User talk:Legitimus

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[edit] Handlebars

I see your hard work on the article has been reverted by User:Rau J. Would you mind certifying/seconing my RFC on his reverts here? ---> [1]. Thanks. JeanLatore (talk) 00:19, 21 May 2008 (UTC)

[edit] Makhila

Hello and thank you for using my picture on your article, it’s very flattering. In answer to your question, the makhila that it depicts is about 1,05 metre, but each and every stick is unique, and made according to the size and weight of it’s future owner. I actually ordered this one from the Ainciart-Bergara workshop in Larressore (considered as the trademark makhila maker) for my dad’s 60th birthday. The delay was about 6 months, but it can be up to more than a year, with clients from all over the world (which seems surprising for such a small family business). If you have an opportunity to visit them one day, you’ll probably be surprised to see a wall covered with pictures of celebrities receiving a Makhila from their workshop (such as Ronald Reagan or John Paul IInd). It was funny how I had to « make my proofs » as a client to obtain their agreement to have a Makhila made from them, and as I conceived it (specific decorations, personal motto translated in Basque) : the manager asked me a series of questions to know who I was, what I wanted a makhila for, how I came to know them, what it meant for me etc. But it was worth it. On the D-day, I took my dad to the workshop pretending a simple visit, and he received his present from them. Such a great time. Cheers. --Jibi44 (talk) 11:39, 24 May 2008 (UTC)

I unfortunately have no idea how height and weight is used to determine the length and diameter, I suppose that it is part of the well-kept business secret (copies & fakes do great harm to luxuary business in France). All I can say is that my dad is 1,83 m. I can remember that the manager said that most of their overseas clients are from the US (meaning that someone must be able to understand written English), but they do not accept all orders (nasty Basque character ;-). If you still wish to order, the best way is to write a letter letting them know you height, weight (using the metric system), motto, motivations for buying & specific decoration + the different materials that you wish. --Jibi44 (talk) 19:15, 24 May 2008 (UTC)

[edit] Vacation

Thanks for the tip, but I'm afraid that I would return to Pedophilia and find "Pedophiles like to rape, mutilate, and kill young children because they have no soul <ref>Every issue of the Sun since 1985</ref>" or whatever. Given Petra just reverted to SqueakBox's version of the PPA article which states paed activists wish to legalize child porn "in order to deliberately humiliate publicly the children they sexually abuse for the rest of the child's life," that's quite likely. --AnotherSolipsist (talk) 18:36, 24 May 2008 (UTC)

[edit] Your input is very much appreciated here

J-Lambton T/C 01:01, 28 May 2008 (UTC)

[edit] Good job!

On the typologies section at CSA. -PetraSchelm (talk) 01:54, 4 June 2008 (UTC)