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Liangxiongdiyu Island("两兄弟屿"), (30°10.1′N, 122°56.7E). Liangxiongdiyu locates 67Km northeast of Shenjiamen . It belongs to the Dongji Town of Zhoushan city. Liangxiongdiyu is the baseline point of the Chinese territorial sea.[1] 2006, The stele of "Chinese territorial sea baseline point" erected.
[edit] Notes & References
[edit] See also
- Zhoushanqundao (舟山群岛)
- Suyanjiao (Suyan Rock) (苏岩礁)
- Sheshandao(佘山岛)
- Yushanliedao(渔山列岛)
- aizhouliedao(台州列岛)