "Laziness leads many people astray." none
Alferrak, beti lanez beterik "Lazy people are always busy." Or so they seem, anyway.
Alferrarendako lanik ez, eta astirik ez "The lazy person has no work, but has no time for anything else either." none
Alferrarentzat jana eta langilearentzat lana, ez da inoiz faltako "There is never a lack of food for the lazy person, nor of work for the industrious." Somehow lazy people always manage to get enough to eat (from others, etc.) and industrious people always manage to find things to do.
Alferrik da, ura joan eta gero, presa egitea "It is useless to hurry, once the water has already gone by." none
Alferrik da, ura joan eta gero, presa egitea "It's not useful closing the barn door after the horse has been stolen." none
Amari egindako zorrak ez dira inoiz ordaintzen "What one owes to one's mother is never repaid." In other words, one can never do enough to repay one's mother for what she has done.
Amen: Zu hor eta ni hemen "Let’s agree to disagree" Said when one doesn't want to argue and agrees to disagree. Word play: amen-hemen
Apaizaren eltzea, txikia baina betea "The priest's pot is small, but always full." Priests don't go hungry.
Ardi galdua atzeman daiteke, aldi galdua berriz ez One may recover a lost sheep, but not lost/wasted time." none
Ardi txikia, beti bildots "The small sheep, always a lamb." Naturally, a small sheep is not always a lamb, but people are likely to categorize them that way. They say that small people seem younger than they are.
Ardiak beeka egonik, ez du jaten belarrik "A bleating sheep eats no grass." You can't act and talk at the same time. Don't just complain, take action.
Arian, arian, zehetzen da burnia "Working and working at it, iron can be pulverized." none
Arranoak lumak behar, txepetxak ere bai "The eagle needs feathers, and the wren does too." Despite the differences, all people (or animals) have similar needs.
Arrotz-herri, otso-herri "A foreign land is a land of wolves." This expresses distrust of foreigners and foreign places.

[edit] References