Left child-right sibling binary tree

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In computer science, a left child-right sibling binary tree is a binary tree representation of a k-ary tree. The process of converting from a k-ary tree to an LC-RS binary tree is not reversible in general without additional information.

To form a binary tree from an arbitrary k-ary tree by this method, the root of the original tree is made the root of the binary tree. Then, starting with the root, each node's leftmost child in the original tree is made its left child in the binary tree, and its nearest sibling to the right in the original tree is made its right child in the binary tree.[1]

If the original tree was sorted, the new tree will be a binary search tree.

[edit] References

  1. ^ Paul E. Black, Left child-right sibling binary tree at the NIST Dictionary of Algorithms and Data Structures.