LGBT rights in Switzerland

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Gay Pride Parade in Zürich.
Gay Pride Parade in Zürich.

In December 1990, the House of Representatives voted in favor of reforming the law on sexual offences (art. 191 et seq. of the Penal Code). In a national referendum on May 17 1992, 73% of the voters accepted the reform of Swiss Federal legislation on sexual offences, including the elimination of all discrimination against homosexuality from the Penal Code

Homosexuality in the army is no longer illegal, thus a homosexual act between two consenting members of the army can no longer be prosecuted. (Note that every male Swiss between the age of 20 and 50 is a member of the Swiss army. There are very few professional members of the army.)


[edit] Protection based on sexual orientation in law

Laws against discrimination on sexual orientation are in effect. There is no support for adoption of children or protections in this area of the law in Switzerland, although revision of the law following a decision by the European Court of Justice on a case in France may be reached.[1]

[edit] Recognition of same sex couples

Registered partnership has been recognised since 1 January 2007. The Canton of Zurich, for example, has registered 702 couples which represents more than 10% of all weddings in the region. [2]

[edit] Gay life in the country

Although some atittutes may change slowly, the general puplic is mostly tolerant of gays and violent discrimination does not occur. Good gay scenes exist in Geneva, Zürich, Basel and Lausanne.

[edit] References

  1. ^ 28/01/08 Adoptionsrecht wieder im Fokus (German)
  2. ^ 14/01/08 Kanton Zurich: Jede 10. Ehe gleichgeschlechtlich (German)