Legislative Assembly of Puerto Rico

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The Legislative Assembly of Puerto Rico is the legislative branch of the government of Puerto Rico. The structure and responsibilities of the Assembly are defined in Article Three of the Constitution of Puerto Rico.

The Legislative Assembly of Puerto Rico is bicameral, meaning that it has two houses, namely:

The House of Representatives has 51 members and the Senate of 27 members (11 of the members for each house are elected at large, not from a specific district). All of the members of the legislature are elected for a 4 year term. The constitution vests all legislative power to and in the legislature. And while laws need to be passed by both houses, each has its unique powers. Also the Constitution states in the Article III section 9 that "...each house shall be the unique judge on the legal capacity of its members...". The Constitution also grants the members of the legislative assembly with parliamentary immunity.


[edit] History

The House of Representatives is the oldest legislative body in Puerto Rico. It was formed back on November 25, 1897, when the Spanish government granted autonomy to the Island, and created the House that was composed of 32 members. Beside the House there was also an Administrative Council of 15 members, 8 of who where elected by a "Colegio de Compromisarios" and the other 7 were named by the Governor General en representation of the King.

After the invasion of the United States on July 25, 1898 a military government took over the island. This was until April 12, 1900 when Congress approved the first civil government for Puerto Rico under the Foraker Act. The Act granted the Island with a Civil Governor (named by the US President) and a House of Delegates composed of 35 members elected by the people of Puerto Rico, also there was an Executive Council of 11 members, designated all by the US President, 6 held an executive office in the cabinet of the Governor, which was a violation of the separation of powers (executive and legislative).

The composition of the Legislative Power continued like so until 1917. On March 2 of that year, president Woodrow Wilson approved the Jones Act, which provided for the creation of a real Legislative Power in the Island, by stablishing a House of Representatives with 39 members and a Senate of 19 members, all elected directly by the people of the Island. Puerto Rico was then divided into 7 senatorial districts and 35 representatives.

With the approval by Congress in July 1950 of Public Law 600, the island was divided in 8 senatorial districts and 40 representatives, like today. Two years later in July 25, 1952 was adopted the Constitution of Puerto Rico, which formally established the House of Representantes and Senate of Puerto Rico as the Legislative Body of the government (as stated in Article III).

[edit] Powers

The Constitution of Puerto Rico vests all legislative powers in the Legislature. Each house has the sole power to by the judge of the legal capacities of its members. The members of both houses are protected by parliamentary immunity, which Article III section 14 states "no member of the Legislative Assemble shall be imprisoned...", they also shall not be held accountable for anything said in the floor.

Each House holds exclusive powers that are not given to the other. The House of Representatives has the exclusive power to initiate an impeachment process and the Senate the exclusive power to pass judgement. All laws dealing with the budget or taxes must be originated in the House of Representatives. While the Senate holds the exclusive power to extend its consent to appointments to government offices made by the Governor (judges, secretaries and others as stated by law or Constitution).

The Legislative Assembly with the consent of 2/3 of each House members may proposed amendments to the Constitution, this are subject to approval by the people of Puerto Rico in a referendum. It also has the power to consolidate or create municipalities.

[edit] See also

[edit] External links
