List of Anglican dioceses
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This is an alphabetical list of Anglican and Episcopalian dioceses.
Contents |
[edit] Archbishops
- Archbishops of Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia
- Archbishops of Armagh
- Archbishops of Canterbury
- Archbishops of Cape Town
- Presiding Bishops of the Episcopal Church, USA
- Archbishop of Dublin
- Archbishop of Hong Kong
- Archbishops of New Zealand
- Primus of the Scottish Episcopal Church
- Archbishops of South East Asia
- Bishops and Archbishops of Sydney
- Archbishop of Perth, Australia
- Archbishop of Wales
- Archbishops of York
[edit] Bishops
[edit] A - B
- Bishops of Aberdeen and Orkney
- Bishops of Adelaide
- Bishops of Alabama
- Bishops of Alaska
- Bishops of Albany
- Bishops of Algoma
- Bishops of Aotearoa
- Bishops of the Arctic
- Bishops of Argyll and the Isles
- Bishops of Arizona
- Bishops of Arkansas
- Bishops of Armidale
- Bishops of Athabasca
- Bishops of Atlanta
- Bishops of Auckland
- Bishops of Ballarat
- Bishops of Bangor
- Bishop of Banks and Torres
- Bishops of Bath and Wells
- Bishops of Bathurst
- Bishop of Bedford
- Bishops of Bendigo
- Bishops of Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
- Bishops of Birmingham
- Bishops of Blackburn
- Bishops of Bradford
- Bishops of Brandon
- Bishops of Brechin
- Bishops of Brisbane
- Bishops of Bristol
- Bishops of British Columbia
- Bishops of Bunbury
- Bishops of Busan
[edit] C - D
- Bishops of Calcutta
- Bishops of Caledonia
- Bishops of Calgary
- Bishops of California
- Bishops of Canberra and Goulburn
- Bishops of Cariboo
- Bishops of Carlisle
- Bishops of Cashel and Ossory
- Bishops of Central Ecuador
- Bishops of Central Florida
- Bishops of the Central Gulf Coast
- Bishops of the Central Interior
- Bishop of Central Melanesia
- Bishops of Central Newfoundland
- Bishop of Central Solomons
- Bishops of Central New York
- Bishops of Chelmsford
- Bishop of the Chesapeake
- Bishops of Chester
- Bishops of Chicago (Historic List of Bishops of Chicago)
- Bishops of Chichester
- Bishops of Christchurch
- Bishops of Clogher
- Bishops of Colombia
- Bishops of Colorado
- Bishops of Connor
- Bishops of Connecticut
- Bishops of Cork, Cloyne and Ross
- Bishops of Coventry
- Bishops of Dallas
- Bishops of Delaware
- Bishops of Derby
- Bishops of Derry and Raphoe
- Bishops of the Dominican Republic
- Bishops of Down and Dromore
- Bishops of Dunedin
- Bishops of Durham
[edit] E - F
- Bishops of East Carolina
- Bishops of East Tennessee
- Bishops of Eastern Michigan
- Bishops of Eastern Newfoundland and Labrador
- Bishops of Eastern Oregon
- Bishops of Easton
- Bishops of Eau Claire
- Bishops of Edinburgh
- Bishops of Edmonton
- Bishops of El Camino Real
- Bishops of Ely
- Bishops of Exeter
- Bishops of Florida
- Bishops of Fond du Lac
- Bishops of Fort Worth
- Bishops of Fredericton
[edit] G - H
- Bishops of Georgia
- Bishops of Gibraltar
- Bishops of Gippsland
- Bishops of Glasgow and Galloway
- Bishops of Gloucester
- Bishops of Grafton
- Bishops of Guildford
- Bishops of Haiti
- Bishop of Hanuato'o
- Bishops of Hawaii
- Bishops of Hereford
- Bishops of Hertford
- Bishops of Honduras
- Bishops of the Diocese of Hong Kong Island
- Bishops of Huron
[edit] I - K
- Bishops of Idaho
- Bishops of Indianapolis
- Bishops of Iowa
- Bishops of Jerusalem
- Bishops of Kansas
- Bishops of Keewatin
- Bishops of Kentucky
- Bishops of Kilmore, Elphin and Ardagh
- Bishop of Kootenay
- Bishops of Kuching
[edit] L - M
- Bishops of Labuan
- Bishops of Leicester
- Bishops of Lexington
- Bishops of Lichfield
- Bishops of Limerick and Killaloe
- Bishops of Lincoln
- Bishops of Litoral Ecuador
- Bishops of Liverpool
- Bishops of Llandaff
- Bishops of London
- Bishops of Long Island
- Bishops of Los Angeles
- Bishops of Louisiana
- Bishops of Maine
- Bishops of Manawa O Te Wheke
- Bishop of Malaita
- Bishops of Manchester
- Bishops of Maryland
- Bishops of Massachusetts
- Bishops of Meath and Kildare
- Bishops of Melbourne
- Bishops of Michigan
- Bishops of Milwaukee
- Bishops of Minnesota
- Bishops of Mississippi
- Bishops of Missouri
- Bishops of Monmouth
- Bishops of Montana
- Bishops of Montreal
- Bishops of Moosonee
- Bishops of Moray, Ross and Caithness
- Bishops of the Murray
[edit] N - O
- Bishops of Namibia
- Bishops of Nebraska
- Bishops of Nelson
- Bishops of Nevada
- Bishops of New Hampshire
- Bishops of New Jersey
- Bishops of New Westminster
- Bishops of New York
- Bishops of Newark
- Bishops of Newcastle
- Bishops of Newcastle, Australia
- Bishops of Niagara
- Bishops of North Carolina
- Bishops of North Dakota
- Bishops of North Queensland
- Bishops of North West Australia
- Bishops of Northampton, England
- Bishops of Northern California
- Bishops of Northern Indiana
- Bishops of Northern Michigan
- Bishops of the Northern Territory
- Bishops of Northwest Texas
- Bishops of Northwestern Pennsylvania
- Bishops of Norwich
- Bishops of Nottingham, England
- Bishops of Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island
- Bishops of Ohio
- Bishops of Oklahoma
- Bishops of Olympia
- Bishops of Ontario
- Bishops of Oregon
- Bishops of Ottawa
- Bishops of Oxford
[edit] P - Q
- Bishops of Pennsylvania
- Bishops of Perth
- Bishops of Peterborough
- Bishops of Pittsburgh
- Bishops of The Platte
- Bishops of Polynesia
- Bishops of Portsmouth
- Bishops of Puerto Rico
- Bishops of Qu'Appelle
- Bishops of Quebec
- Bishops of Quincy
[edit] R - S
- Bishops of Rhode Island
- Bishops of the Rio Grande
- Bishops of Ripon and Leeds
- Bishops of Riverina
- Bishops of Rochester
- Bishops of Rochester, New York
- Bishops of Rockhampton
- Bishops of Rupert's Land
- Bishops of Sabah
- Bishops of St Albans
- Bishops of St Edmundsbury and Ipswich
- Bishops of Salisbury
- Bishops of San Diego
- Bishops of San Joaquin
- Bishops of Sarawak
- Bishops of Saskatchewan
- Bishops of Saskatoon
- Bishops of Seoul and the Primate of Korea
- Bishops of Sheffield
- Bishops of Singapore
- Bishops of Singapore, Labuan and Sarawak
- Bishops of Singapore and Malaya
- Bishops of Sodor and Man
- Bishops of South Carolina
- Bishops of South Dakota
- Bishops of Southeast Florida
- Bishops of Southern Ohio
- Bishops of Southern Virginia
- Bishops of Southwark
- Bishops of Southwell
- Bishops of Southwest Florida
- Bishops of Southwestern Virginia
- Bishops of Spokane
- Bishops of Springfield
- Bishops of St Andrews, Dunkeld and Dunblane
- Bishops of St Asaph
- Bishops of St David's
- Bishops of Swansea and Brecon
- Bishops of Sydney (see also List of Anglican bishops of Sydney)
[edit] T - V
- Bishops of Taejon, Korea
- Bishops of Tai Tokerau
- Bishops of Tairāwhiti
- Bishops of Taiwan
- Bishops of Tasmania
- Bishops of Te Waipounamu
- Bishops of Tennessee
- Bishops of Texas
- Bishops of Toronto
- Bishops of Truro
- Bishops of Tuam, Killala and Achonry
- Bishops of Upper South Carolina
- Bishops of Upoko O Te Ika
- Bishops of Umzimvubu
- Bishops of Utah
- Bishop of Vanuatu
- Bishops of Venezuela
- Bishops of Vermont
- Bishops of the Virgin Islands
- Bishops of Virginia
[edit] W - Z
- Bishops of Wakefield
- Bishops of Waiapu
- Bishops of Waikato
- Bishops of Waipounamu
- Bishops of Wangaratta
- Bishops of Washington
- Bishops of Wellington
- Bishops of West Malaysia
- Bishops of West Missouri
- Bishops of West Tennessee
- Bishops of West Texas
- Bishops of West Virginia
- Bishops of Western Kansas
- Bishops of the Diocese of Western Kowloon
- Bishops of Western Louisiana
- Bishops of Western Massachusetts
- Bishops of Western Michigan
- Bishops of Western New York
- Bishops of Western Newfoundland
- Bishops of Western North Carolina
- Bishops of Willochra
- Bishops of Winchester
- Bishops of Worcester
- Bishops of Wyoming
- Bishops of Yukon
- Bishop of Ysabel
- Bishops of Zululand