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Nebalia bipes
Nebalia bipes
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Subphylum: Crustacea
Class: Malacostraca
Subclass: Phyllocarida
Packard, 1879
Order: Leptostraca
Claus, 1880 [1]


Leptostraca (from the Greek words for thin and shell [2]) is an order of small, marine crustaceans. Its members, including the well-studied Nebalia, occur throughout the world's oceans and are usually considered to be filter-feeders [3]. It is the only extant order in the subclass Phyllocarida.

[edit] Description

Diagram of Nebalia bipes showing the major features of the external anatomy: 1: antennule; 2: rostrum; 3: carapace; 4: abdomen / pleon; 5: furca; 6: telson; 7: pleopods; 8: antenna; 9: thoracopods; 10: eye
Diagram of Nebalia bipes showing the major features of the external anatomy: 1: antennule; 2: rostrum; 3: carapace; 4: abdomen / pleon; 5: furca; 6: telson; 7: pleopods; 8: antenna; 9: thoracopods; 10: eye

Leptostracans are usually small (typically 5–15 mm long [4]) possess a head with stalked compound eyes, two pairs of antennae (one biramous, one uniramous) and a pair of mandibles but no maxillipeds [3]. The carapace is large and comprises two valves which cover the head and the thorax, including most of the thoracic appendages, and houses as a brood pouch for the developing embryos. The abdomen has eight segments, six of which bear pleopods, and a pair of caudal furcae, which may be homologous to uropods of other crustaceans [5].

[edit] Classification

It is now accepted that leptostracans belong to the Malacostraca [6], and the sister group to Leptostraca is Eumalacostraca [7].

The Order Leptostraca is divided into three families, with ten genera containing a total of around 39 valid described species [8]:

Nebaliopsidae Hessler, 1984

  • Nebaliopsis Sars, 1887
    • Nebaliopsis typica Sars, 1887
  • Pseudonebaliopsis Petryachov, 1996
    • Pseudonebaliopsis atlantica Petryachov, 1996

Nebaliidae Samoulle, 1819

  • Nebalia Leach, 1814
    • Nebalia antarctica Dahl, 1990
    • Nebalia bipes Fabricius, 1780
    • Nebalia borealis Dahl, 1985
    • Nebalia brucei Olesen, 1999
    • Nebalia cannoni Dahl, 1990
    • Nebalia capensis Barnard, 1914
    • Nebalia clausi Dahl, 1985
    • Nebalia falklandensis Dahl, 1990
    • Nebalia dahli Kazmi & Tirmizi, 1989
    • Nebalia daytoni Vetter, 1996
    • Nebalia geoffroyi Milne-Edwards, 1828
    • Nebalia gerkenae Haney and Martin, 2000
    • Nebalia herbstii Leach, 1814
    • Nebalia hessleri Martin et al., 1996
    • Nebalia ilheoensis Kensley, 1976
    • Nebalia lagartensis Escobar & Villalobos-Hiriart, 1995
    • Nebalia longicornis Thomson, 1879
    • Nebalia marerubi Wägele, 1983
    • Nebalia patagonica Dahl, 1990
    • Nebalia schizophthalma Haney, Hessler, and Martin, 2001
    • Nebalia strausi Risso, 1826
    • Nebalia troncosoi Moreira, Cacbelos, and Dominguez, 2003
  • Nebaliella Thiele, 1904
    • Nebaliella antarctica Thiele, 1904
    • Nebaliella brevicarinata Kikuchi and Gamô, 1992
    • Nebaliella caboti Clark, 1932
    • Nebaliella declivatas Walker-Smith, 1998
    • Nebaliella extrema Thiele, 1905
  • Dahlella Hessler, 1984
    • Dahlella caldariensis Hessler, 1984
  • Sarsinebalia Dahl, 1985
    • Sarsinebalia cristobi Moreira, Gestoso, and Troncoso, 2003
    • Sarsinebalia typhlops (Sars, 1870)
    • Sarsinebalia urgorrii Moreira, Gestoso, and Troncoso, 2003
  • Speonebalia Bowman, Yager and Iliffe, 1985
    • Speonebalia cannoni Bowman, Yager and Iliffe, 1985

Paranebaliidae Walker-Smith and Poore, 2001

  • Levinebalia Walker-Smith, 2000
    • Levinebalia maria Walker-Smith, 2000
    • Levinebalia fortunata (Wakabara, 1976)
  • Paranebalia Claus, 1880
    • Paranebalia belizensis Modlin, 1991
    • Paranebalia longipes (Willemoes-Suhm, 1875)
  • Saronebalia Haney and Martin, 2004
    • Saronebalia guanensis Haney and Martin, 2004

[edit] References

Wikispecies has information related to:
  1. ^ Leptostraca (TSN 331680). Integrated Taxonomic Information System.
  2. ^ Leptostraca. Online Medical Dictionary (1998-03-01).
  3. ^ a b J. K. Lowry (1999-10-02). Leptostraca. Crustacea, the Higher Taxa: Description, Identification, and Information Retrieval.
  4. ^ Estela C. Lopretto (2003-07-30). Phyllocarida. Answers.com.
  5. ^ F. Knopf, S. Koenemann, F. R. Schram & C. Wolff (2006). The urosome of the Pan- and Peracarida. Contributions to Zoology 75 (1/2): 1–21. 
  6. ^ J. W. Martin & G. E. Davis (2001). An Updated Classification of the Recent Crustacea (PDF), Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, 132 pp. 
  7. ^ Malacostraca. Tree of Life Web Project (2002-01-01).
  8. ^ Todd Haney (2004). Classification. Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County. Retrieved on 2007-08-08.