Line (racing)

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                     Late apex                      Early apex
                     Late apex                      Early apex

In racing sports , the ideal line is the inside part of a curve where the vehicle is nearest to the inside curb in order to maintain the maximum velocity around the track. The apex or clipping point is often used in motorsport, though other racing sports such as skiing and bicycling have similar concepts of an ideal line.

When analyzing a single corner, the optimum line is one that minimizes the time spent in the corner and maximizes the overall speed (of the vehicle) through the corner. In other words, one tries to take a line that is as closest to a straight line as possible, within limits of available width and curvature of road or track at the bend.

The apex is often but not always, the geometric center of the turn. Hitting the apex allows the vehicle to take the straightest line and maintain the highest speed through that specific corner. It is also the tightest part of a corner.

Also, in drifting one should aim the front of the car towards the apex to initiate a high-angle drift. High-angle drifting keeps the front of the car facing the apex, blocking the opponent from overtaking.

The racing-line is taken to minimize the amount of side roll the car experiences. Less wheel turn will translate into less roll (compared to turning more) and less tire wear against the ground, especially in the wheel of the drive train.

Apex entry's and exits, these effect the speed into and out of the corner onto the following straight. An early apex is used to maximize the acceleration out onto the following straight. a late apex maximizes the use of speed from the incoming straight, this is used when approaching a corner where the following straight is allot shorter than the straight before the corner. Hitting the apex in the middle is the main way to take a corner, this keeps a good speed constant into and out of the corner.

For example, a sector of the track is a 1/4 mile straight leading up to a 90 degree corner that leads onto a 100m straight that then turns into a hairpin that follows onto a long straight.The straight is where the car would have its optimum speed and it is leading into a sharp 90 degree corner, the late apex into the corner would be used to make as much use of the speed as possible. Onto the following straight at low speed, this means less speed up to the hairpin. Because the car will be at a lower speed towards the hairpin, the early apex can be used with minimum braking and maximum speed onto the following straight. this would be the quickest way to take this sector of the track making full use of the speed possible into and out of the corners.