Link (geometry)

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In geometry, the link of a vertex of a 2-dimensional simplicial complex is a graph that encodes information about the local structure of the complex at the vertex.

[edit] Definition

Let \scriptstyle X be a simplicial complex. The link \scriptstyle\operatorname{Lk}(v,X) of a vertex \scriptstyle v of \scriptstyle X is the graph constructed as follows. The vertices of \scriptstyle\operatorname{Lk}(v,X) correspond to edges of \scriptstyle X which are incident to \scriptstyle v. Two such edges are adjacent in \scriptstyle\operatorname{Lk}(v,X) if they are incident to a common 2-cells at \scriptstyle v. In general, for a abstract simplicial complex and a face \scriptstyle F of \scriptstyle X , denoted \scriptstyle\operatorname{Lk}(F,X) is the set of faces \scriptstyle G such that G  \cap F = \emptyset and G  \cup F  \in X. Because X is simplicial, there is a set isomorphism between \scriptstyle\operatorname{Lk}(F,X) and  X_F = \{G \in X such that F \subset G\}.

The graph \scriptstyle\operatorname{Lk}(v,X) is often given the topology of a ball of small radius centred at \scriptstyle v.

[edit] Examples

To follow.