List of Animals of Farthing Wood characters

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This is a list of fictional characters who appear in the Animals of Farthing Wood, for both the books and the television series.


[edit] Original Farthing Animals

Animal Name Description Books TV Series
Fox A red fox who was the leader of the Farthing Wood animals. He’s very tolerant and loyal, although when at the park the many stresses (other foxes, winter, poachers) turn him temporarily incensed. Fox Yes Yes
Badger Fatherly figure and second-in-command of the animals. He had a special bond with Mole, and later on Mossy. Badger passes away peacefully later on in the series. Badger Yes Yes
Toad A boisterous common toad who discovered White Deer Park by being captured in a jam jar. He acted as guide on the journey. Toad Yes Yes
Tawny Owl Pompous tawny owl who often scouted for the group and voiced her opinion on everything. She breaks down later on in the series, however soon turns back to her old self. Owl Yes (male) Yes (female, as Owl)
Weasel Loud and cheeky weasel. She laughs at the most inappropriate times, which could be a defence mechanism. Weasel Yes (male) Yes (female)
Adder Viciously sarcastic and sharp-witted European adder. Throughout the duration of the journey, the field mice, voles and shrews were very wary of her. She does save their lives in one instance, but they still repugnance her.. Adder Yes (male) Yes (female)
Kestrel Lookout and scout for the group as they travelled. She mysteriously disappeared in the last season. Kestrel Yes (male) Yes (female)
Mole Worm-greedy mole who often got lost or left behind along the journey. Best friend of Badger. Died in the first winter in White Deer Park, leaving his mate and two children. Mole Yes Yes
The Pheasants Two game birds who were often afraid of being shot at, and who had a very poor relationship. Mrs Pheasant was shot, then later Mr Pheasant was also shot when overcome with shock at seeing his mates cooked body. Pheasants Yes Yes
The Rabbits Mr. Rabbit, a hypochondriac, and Mrs. Rabbit. Both usually panicked in dangerous situations. The pair had two babies at the beginning of the series, but one was shot in a pheasant shoot. They had another son during the rest of the series. Mrs. Rabbit was eventually killed by Scarface. Rabbits Yes Yes
The Hares A hare who was a bit full of himself, and his mate, Mrs. Hare, who was eventually killed by Scarface. They had a couple of offspring, named Leveret and Dash. Hares Yes Yes
The Hedgehogs Pair of hedgehogs who were often the slowest animals of the group. Both were run over by a lorry on a motorway. Hedgehogs Yes Yes
The Squirrels Grey squirrel and his mate who were present for the entire series. Squirrels Yes Yes
The Voles Mr. Vole, who often attempted to assert his authority in the group, and his mother, Mrs. Vole. Mrs. Vole was killed by Scarface. Mr. Vole perishes in the first winter. Voles Yes Yes
The Shrews A shrew and his mate. They were the quietest and least noticed of the entire group. Both disappear after second series. Shrews No Yes
The Fieldmice Mr Fieldmouse and his mate Mrs. Fieldmouse, who had several babies during the journey to White Deer Park. Mrs. Fieldmouse was accidentally killed by Kestrel. Mr. Fieldmouse supposedly perishes at the end of the first winter. Field mice Yes Yes
The Lizards/The Newts Comprising Mr. & Mrs. and Baby Lizard/Newt. Aquatic creatures who often became desperate for water. Left behind during the journey and possibly killed by fire. Newts Yes (Lizards) Yes (Newts)

[edit] Animals who joined the group during the journey

Animal Name Description Books TV Series
Vixen Fox's mate who he met while separated from the other animals. Yes Yes
Whistler A helpful and friendly heron the group met in a quarry. He was shot in the wing, and thus makes a whistling sound when he flies. Yes Yes

[edit] Residents of White Deer Park

Animal Name Description Books TV Series
The Great White Stag Leader of all animals in White Deer Park. He perishes after drinking from the poisoned stream. Yes Yes
The Warden A kindly man who looks after White Deer Park and everything in it. Yes
Scarface A vicious fox, with a prominent scar over his right eye. The leader of the White Deer Park foxes. He is killed in White Deer Park by Adder when he takes a drink from a stream. Yes Yes (as a blue fox)
Lady Blue Scarface's mate and the mother of his cubs. Yes (unnamed) Yes
Measley A lovesick weasel who fell in love with Weasel as soon as she arrived at White Deer Park. No Yes
Speedy Stuck up female heron who became Whistler's mate Yes (mentioned, unnamed) Yes
Ranger Scarface and Lady Blue's son, later Charmer's mate Yes Yes
Bounder Another of Scarface and Lady Blue's cubs. Killed by Adder Yes
Hurkel A strange badger who befriends Mossy the mole. He tries to be kind to everyone. Yes
Sinuous Male adder who became Adder's mate. He is equally as sarcastic. He is killed by large town rats. Yes (female) Yes (male)
Trey Bad-tempered stag who becomes leader of the deer herd Yes Yes
Laird The Great White Stag's grandson, who becomes leader of the herd after Trey Yes
Ginger The Warden's pet cat and an eventual friend of Badger's Yes (as Ginger Cat) Yes
Bully Leader of the rats who attempt to take over the park Yes Yes
Spike Bully's minion, who befriends Toad and eventually joins the Farthing Wood animals Yes
Brat Bully's minion Yes Yes
Mateless Kind mole who became Mole's mate Yes Yes
Paddock A toad who became Toad's mate Yes Yes
Edible Frogs Frogs native to White Deer Park, befriended by Toad Yes Yes
Red Squirrels Squirrels who refuse to be friends with the Farthing Wood squirrels Yes (one episode)
Stoat a female stoat who overhears Fox's plan to get rid of the poachers and tells Lady Blue, who then informs her mate Yes (one episode)

[edit] Offspring of the Farthing Wood animals

Animal Name Description Books TV Series
Bold Fox & Vixen's son, born in White Deer Park. He left the park for the city during the series, and died on his return Yes Yes
Charmer Fox and Vixen's daughter, defies her parents to become Ranger's mate Yes Yes
Friendly Fox & Vixen's son Yes Yes
Dreamer Fox & Vixen's daughter, who was killed as a cub by one of the White Deer Park foxes (probably Scarface) Yes Yes
Plucky Fox's great-grandson and the grandson of Bold and Whisper Yes Yes (as Bold's son)
Mossy Mole's son, who pretended to be his father to save Badger from the pain of his passing during his old age Yes
Cleo Weasel and Measly's daughter No Yes
Fido Weasel and Measly's son No Yes
Leveret Son of the Farthing Wood hares Yes Yes
Dash Leveret's daughter, granddaughter of the Farthing Wood hares Yes

[edit] Other characters

Animal Name Description Books TV Series
Whisper A vixen; Bold's mate, whom he meets outside the park Yes Yes
Shadow Kind female badger who looked after Bold and became Hurkel's mate when she came to White Deer Park Yes
Rollo St. Bernard, befriends Bold and Whisper, later became guardian of the weasels and eventually The Warden's pet Yes
Hollow Owl's mate, whom she meets at what used to be Farthing Wood when she returns there Yes
Robber A crow who looked after and befriended Bold Yes
Moth-Eaten Rook a rook who falls in love with Owl Yes
Bruno A stupid farmer's dog who is mistreated by his master (the farmer responsible for the death of the Pheasants) Yes
Butcher Bird (Shrike) A mean-spirited bird; responsible for killing the Baby Fieldmice Yes Yes