Leptospermum laevigatum

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Leptospermum laevigatum

Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Magnoliophyta
Class: Magnoliopsida
Order: Myrtales
Family: Myrtaceae
Genus: Leptospermum
Species: L. laevigatum'
Binomial name
Leptospermum laevigatum
(Gaertn.) F.Muell.

Leptospermum laevigatum, commonly known as the Coastal Tea Tree is a woody shrub or small tree of the myrtaceae family native to eastern Australia. Salt-resistant and very hardy, it is commonly used in amenities plantings and coastal plantings. it has also been used in Western Australia where it has become a weed.[1]

The full name for the species is therefore Leptospermum laevigatum (Gaertn.) F.Muell.[2]

[edit] References

  1. ^ Australian Weeds Committee. Weed Identification - Coastal Tea Tree. National Weeds Strategy. Retrieved on 2007-07-18.
  2. ^ Hakea teretifolia (Salisb.) Britten. Australian Plant Name Index (APNI), IBIS database. Centre for Plant Biodiversity Research, Australian Government.