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Linke-Hofmann was a German manufacturing company established in Breslau to produce locomotives and rolling stock. During World War I, it became one of many companies in Germany drawn into the aircraft industry even though they had no prior experience in aircraft design.

Linke-Hofmann first entered the aircraft industry by repairing and constructing under license aircraft such as the Roland C.IIa, Albatros C.III, C.X and B.IIa. It should be remembered that in 1916 aircraft design must have seemed very simple, little more than a kite with an engine attached, unlike steam locomotives designs which were mature and complex.

In 1916 Linke-Hofmann was awarded a contract to design and build a four engine R-Plane. The R classification is short for Riesenflugzeug (giant aircraft). Two designs were built in prototype form, the R.I and the R.II, but neither proved successful.

[edit] Sources

  • The German Giants, The Story of the R-planes 1914-1919, G.W Haddow & Peter M. Grosz, 1963. Published by Putnam & Company 42 Great Russell Street London
  • Gunston, Bill (1993). World Encyclopedia of Aircraft Manufacturers. Annapolis: Naval Institute Press, 183. 