Lin Youren

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Lin Youren
Chinese: 林友仁

Lin Youren (林友仁) is a noted player of the Chinese musical instrument guqin. He famous for his unaffected playing style. Lin also taught guqin at the Shanghai Conservatory of Music, but has since retired.

Lin was born in 1938 in Shanghai, China, but was brought up in nearby Nanjing. Early on in his musical development, Lin studied with Liu Shaochun (1901-71). He enterd the Shanghai Conservatory of Music in 1958 to study the guqin. He was influenced by the playing styles of Liu Jingshao, Gu Meigeng, Shen Caonong, and Wei Zhongle in particular. He graduated in 1963 and stayed at the Conservatory and began research on guqin history and Chinese music.

Lin has given guqin recitals in Taiwan, Hong Kong, Japan, France, the UK and the USA.

[edit] Partial discography

  • Appreciation of Tang Poetry Quatrains 1995
  • Music For The Qin Zither 2000 (recorded in the UK)

[edit] References

Please see: References section in the guqin article for a full list of references used in all qin related articles.

[edit] External links

Aesthetics | Construction | Contemporary players | History | Literature | Notation | Playing technique | Popular culture | Qinpu | Schools
Societies | Strings | Tuning | Yaji
Ao Ai | Guangling San | Hujia Shiba-pai | Jieshi Diao Youlan | Liu Shui | Meihua Sannong | Pingsha Luoyan | Xiao Xiang Shuiyun | Yangguan Sandie
Guangling | Jiuyi | Lingnan | Mei'an | Pucheng | Shu | Yushan | Zhe | Zhucheng
London Youlan Qin Society | New York Qin Society | North American Guqin Association
Historical personages
Bo Ya | Cai Wenji | Cai Yong | Confucius | Guo Chuwang | Ruan Ji | Emperor Song Huizong | Xi Kang | Zhu Quan
Cheng Yu | Gong Yi | Guan Pinghu | Li Xiangting | Lin Youren | Wang Fei | Wu Jinglüe | Wu Zhaoji | Zeng Chengwei | Zha Fuxi | Zhang Ziqian