User:LiquidGhoul/List of frog families table

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Archaeobatrachia - 4 families, 6 genera, 27 species
Family Common Names Example Species Example Photo
Ascaphidae Tailed frogs - -
Bombinatoridae Fire-belly toads European Fire-bellied Toad (Bombina bombina)
Discoglossidae Painted frogs or Disc-tounged frogs Iberian or Portuguese Painted Frog (Discoglossus galganoi)
Leiopelmatidae New Zealand primitive frogs - -
Mesobatrachia - 6 families, 20 genera, 168 species
Megophryidae Litter frogs or short-legged toads (Megophrys nasuta)
Pelobatidae European spadefoot toads Western Spadefoot Toad (Pelobates fuscus)
Pelodytidae Parsley frogs Common Parsley Frog (Pelodytes punctatus)
Pipidae Tongueless frogs or clawed frogs African Dwarf Frog (Hymenochirus boettgeri)
Rhinophrynidae Mexican Burrowing Toad Mexican Burrowing Toad (Rhinophrynus dorsalis)
Scaphiopodidae American spadefoot toads Western Spadefoot Toad (Spea hammondii)
Neobatrachia - 23 families, more than 5,000 species
Allophrynidae Tukeit Hill Frog Tukeit Hill Frog (Allophryne ruthveni) -
Arthroleptidae Screeching frogs or squeakers Tanzanian Screeching Frog (Arthroleptis tanneri) Image:Arthroleptis tanneri.jpg
Astylosternidae - - -
Brachycephalidae Saddleback toads - -
Bufonidae True toads Common Toad (Common Toad)
Centrolenidae Glass frogs -
Dendrobatidae Poison dart frogs Black and yellow poison frog (Dendrobates leucomelas)
Heleophrynidae Ghost frogs - -
Hemisotidae Shovelnose frogs -
Hylidae Tree frogs White's Tree Frog (Litoria caerulea)
Hyperoliidae Sedge frogs or bush frogs Big-eyed Tree Frog (Leptopelis vermiculatus)
Leptodactylidae Southern frogs or tropical frogs Eleutherodactylus mimus
Limnodynastidae Australian ground frogs Great Barred Frog (Mixophyes fasciolatus)
Mantellidae - Golden Mantella (Mantella aurantiaca)
Microhylidae Narrow-mouthed frogs Sheep Frog (Hypopachus variolosus)
Myobatrachidae Australian froglets or Australian toadlets Common Eastern Froglet (Crinia signifera)
Nasikabatrachidae Purple Frog Purple Frog (Nasikabatrachus sahyadrensis)
Petropedetidae - - -
Ranidae True frogs Marsh Frog (Rana ridibunda)
Rhacophoridae Moss frogs - -
Rheobatrachidae Gastric-brooding frogs - -
Rhinodermatidae Darwin's frogs - -
Sooglossidae Seychelles frogs - -