List of Balzan Prize recipients

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List of recipients of the Balzan Prize, one of the world's most prestigious academic awards.


[edit] 2009 - 2000

[edit] 2007

[edit] 2006

  • Ludwig Finscher (Germany) --- History of western music since 1600
  • Quentin Skinner (UK) --- Political thought: history and theory
  • Andrew Lange (USA) and Paolo de Bernardis (Italy) --- Observational astronomy and astrophysics
  • Elliott M. Meyerowitz (USA) and Christopher R. Somerville (Canada) --- Plant molecular genetics

[edit] 2005

[edit] 2004

[edit] 2003

[edit] 2002

[edit] 2001

[edit] 2000

[edit] 1999 - 1990

[edit] 1999

[edit] 1998

  • Andrzej Walicki (Poland/USA) --- History: the cultural and social history of the Slavonic world from the reign of Catherine the Great to the Russian revolutions of 1917
  • Harmon Craig (USA) --- Geochemistry
  • Robert McCredie May (UK / Australia) --- Biodiversity

[edit] 1997

[edit] 1996

[edit] 1995

  • Alan J. Heeger (USA) --- Science of new non-biological materials
  • Carlo M. Cipolla (Italy) --- Economic history
  • Yves Bonnefoy (France) --- Art history and art criticism (as applied to European art from the middle ages to our times)

[edit] 1994

  • Fred Hoyle (UK) and Martin Schwarzschild (Germany / USA) --- Astrophysics (evolution of stars)
  • Norberto Bobbio (Italy) --- Law and political science (governments and democracy)
  • René Couteaux (France) --- Biology (cell structure with special reference to the nervous system)

[edit] 1993

  • Jean Leclant (France) --- Art and archaeology of the ancient world
  • Lothar Gall (Germany) --- History: societies of the 19th and 20th centuries
  • Wolfgang H. Berger (Germany / USA) --- Paleontology with special reference to oceanography

[edit] 1992

  • Armand Borel (Switzerland / USA) --- Mathematics
  • Ebrahim M. Samba (Gambia) --- Preventive medicine
  • Giovanni Macchia (Italy) --- History and criticism of the literatures

[edit] 1991

  • Abbé Pierre (Henri Grouèse) (France) --- Humanity, peace and brotherhood among peoples
  • György Ligeti (Hungary / Austria) --- Music
  • John Maynard Smith (UK) --- Genetics and evolution
  • Vitorino Magalhães Godinho (Portugal) --- History: The emergence of Europe in the 15th and 16th centuries

[edit] 1990

  • James Freeman Gilbert (USA) --- Geophysics (solid earth)
  • Pierre Lalive d'Epinay (Switzerland) --- Private international law
  • Walter Burkert (Germany) --- Study of the ancient world (Mediterranean area)

[edit] 1989-1980

[edit] 1989

[edit] 1988

  • Michael Evenari (Israel) and Otto Ludwig Lange (Germany) --- Applied botany (incl. ecological aspects)
  • René Etiemble (France) --- Comparative literature
  • Shmuel Noah Eisenstadt (Israel) --- Sociology

[edit] 1987

[edit] 1986

[edit] 1985

[edit] 1984

[edit] 1983

  • Edward Shils (USA) --- Sociology
  • Ernst Mayr (Germany / USA) --- Zoology
  • Francesco Gabrieli (Italy) --- Oriental studies

[edit] 1982

  • Jean-Baptiste Duroselle (France) --- Social sciences
  • Kenneth Vivian Thimann (UK / USA) --- Pure and applied botany
  • Massimo Pallottino (Italy) --- Sciences of antiquity

[edit] 1981

[edit] 1980

[edit] < 1980

[edit] 1979

[edit] 1978

  • Mother Teresa of Calcutta (Yugoslavia) --- Humanity, peace and brotherhood among peoples

[edit] 1962

[edit] 1961

[edit] External links