Lishan Perera

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Lishan Perera

Born July 3, 1994 (1994-07-03) (age 13)
Colombo, Sri Lanka
Occupation Novelist
Nationality Sri Lankan
Genres Thriller / Crime Fiction

Lishan Perera (born July 3, 1994) is a bestselling Sri Lankan teen author and is often cited as one of the youngest published writers in the world. His books have received worldwife fame and are available in more than twenty countries, including Sri Lanka, Singapore, Malaysia, Brunei, Vietnam and Indonesia.

His novels include The Killer (his debut effort); Time to Die (a NYPD thriller); and Pure Evil (a twisted tale of betrayal and murder). In October 2007 Perera's short story In the Hands of Fate was chosen to be published in a Daily News anthlogy titled [Nothing Grows Under the Banyan Tree and Other Stories].

Perera is currently working on an explosive thriller series featuring NYPD Detective Dave Knight. The first book titled Body Count should be released in 2008.


[edit] Family life

Lishan Perera was born in Colombo in July 1994. He is the only child in the family and says that it was his parents who inspired him to write and always encouraged him on.

In 1999 Perera joined Colombo International School where he still schools today. His first writing experience came when he was a scrawny six year old youngster in Year 2, when wrote a short story titled The Rabbit Who Went to The moon. He says, "The only reason I actually wrote the story was because I'd get into trouble otherwise. And afterwards I found out that I actually enjoyed myself writing it. I gave it to my teachers and they just loved it. Looking back I realize that this was a very important milestone in my career because it was only then that I discovered my talent and passion for writing. I've kept on going ever since."

Perera is currently in Year 9. He lives in Moratuwa, Colombo with his family and pets. He is a keen cricket enthusiast and supports the Sri Lankan team.

[edit] Writing career

[edit] The early days

Before becomig a published author, Perera wrote numerous poems and short stories simply for pleasure. However, it was only in 2005 that the idea to write a novel came to him. He made a number of unsuccessful starts, stopping and deleting his work simply because he believed it wasn't good enough. It was his parents who finally told him not to give up and persuaded him that he had the skill it required to write a full length novel.

[edit] Publication of The Killer

In March 2006 after three months of endless writing, re-writing and editing Perera finally finished work on his debut novel, The Killer. He says, "I knew the hard part would be getting the book published. I was expecting dozens of rejections - but to my surprise and joy, Vijitha Yapa, the first publisher I sent the book to accepted it!" The Killer was released and launched on 3 December 2006.

The front cover of Perera's first novel The Killer
The front cover of Perera's first novel The Killer

[edit] External links