List of Adolf Hitler books

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List of Adolf Hitler books is an annotated bibliography using APA style citations of the many books related to Adolf Hitler. There are thousands of books written about Hitler; therefore, the list has been segregated into groups to make the list more manageable.


[edit] Authored by Adolf Hitler

[edit] Speeches

  • Baynes, N. (1942). The Speeches of Adolf Hitler, April 1922-August 1939 V1. London, Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-598-75893-3
  • Baynes, N. (1942). The Speeches of Adolf Hitler, April 1922-August 1939 V2. London, Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-598-75894-1
  • Domarus, M. (1990). Hitler: Speeches and Proclamations 1932 - 1934 V1. Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers, Inc. ISBN 0865162271
  • Domarus, M. (1992). Hitler: Speeches and Proclamations 1935 - 1938 V2. Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers, Inc. ISBN 0865162298
  • Domarus, M. (1996). Hitler: Speeches and Proclamations 1939 - 1940 V3. Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers, Inc. ISBN 0865162301
  • Domarus, M. (2004). Hitler: Speeches and Proclamations 1941 - 1945 V4. Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers, Inc. ISBN 086516231X
  • Domarus, M., Romane, P., ed. (2007). The Essential Hitler: Speeches and Commentary. ISBN 0-86516-665-X
  • Domarus, M. (2007). The Complete Hitler: A Digital Desktop Reference to His Speeches & Proclamations 1932-1945. ISBN 0-86516-658-7
  • Roussy, R. (1973). My New Order. Octagon Books. ISBN 0-374-93918-7

[edit] Biographies of Adolf Hitler

[edit] Illustrations of Adolf Hitler

  • Bildendienst, Z. (1979). Adolf Hitler: Pictures of the Life of the Fuehrer. Northstar Commemoratives. ISBN 0-910667-04-7
  • Blundell, N. (1995). Pictorial History of Adolf Hitler. World Pubns. ISBN 1-57215-137-4
  • Kelly, M. (1990). Adolf Hitler. Olympic Marketing Corp. ISBN 0-908240-88-0
  • Lorant, S. (1979). Sieg Heil: An illustrated history of Germany from Bismarck to Hitler. Bonanza Books. ISBN 0-5172-7787-5

[edit] Medical studies of Adolf Hitler

  • Bezymenski, L. (1968). The Death of Adolf Hitler: Unknown Documents from Soviet Archives. Harcourt Brace. ISBN 0-7181-0634-2
  • Doyle, D. (2005). Hitler's Medical Care PDF File
  • Heston, L. (1980). The Medical Casebook of Adolf Hitler: His Illnesses, Doctors, and Drugs. Stein & Day Pub. ISBN 0-8128-2718-X
  • Heston, L. (1999). Adolf Hitler: A Medical Descent That Changed History His Drug Abuse, Doctors, Illnesses. Baypoint Pr. ISBN 0-9665852-9-1
  • Heston, L. (2000). The Medical Casebook of Adolf Hitler. Cooper Square Press. ISBN 0-8154-1066-2
  • Langer, W. (1943). A psychological analysis of Adolph Hitler: His life and legend. M.O. Branch, Office of Strategic Services. ASIN B0007F56QQ
  • Morell, Dr. T. et al. (1983). Adolf Hitler : The Secret Diaries of Hitler's Doctor. ZIP Focal Point Publications. ISBN 0-283-98981-5
  • Schwaab, E. (1992). Hitler's Mind: A Plunge into Madness. Praeger Publishers. ISBN 0-275-94132-9
  • Victor, G. (1999). Hitler: The Pathology of Evil. Potomac Books. ISBN 1-57488-228-7
  • Zalampas, S. (1990). Adolf Hitler: A Psychological Interpretation of His Views on Architecture Art and Music. Bowling Green State Univ Popular Pr. ISBN 0-87972-488-9

[edit] Diet

[edit] Directly related to Adolf Hitler

[edit] Indirectly related to Adolf Hitler

[edit] Articles

  • Aigner, Dietrich "Hitler's Ultimate Aims - A Programme of World Dominion?" pages 251-266 from Aspects of the Third Reich edited by H.W. Koch, Macmillan: London, 1985.
  • Bankier, David "Hitler and the Policy-Making Process on the Jewish Question" pages 1-20 from Holocaust and Genocide Studies, Volume 3, 1988.
  • Bloch, Eduard "My Patient, Hitler" pages 35-37 from Collier's, March 15, 1941.
  • Bloch, Eduard "My Patient, Hitler" pages 69-73 from Collier's, March 22, 1941.
  • Binion, Rudolph "Hitler's Concept of "Lebensraum": the Psychological Basis" pages 187-215 from History of Childhood Quarterly, Volume 1, 1973.
  • Binion, R. "Foam on the Hitler Wave" pages 552-558 from Journal of Modern History, Volume 46, 1974.
  • Bracher, K.D. "The Role of Hitler: Perspectives of Interpretation" pages 193-212 from Fascism: A Reader's Guide, edited by Walter Laqueur, Harmondsworth, 1979.
  • Broszat, M. "Hitler and the Genesis of the ‘Final Solution’: An Assessment of David Irving’s Theses" pages 73-125 from Yad Vashem Studies, Volume 13,1979; reprinted pages 390-429 in Aspects of the Third Reich edited by H.W. Koch, London: Macmillan, 1985, ISBN 0-333-35272-6.
  • Bullock, A. "Hitler and the Origins of the Second World War" pages 221-246 from European Diplomacy Between Two Wars, 1919-1939, edited by Hans Gatzke, Chicago: Quadrangle Books, 1972.
  • Carr, William "The Hitler Image in the Last Half-Century" pages 462-488 from Aspects of the Third Reich, edited by H.W. Koch, Macmillan: London, 1985.
  • Erikson, Erik "The Legend of Hitler's Youth" pages 370-396 from Political Man and Social Man edited by Robert Paul Wolff, New York, 1966.
  • Fest, J. "On Remembering Adolf Hitler" pages 19-34 from Encounter, Volume 41, October 1973.
  • Hale, Oron James "Adolf Hitler: Taxpayer" pages 830-842 from American Historical Review, Volume 60, 1955.
  • Hauner, Milan "Did Hitler Want World Domination?" pages 15-32 from Journal of Contemporary History. Volume 13, 1978.
  • Hillgruber, A. "Hitler's Program" pages 49-55 from Germany and the Two World Wars. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1981.
  • Hillgruber, A. "England's Place in Hitler's Plans for World Dominion" pages 5-22 from Journal of Contemporary History, Volume 9, 1974.
  • Hoffmann, Peter "Hitler's Personal Security" pages 151-171 from Police Forces In History, edited by George Mosse, Beverly Hills, 1975.
  • Hoffmann, P. "Maurice Bavaud's Attempt to Assassinate Hitler in 1938" pages 173-204 from Police Forces In History edited by G. Mosse, Beverly Hills, 1975.
  • Kater, M. "Hitler in a Social Context" pages 243-272 from Central European History, Volume 14, 1981.
  • Kettenacker, Lothar "Social and Psychological Aspects of the Führer's Rule" pages 96-132 from Aspects of the Third Reich, edited by H.W. Koch, Macmillan: London, 1985.
  • Koch, H.W. "Hitler and the Origins of the Second World War Second Thoughts on the Status of Some of the Documents" pages 125-143 from The Historical Journal, Volume 11, No. 1 1968.
  • Koch, H.W. "Hitler's Programme and the Genesis of Operation `Barbarossa'" pages 285-324 from Aspects of the Third Reich, edited by H.W. Koch, Macmillan: London, 1985.
  • Michaelis, Meier "World Power Status or World Dominion? A Survey of the Literature on Hitler's 'Plan of World Dominion' (1937-1970)" pages 331-360 from Historical Journal. Volume 15, 1972.
  • Mommsen, H. "Hitler's Position in the Nazi System" pages 163-188 from From Weimar to Auschwitz. Oxford, 1991.
  • Mommsen, H. "Reflections on the Position of Hitler and Göring in the Third Reich" pages 86-97 from Reevaluating the Third Reich edited by Jane Caplan and Thomas Childers, New York, 1993.
  • Preston, Paul "Franco and Hitler: The Myth of Hendaye 1940" pages 1-16 from Contemporary European History, Volume 1, 1992.
  • Roberston, E.M. "Hitler's Planning for War and the Response of the Great Powers" pages 196-234 from Aspects of the Third Reich, edited by H.W. Koch, Macmillan: London, 1985.
  • Trevor-Roper, H. "Hitlers Kriegsziele" pages 121-133 from Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitsgeschichte, Volume 8, 1960, translated into English as "Hitler's War Aims" pages 235-250 from Aspects of The Third Reich edited by H.W. Koch, London: Macmillan Ltd, 1985.
  • Watt, D.C. "Hitler's Visit to Rome and the May Weekend Crisis: A Study In Hitler's Response to External Stimuli" pages 23-32 from Journal of Contemporary History, Volume 9, 1974.
  • Weinberg, G. "Adolf Hitler" pages 5-38 from Visions of Victory The Hopes of Eight World War II Leaders, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005.
  • Weinberg, G. "Hitler's Private Testament of May 2, 1938" pages 415-419 from Journal of Modern History, Volume 27, 1955.
  • Weinberg, G. "Hitler's Image of the United States" pages 1006-1021 from American Historical Review, Volume 69, Issue #4, July 1964.
  • Weinberg, G. "Hitler and England: Pretense and Reality" pages 299-309 from German Studies Review, Volume 8, 1985.
  • Weinberg, G. "The World Through Hitler's Eyes" pages 30-56 from Germany, Hitler and World War II Essays in Modern German and World History, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995.

[edit] Other languages

[edit] Dutch

  • Hertog, P. (2005). Hitlers schutkleur. De oorsprong van zijn antisemitisme. De Arbeiderspers. ISBN 90-295-6248-X

[edit] German

[edit] Icelandic

  • Thorarensen, T. (1967). Að Hetjuhöll. Reykjavik: Fjölvi Publishing.

[edit] See also
