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Leucospermum erubescens
Leucospermum erubescens
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Magnoliophyta
Class: Magnoliopsida
Order: Proteales
Family: Proteaceae
Genus: Leucospermum

See text.

Nodding Pincushion, Leucospermum 'Veldfire' flower bud
Nodding Pincushion, Leucospermum 'Veldfire' flower bud

Leucospermum (Pincushion, Pincushion Protea or Leucospermum) is a genus of about 50 species of flowering plants in the family Proteaceae, native to Zimbabwe and South Africa, where they occupy a variety of habitats, including scrub, forest, and mountain slopes.

They are evergreen shrubs (rarely small trees) growing to 0.5-5 m tall. The leaves are spirally arranged, tough and leathery, simple, linear to lanceolate, 2-12 cm long and 0.5-3 cm broad, with a serrated margin or serrated at the leaf apex only. The flowers are produced in dense inflorescences, which have large numbers of prominent styles, which inspires the name.

The genus is closely related in evolution and appearance to the Australian genus Banksia.

  • Leucospermum album Bond
  • Leucospermum arenarium – Redelinghuis Pincushion
  • Leucospermum attenuatum R.Br.
  • Leucospermum bolusii E.Phillips – Gordon's Bay Pincushion
  • Leucospermum calligerum – Arid Pincushion
  • Leucospermum catherinae Compton – Catherine-wheel Pincushion
  • Leucospermum conocarpodendron (L.) H.St.John – Tree Pincushion
  • Leucospermum conocarpum R.Br.
  • Leucospermum cordatum – Heart-leaf Pincushion
  • Leucospermum cordifolium (Salisb. ex Knight) Fourc.
  • Leucospermum cuneiforme (Burm.) Rourke – Wart-stemmed Pincushion
  • Leucospermum erubescens – Oudtshoorn Pincushion
  • Leucospermum formosum – Silver-leaf Wheel Pincushion
  • Leucospermum gerrardii – Soapstone Pincushion
  • Leucospermum glabrum – Outeniqua Pincushion
  • Leucospermum gracile – Hermanus Pincushion
  • Leucospermum grandiflorum R.Br. – Grey-leaf Fountain Pincushion
  • Leucospermum gueinzii – Kloof Fountain Pincushion
  • Leucospermum harmatum – Ruitersbos Pincushion
  • Leucospermum harpagonatum – McGregor Pincushion
  • Leucospermum heterophyllum – Trident Pincushion
  • Leucospermum hypophyllocarpodendron (L.) Druce – Snake-stem Pincushion
  • Leucospermum innovans – Transkei Pincushion
  • Leucospermum lineare R.Br. – Needle-leaf Pincushion
  • Leucospermum muirii – Albertinia Pincushion
  • Leucospermum mundii – Langeberg Pincushion
  • Leucospermum oleifolium – Overberg Pincushion
  • Leucospermum parile – Malmesbury Pincushion
  • Leucospermum patersonii – Silveredge Pincushion
  • Leucospermum pendunculatum – White Trailing Pincushion
  • Leucospermum pluridens – Robinson Pincushion
  • Leucospermum praecox – Mossel Bay Pincushion
  • Leucospermum praemorsum – Nardouw Pincushion
  • Leucospermum profugum – Piketberg Pincushion
  • Leucospermum prostratum – Yellow Trailing Pincushion
  • Leucospermum reflexum H.Buek ex Meisn. – Rocket Pincushion
  • Leucospermum rodolentum – Common Sandveld Pincushion
  • Leucospermum royenifolium – Eastern Pincushion
  • Leucospermum saxatile – Karoo Pincushion
  • Leucospermum saxosum – Escarpment Pincushion
  • Leucospermum secundifolium – Stalked Pincushion
  • Leucospermum spathulatum – Cederberg Pincushion
  • Leucospermum tomentosus – Saldanha Pincushion
  • Leucospermum tottum R.Br. – Ribbon Pincushion
  • Leucospermum truncatulum – Oval-leaf Pincushion
  • Leucospermum truncatum H.Buek ex Meisn. – Limestone Pincushion
  • Leucospermum utriculosum – Breede River Pincushion
  • Leucospermum vestitum (Lam.) Rourke – Silky-haired Pincushion
  • Leucospermum winterii – Riversdale Pincushion
  • Leucospermum wittebergense – Swartberg Pincushion

[edit] See also

[edit] External links

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