Leo Soekoto

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Monsignor Leo Soekoto SJ (born 23 October 1920 in Jali, Yogyakarta, died 30 December 1995 in Semarang, Indonesia) was the Archbishop of Jakarta from 15 August 1970 until his death.


[edit] Early Life

Soekoto is the son of Wongsosentono and Soeratinah. When he was going to Hollandsch-Inlandsche School (HIS), he got his call to become a priest. He entered a Seminary at Jalan Code (now known as Jalan Abubakar Ali), Yogyakarta for 6 years, after which he entered Serikat Jesus (SJ).

[edit] Careers

He was ordained a priest on 22 August 1953 in Maastricht, Netherlands. On 1958 he returned to Indonesia.

On 15 November 1966 he was called to Jakarta by the then Archbishop of Jakarta, Adrianus Djajasepoetra, as the Secretary of Archdiose of Jakarta. On 25 November 1967, he became the Vicar General of Archdiose of Jakarta while he was also a priest in Blok B parish, Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta.

On 25 May 1970 he received a notice from the Pope that he had been appointed the Archbishop of Jakarta, effective 1 July 1970. He was inaugurated on 15 August 1970 by the then Archbishop of Semarang Justinus Darmojuwono in Istora Senayan, Jakarta. On the same year, he became the secretary of Majelis Agung Wali Gereja Indonesia (MAWI).

On 17 July 1993, he was appointed by the Pope as Administrator Apostolik ad Nutum Sanctae Sedis for Diocese of Bogor until 23 October 1994, when the Diocese of Bogor had a new Bishop, Monsignor Michael Angkur, OFM.

Decided to retire as Archbishop of Jakarta on 10 November 1995, he then moved to Girisonta, Central Java.

[edit] Death

Soekoto suffered cancer and died on Saturday, 30 December 1995 in Saint Elizabeth Hospital, Semarang, and was buried in Girisonta, Karangjati, Ungaran, Central Java on 1 January 1997 which was presided by the then head of Society of Jesus Indonesia, CB Putranto SJ.

A Requiem mass preceded the burial in Cathedral of Semarang, presided by the then Archbishop of Semarang Julius Kardinal Darmaatmadja (succeeding Soekoto as incumbent Archbishop of Jakarta) accompanied by Mgr Alexander Djajasiswaja, Pr (Bishop of Bandung) and Mgr Mikael Angkur OFM (Bishop of Bogor). Other bishops were in attendance (Mgr Pandoyo Pr (Bishop of Malang), Mgr Hadiwikarta SJ (Bishop of Surabaya), Mgr Hardjosumarto Pr (Bishop of Purwokerto), Mgr Martinus D. Sitomarang (Bishop of Padang), Mgr Pudjorahardjo (Bishop of Ketapang), Mgr Mandagi (Bishop of Ambon), and other 60 priests.

Also in attendance was the then ambassador of Vatican, Mgr Pietro Sambi, and the then Governor of Central Java Soewardi.

[edit] Education

  • Hollandsch-Inlandsche School (HIS), Yogyakarta, Indonesia (1937)
  • Seminari Menengah (Seminary), Yogyakarta, Indonesia (1943)
  • Hidup Rohani High School, Ungaran, Indonesia (1947)
  • Philosophy School, Yogyakarta, Indonesia (1950)
  • Teology School, Netherlands (1954)
  • University of Gregoriana, Rome, Italy (1955)
  • Spiritual School, Muenster, West German (1955)
  • Church Law, Rome, Italy (1958)

[edit] External Links

Preceded by
Adrianus Djajasepoetra, SJ
Archbishop of Jakarta
Succeeded by
Julius Darmaatmadja, SJ