User talk:Leandrod

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hello Leandro! Welcome to Wikipedia. It's nice to see somebody here who actually knows something about the relational model. :-) But I also have a critical remark. The term "relational database" is in practice used more loosely than it is defined by E.F. Codd or C.J. Date. That is perhaps unfortunate, but that doesn't make it less true. So that is what should be explained in the article and it should also be mentioned the databases that are not considered really relational by them but in general are called relational anyway. (Actually this is an issue that needs an NPOV approach since not everybody agrees on what "relational" exactly means.) Some of those were mentioned, but you removed them, and this is usually done in Wikipedia with the greatest circumspection. -- Jan Hidders 17:26 Sep 12, 2002 (UTC)

Sorry for the late reply.

Thanks for the compliments, but I really disagree on NPOV... I do think truth more important than balance.

Hi. It looks like you're doing good work on Brazil related articles! Note that I made the São Salvador da Bahia article you started a redirect to the larger existing article at Salvador, Brazil. I added some of your text to the "Salvador, Brazil" article, which I'm sure could use further improvements. Cheers, -- Infrogmation 15:53, 12 May 2004 (UTC)

You are welcome!

olhe leandro, acho que corência e verdade são importantes, o que elimino é porque não acho coerente, não é realista ou é apenas opinião. Você gosta muito de dar opiniões e é livre (eu gosto de dar opiniões nas talk pages, não nos artigos), uma enciclopedia não é um editorial de jornal. E, não ponho pontos de vista por me agradar, apenas desejo que conheçam melhor (sem os mitos) a lingua Portuguesa e as várias linguas que derivam dela e que é importante de quem fala essas línguas, sei disso muito bem. Fui eu quem pos praticamente tudo sobre os crioulos portugueses no mundo, até com falantes de crioulo falei, aprendi etc. Não quero ser arrogante, mas é a melhor fonte sobre Crioulos Portugueses e não quero que deixe de ser. Mas tudo isso tem base e quero que tudo o que seja inserido seja veridico para que as pessoas acreditem, o que você escreveu não vejo onde está a base. Apenas lhe pedi para colocar mais informação sobre o que escreveu. O Lanc-Patois será um crioulo Português mesmo? E esses crioulos do kilombo? Gostava de links a confirmar isso, mais nada. desculpe, mas continuo a achar que isso é pouco fiável. Quanto ao assunto do que se fala no Brasil: O Brasil merece mais respeito. Os próprios brasileiros (alguns) gostam de piorar a imagem que o país já tem no exterior, tal como isso do "descrioulizado" ou do que falam já ser uma língua, não ajuda em nada o Brasil. Quanto aos Franceses, eles acham, uma boa parte, que os das ex-colonias, não falam linguas correctas, falam todos crioulos, linguas "semi-barbaras" porque só eles sabem falar correctamente. Uma língua não tem dono, é de quem a fala. Se o Brasileiro fosse lingua, seria um crioulo, não seria uma língua como o Português, o Francês, etc. Mas o que se fala no Brasil está muito longe de ser um crioulo. Isto é opinião, agora em artigos há que se rever em factos! E, quanto a crioulos sei do que falo, posso não ser (socio)linguista, mas já uma linguísta Espanhola e outra portuguesa me disseram que estou na profissão errada, e não estou a ser arrogante.-Pedro 00:39, 20 May 2004 (UTC)

Sinto muito, mas coerência não vem ao caso. A única coerência que conta é a dos fatos.

Por favor escreva mais claramente, é difícil entender o que escreve sem parágrafos.

Aponte onde há opiniões. Relato opiniões, mas dou o que entendo serem os fatos.

Você não pediu mais informações, simplesmente removeu o que escrevi. Isso é desrespeito. Podia questionar, avisar que iria remover, até escrever por correio eletrônico, jamais simplesmente remover a menos que houvesse erro flagrante. Só porque você não conhece não quer dizer que exista ou que seja pouco fiável. Não sou a primeira pessoa a reclamar da sua arrogância em remover informações publicadas por outros.

O Lanc-Patois é uma mistura de Português, Francês e línguas indígenas. Posso verificar se qualifica-se como Crioulo, mas não será para já.

Quanto aos crioulos quilomba, são de conhecimento comum no Brasil, inclusive com reportagens de televisão etc. Posso procurar fontes em outra ocasião.

Agora essa vossa divagação sobre se o Português do Brasil é língua ou crioulo ou o quê é ridícula. Então só é língua o que vem da metrópole? Ora faça-me o favor! És arrogante, sim. O que você tem a dizer sobre a imagem do Brasil? Só diz-que-diz. Essa estória de descrioulizado não vem ao caso, e essas opiniões que você reproduz simplesmente são ignoradas por aqui.

Ora bolas.

Sorry for the late reply, but I usually check new additions from the bottom of the page, not the top. What is your disappointment regarding? Dysprosia 09:09, 20 May 2004 (UTC)

Your summary removal of Sacix.

I have not removed Sacix. I never touched the article. Check the edit history. Dysprosia 09:42, 21 May 2004 (UTC)

I was just copyediting the article Brazilian Expeditionary Force. Do you know what was supposed to have happened at Collechio? I changed it to captured but perhaps it should be surrounded? Rmhermen 19:31, May 20, 2004 (UTC)

Desculpe ter escrito tudo de uma vez, é hábito e falta de tempo. Estou no emprego.

«Você não pediu mais informações, simplesmente removeu o que escrevi»

Isso é o que se faz normalmente! Eu não me ofendo quando retiram o que escrevi, simplesmente vejo se fica melhor, e a maioria das vezes penso que fica, sim. Gosto muito do rigor ciêntífico. Que, por acaso, é de interesse enciclopédico.

«Não sou a primeira pessoa a reclamar da sua arrogância em remover informações publicadas por outros.»

Está fora de contexto, reclamaram porque removi do Talk mensagens de um lusofóbico, e a opinião de gente com complexos, logo inválida. Quem me gritou, disse que deveria fazer isso no artigo e não em talks. Não removi mais nada, se bem que ache que certos talks estão enormes.

«O Lanc-Patois é uma mistura de Português, Francês e línguas indígenas. Posso verificar se qualifica-se como Crioulo, mas não será para já. Quanto aos crioulos quilomba, são de conhecimento comum no Brasil, inclusive com reportagens de televisão etc. Posso procurar fontes em outra ocasião.»

Isso é bom, gostava mesmo de saber. Apesar de não confiar muito no "rigor" jornalístico, parece credível.

«Agora essa vossa divagação sobre se o Português do Brasil é língua ou crioulo ou o quê é ridícula. Então só é língua o que vem da metrópole?»

Disse o contrário! Claro que não é crioulo. Não tem nada haver com crioulo, é totalmente diferente, são apenas sotaques diferentes, nada mais. Mas há gente na França que não gosta da ideia! E, metropole não existe mais. Leia bem "Uma língua não tem país!".

E; o que se fala no Brasil (em relação ao de Portugal) não chega nem perto da diferença entre os vários dialectos alemães.

Aqui, em Portugal, chamamos ao que vocês chamam de "Português do Brasil", chamamos de "sotaque brasileiro". Ou "brasileiro", não brasileiro como se fosse língua (que não é), mas como se fosse sotaque, tal como chamam ao que falo de nortenho e ao que outros falam de "alentejano", por ex.

"Essa estória de descrioulizado não vem ao caso, e essas opiniões que você reproduz simplesmente são ignoradas por aqui."

Disso já sei eu! O problema do Brasil é ignorar tudo o que interessa. Mas também não vem ao acaso.

Tenho ascêndencia brasileira e família brasileira, e gosto do Brasil, mas gostava que tivessem uma mentalidade mais aberta!

Você chega a tratar o Português do Brasil como se fosse uma língua! Você é que parece ter complexos em relação ao que fala, não eu. Apesar do que falo ser bem diferente do Português "padrão" não sou eu que digo que falo "português da China" ou "do Japão", como se fosse algo totalmente diferente.

«Ora bolas.» Não lhe quero enfurecer, tenha calma.

Abraço. --Pedro 16:46, 21 May 2004 (UTC)


[edit] Data Management Wiki Committee

Thank you for your contribution to one, or more, articles that are now organized under Data management.

Because of your previous intrest, you are recieving an invitation to become a founding member of the Data Management Wiki Committee.

The members, of course, will form and solidify the purpose, rules, officers, etc. but my idea (to kick things off) is to establish a group of us who will take responsiblity to see that the ideas of Data management are promoted and well represented in Wikipedia articles.

If you are willing to join the committee, please go to Category_talk:Data_management and indicate your acceptance of this invitation by placing your three tilde characters in the list.

KeyStroke 01:09, 2004 Sep 25 (UTC)

[edit] Ae ligature

Hi, why did you change all those articles to use the "ae" ligature? I mean, what's the point? English hardly ever uses that ligature anymore, and certainly not in these instances. It's not a Latin letter either so those names and places were not originally spelled that way. I've changed them all back. Adam Bishop 06:47, 18 Mar 2005 (UTC)

[edit] SI units

I've noticed you've been changing the SI units in some articles, from "km", "kg" etc, to "Km", "Kg". Unfortunately, your changes are wrong -- the correct forms are the previous ones, which you changed. Please read the SI article to understand how SI units work, and then revert your changes (I've already reverted the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter article for you) -- Cabalamat 00:38, 13 Apr 2005 (UTC)

Yes, you are totally wrong on this. Go undo your damage. Gene Nygaard 20:45, 13 Apr 2005 (UTC)

Leandrod, You just did an SI Units edit that was incorrect ([1]). Are you using a robotic tool for your edits? If so, please give it some more oversight. - Chairboy 18:15, 28 July 2005 (UTC)

Likewise, please stop changing articles from using a normal time format - i.e. 5:23 am - to some "SI" format, i.e. 5h23m am. In normal usage, at least in America, xhxmm is taken as a duration, not a time. I appreciate many of your edits, but please don't alter time. Thanks. --Golbez 01:23, July 31, 2005 (UTC)

[edit] Feijoada

Ola, vi que voce mudou a historia da feijoada recentemente. Confesso que nunca havia lido que a feijoada teria sido criada adptando o cassoulet com ingredientes regionais, embora isso seria bastante logico. Se voce pudesse fornecer algum tipo de referencia (na internet ou nao) de onde esta escrito "sem duvida" que esta e' a verdadeira origem da feijoada, agradeceria.--Vertigo200 16:02, 19 May 2005 (UTC)

[edit] Vasco da Gama

An article that you've edited before (Vasco da Gama) is nominated for Article Improvement Drive. If you want go there and vote. Thanks. Gameiro 02:58, 31 August 2005 (UTC)

[edit] SQL and relational DBMS

I found that you are trying to move/split list/comparison of RDBMS to SQL DBMS. I'm not sure if it is good or not. I know SQL is just one of the implementation of RDBMS (or in some cases SQL is not relational because it violates some of the relational rules). But SQL implementation is the most well-known and practial implementation of RDBMS. So I don't see the benefit.

Also, SQL is used for not only RDBMS, but also ORDBMS. See also comparison of object-relational database management systems and list of object-relational database management systems. If you are moving, please take care of them as well (ORDBMS is RDBMS, but RDBMS is not necessary ORDBMS). If you are not sure how, I suggest reverting them for a moment. --minghong 15:33, 21 September 2005 (UTC)

You didn't answer my question: ORDBMS is RDBMS, but RDBMS is not necessary ORDBMS. You just move RDBMS to SQL DBMS and left ORDBMS. That's not good. And ORDBMS should NOT be merged into RDBMS. --minghong 00:10, 22 September 2005 (UTC)

[edit] SQL/relational

Hi, I reverted your changes on OODBMS as both the change and you edit summary didn't make a lot of sense to me. Could you explain it in some greater detail? --R.Koot 19:11, 21 September 2005 (UTC)

I agree that SQL is not equal to relations, realtions refers to a data model and SQL is a query language. However your search/replace changes are incorrect and on the verge of vandalism. I kindly request if you would stop for a moment and discuss your changes in some greater detail than 'SQL != relational'. --R.Koot 19:31, 21 September 2005 (UTC)
Object-relational mapping is about Object-relational mapping, not Object-SQL mapping! --R.Koot 19:47, 21 September 2005 (UTC)
While you are probably are right on some deep ideological level, you introduce a lot of neologisms. Even if Object-relational mapping should be called Object-SQL mapping that's not how 99% of the world's populations does it and therefore Wikipedia shouldn't. Also I still consider your search/replace edits as vandalism. --R.Koot 20:00, 21 September 2005 (UTC)
I you insist... --R.Koot 20:06, 21 September 2005 (UTC)
I you want to start arbitration against me there is little I can do about it. --R.Koot 20:12, 21 September 2005 (UTC)
See WP:NOT, WP:NOR and WP:DR. --R.Koot 20:22, 21 September 2005 (UTC)

[edit] Henry the Navigator

An article that you've edited before (Henry the Navigator) is nominated for Biography Collaboration of the Week. If you want go there and vote. Thanks. Gameiro 20:44, 24 October 2005 (UTC)

[edit] Portuguese spelling reform

In the page on spelling reform, you wrote the following:

"All this is moot in Brazil, where apart from some enthusiasts the reform is being thoroughly ignored, as most people do not see any problem with the current orthography and many linguists argue it would enforce uniformity where Brazilian usage is actually more regular or reflects local pronunciation."

I have several problems with these statements. As far as I know, the 1990 spelling reform has not begun to be implemented yet, in any country. But, even if it had, you say that "apart from some enthusiasts the reform is being thoroughly ignored [in Brazil]". Have you done a survey to establish this proposition, or is it just your impression? If it's just a personal impression, it should not be on the page. "Many linguists argue it would enforce uniformity where Brazilian usage is actually more regular" What do you mean by 'enforce uniformity' and 'more regular'? And why should enforcing uniformity be a problem, anyway?

I look forward to your feedback.

Which form would such a survey take?
Something other than a personal impression would be a good start.
Short of something formal, scientific, the reform has been harshly criticized and then promptly forgotten here. It still haunts the Houses of the Congress, but barely merits a note now and then in the newspapers.
As I wrote, the reform isn't supposed to have come into effect yet, so it's not surprising that it's being "forgotten" and "barely merits a note". As for harsh criticism of the reform, there has been a lot of that in Portugal, too. Criticism of public policy is normal in democracies, and it does not mean that such measures will not be implemented.
More regular means that, according to our pronounciation, our spelling is nearly perfect, meaning we have relatively few exceptions and special cases, and it is fairly easy to pronounce a word just by reading it, without ever having to have heard it.
The phrase "more regular" implies a comparison between two things. What two things is your text supposed to be comparing?
This wouldn't be the case with the proposed reform [...]
Why is that? Please be specific.
[...] which would have the sole advantage of uniformising the language to accomodate Portuguese-speaking populations that have an actually quite different pronounciation and who are numerically much inferior.
How is the proposed reform an attempt to "accomodate Portuguese-speaking populations that have an actually quite different pronounciation and who are numerically much inferior"? Please be specific.
If we have a spelling problem, it is not one of adjusting to an wider community, but of accounting for our miriad dialects and accents.
That sounds like mere POV to me.

[edit] Obrigado

Acabo de revitir o erro que você fez no artigo sobre o George W. Bush, eu odeio-o! Eu tive que tocar seu artigo - merda! Nunca quero fazer algo assim uma outra vez. Porem, eu já sei que você somente fez um erro, e não estava tentando vandalisar nada. Tchau, senhor! Estava brincando também! Ainda tenho que melhorar meu português! εγκυκλοπαίδεια* (talk) 21:08, 17 December 2005 (UTC)

Você esta lá? εγκυκλοπαίδεια* (talk) 21:14, 17 December 2005 (UTC)
Não, não vejo a minha página de discussões todo dia, nem você me disse qual o erro -- e por algum motivo, não consigo ver o diff que me aparece como index.php.
Tudo bem, apenas posso compreender o português, eu tenho que estudar mais! εγκυκλοπαίδεια* 23:53, 27 December 2005 (UTC)

[edit] Typography

I'm not sure if you are familiar with the following from the MoS: "There is currently no consensus whether typographic (“ ” ‘ ’) or typewriter (" ') quotation marks and apostrophe should be preferred." In general, where there is no consensus on something like this, why change articles that are internally consistent? No big deal to me, but it's sort of like where people keep flipping some articles back and forth between US and Commonwealth English: it's just as likely that the next person through will flip it the other way, so it doesn't necessarily lead to any progress. (I mention this because of your recent edits at László Tőkés.) -- Jmabel | Talk 23:29, 17 December 2005 (UTC)

Note taken, thanks. I am now changing only where inconsistent, even if I think typewriter conventions obsolete.


Leandro GFC Dutra 21:13, 13 May 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Métis Nation — Saskatchewan

I noticed your recent edits throughout Wikipedia changing "Métis Nation - Saskatchewan" to "Métis Nation — Saskatchewan". What are you using as a basis for these changes? Nowhere on the MNS website does it indicate they use an em dash in their title. --Kmsiever 14:40, 12 May 2006 (UTC)

As I indicated in the comments to the edits, it is a simple typograhical change. The - is just a typewriter artifact which makes no sense as a phrase separator.


Leandro GFC Dutra 21:12, 13 May 2006 (UTC)

When you're discussing prose, not the name of a company or organisation. There are no phrases in Métis Nation - Saskatchewan any more than there is a phrase in your name or mine. Again, please indicate any source that shows the organisation uses an em dash in their name. --Kmsiever 23:25, 13 May 2006 (UTC)
It doesn’t matter. It matters it is a simple typographical issue, not a feature of the name itself. Revert it if you like, but it is just bad typographical practice.


Leandro GFC Dutra 16:22, 14 May 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Leitão

What's with the "Leitão" on Morgellons? Why not "Leitao"? It's a persons proper name. She does not use the accent on her own web site [2], so what's it doing here? Herd of Swine 18:36, 20 May 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Wiki:pt

Olá Leandrod,

Eu reparei que está a contribuir em artigos relacionados com a lusofonia e gostaria de convidá-lo para participar na Wikipédia em português, actualmente temos mais de 135 mil artigos. Sua ajuda será muito bem vinda.

Se por acaso tiver algum problema ou dúvida deixe uma mensagem na minha página de discussão.

Continue com esse bom trabalho,

Rei-artur 22:50, 21 May 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Removing Html codes

Some codes have been superceded by direct entry of Unicode such as the emdash you replaced in Bat bomb, but others such as the no-break-space have no direct equivalent that I am aware of. The no-break-space ( ) prevents line breaks in the middle of compound words or expressions. Thanks. --Blainster 00:17, 6 July 2006 (UTC)

AFAIK the HTML ‘ ’ is the same as the Unicode ‘ ’.
Leandro GFC Dutra 06:58, 10 July 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Preciso de sua ajuda

Oi, senhor. Acabo de traduzir o artigo do “Duque de Caxias” da Wikipédia portuguesa, mais eu vejo que temos um problema, pq o artigo foi copiado palavra por palavra de Então, houve uma violação dos direitos autorais na Wikipédia lusófona. Não creio que o artigo no inglês tenha o mesmo problema, devido que eu escrevi cada palavra com minhas próprias idéias e com uma forma diferente. Vc pode me ajudar! O português não é meu idioma materno, então, ainda cometo alguns erros – talvez vc possa buscar erros que eu cometesse no artigo que eu escrevi aqui, se quiser.

Vejo que há muitas violações do direitos autorais na pt.wp. Isto é um problema que os admins. lá têm que eliminar.

Espero que escrevesse tudo bem. Não se ria, ainda estou aprendindo o idioma! :-) NOVO-REI 04:17, 7 July 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Simca do Brasil

Hi Leandro, thanks for your corrections to the Simca Vedette article. But rather than just change our hyphens to ugly dashes you could help us with your Portuguese and try to translate some content from [3] and [4] to help us extend the Vedette's history further, por favor :D Bravada, talk - 22:08, 14 August 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Blockquote

Why did you remove (in Four Freedoms) a blockquote element (which, among other things, works correctly for voicebrowsers for the blind) and replace it with simple indents? Markup should generally deal with semantics, not presentation. (Also, blockquote typically has better presentation, because on most browsers it indents from both margins.) - Jmabel | Talk 18:55, 16 August 2006 (UTC)

Well, I was under the impression that Wiki would do the right think, and that one should use consistently wiki markup. Do you have any pointers to the difference between wiki indents and blockquotes elements?
Leandro GFC Dutra 10:44, 19 August 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Raising the Flag on Iwo Jima

Please note that the footnote comes after the punctuation, eg ".<ref> ... </ref>" and not ""<ref> ... </ref>." Sorry for the brevity, I'm needed elsewhere for 1/2 hour. Regards, Mr Stephen 14:09, 9 October 2006 (UTC)

Yes, it's at Wikipedia:Footnotes, and I should have said that in my first message. For what it's worth, I think it looks better before the punctuation too, but WP:MOS and all that ... Regards, Mr Stephen 15:43, 10 October 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Thank you for your help

Thank you for your help in the Single-grain experiment article. It earned a DYK on October 12. I really appreciated it. Chris 00:53, 14 October 2006 (UTC)

Thanks for fixing the markup on Sannyasi Rebellion. :-) --Antorjal 19:17, 17 October 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Please be cautious when moving articles

I don't know what you've been doing with Russo-Swedish War (1590-1595), but, following your unexplained move, there are multiple double redirects and the link from Livonian War has suddenly gone read. It's not the first time that I notice disruptive consequences of your moves. Please fix the problems. --Ghirla -трёп- 10:01, 19 October 2006 (UTC)

I still fail to understand what you attempt to do. After your moves, a couple of links in Template:Russo-Swedish War Series has gone red. Where did my articles disappear? --Ghirla -трёп- 12:02, 20 October 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Strange punctuation

Hmm, according to the Chicago Manual of Style, the en-dash is only used in place of the hyphen when one of the components of the compound is itself an open compound, while the hyphen is the correct mark in all other cases. In other words:

Japanese–North Korean War


  • Japanese-Korean War

Is there some other style guide you're following that uses en-dashes for all hyphenation? Kirill Lokshin 17:03, 19 October 2006 (UTC)

Ah, ok; that explains it. :-) Kirill Lokshin 17:14, 19 October 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Wikipedia:WikiProject Treaties

Thanks for contributing to the List of treaties article. I would appreciate any other contributions you might have pertaining to treaties in general. If you want, please sign your name at Wikipedia:WikiProject Treaties if you are interested in writing treaty articles, editing them, etc. If not, thanks anyway for your help. Later. Deucalionite 14:14, 23 October 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Martin Luther References

Dear Lean:

I appreciate your interest in the Luther page, but please stop merging notes using named that are not consecutive. This makes it very difficult for people who are working with the notes section directly to find the information. We've been over this on the Luther page and agreed to keep the notes system in compliance with Chicago Manual of Style and with usual practice in the discipline of history.

I also would appreciate having a discussion on the talk page before you make major changes to the article. I have dozens of hours of work in the notes and would like to know why that work is being undone before it happens. --CTSWyneken(talk) 14:46, 31 October 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Thank you for your help

I just wanted to thank you for your help on the Underwood Canning Company. It earned a DYK yesterday. I greatly appreciated it. Chris 15:20, 3 November 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Findhorn Ecovillage

I don't know why you went to the trouble of changing the <ref/>s to <ref name=>s on this page in cases where the citations ony appear once. I thought this was only needed for multiple citations. Can you enlighten me? Thanks. Ben MacDui 17:35, 8 November 2006 (UTC) (Pls reply here).

[edit] Change from en to em dashes

You changed spaced en dashes to dpaced em dashes in Ivan Argunov in instances where both would be correct. It is just a matter of which style you adopt, and Wikipedia has no adopted website wide policy so I believe that the policy is to let the current style be left alone as long as one article just uses one style of dashing, consistency within articles is important. I welcome discussion at Wikipedia:Manual of style (dashes) since discussion there about which styles of dashes Wikipedia should use is mostly dead. The dash policy also seems to be a bit out of date since it mentions html entities. Jeltz talk 12:04, 15 November 2006 (UTC)

I note that you just did a lot of dash conversion on History of CP/CMS and related articles. Just for the record, Wikipedia:Manual of style (dashes) advises "editors are encouraged not to convert others' dash styles without good reason" and considers the 'spaced en dash', which had been used there consistently, as an acceptable dash style. Trevor Hanson 18:17, 4 May 2007 (UTC)

[edit] History of erotic depictions

One of your edits was lost when I reverted some vandalism; sorry, but it was the easiest thing to do. Just to let you know so you can redo it if you wish. Anchoress 11:27, 30 November 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Influenza

Hi, Leandrod - my computer is slow, and your last two edits were made on top of vandalism that needed to be reverted - I can't tell if I reverted legit changes by you or not? If I did, I'm sorry, can you have a look? SandyGeorgia (Talk) 21:35, 1 January 2007 (UTC)

[edit] A request for assistance

Would you support the concept of moving the Earhart "myths" to a separate page or article? The reason for my suggesting this is that the main article should be an accurate and scholarly work while the speculation and conspiracy theories surrounding the disappearance of Amelia Earhart are interesting, they belong in a unique section. Most researchers, as you know, discount the many theories and speculation that has arisen in the years following her last flight. Go onto the Earhart discussion page and register your vote/comments...and a Happy New Year to you as well. Bzuk 05:02 3 January 2007 (UTC).

[edit] War in Somalia (2006–present)

You've moved this article from War in Somalia (2006-present) to War in Somalia (2006–present) with a longer dash, due to typography. Please move it back, because the long dash makes problems in non-US-english Windows installations, e.g. article can't be locally stored w/o renaming, article can't be printed and the like. Thanks. -- 10:32, 11 January 2007 (UTC)

There shouldn't be unicode characters in article names, since it are systems out in the wild which don't use unicode characters. For example you can store it on local HD but when you want to reload the local stored version into Firefox a message occurs, which translated into English means something like "action cannot be proceeded". So indeed, in article names only ascii characters are sure. -- 14:14, 11 January 2007 (UTC)

First, I can't login here, since my German account name is in use in the English WP by another user and I am hanging around here rather seldom. ;-). I'll try to figure out something. -- I made some experiments today and I would think it's rather a bug within windows itself and rather with the mdash itself, not with unicode, since there's a problem with it even when I use ASCII code 150. Interestingly enough: I tried this also at the very old machine which stands for some reason in a corner in our server room (but don't ask me about that stuff, I have no clue how it works!), on which is still installed some WfW 3.11 -- on that machine I even can't rename or delete files with ASCII-150 in its name though it's possible to create them. Renaming or deleting is only possible using pure DOS and using the wildcarts * or ? Now I am not sure if this is a general bug of some localized versions of Windows or only in the Czech version I am using. Maybe it isn't a reported bug and I am not really sure if it's a bug which can be reproduced. -- I don't know if it's a general policy of WP. I only complain because of own problems. I'll try to find out how it is handled elsewhere. -- Thanks for caring and answering, anyway. You can answer here, I'll check this page. -- 19:39, 11 January 2007 (UTC)

P.S. I don't know about US-en keyboards, but at least the Eastern europe keyboards have no possibility to enter the m-dash without ALT+0150. -- 19:46, 11 January 2007 (UTC)

Meanwhile I found the following which should clearify it: At WP:MOSDASH is mentioned at the mentioned: Hyphens and dashes are generally rather avoided in page names (e.g., year of birth and death are generally not used in a page name to disambiguate two people with the same name). (...)If hyphens and dashes are needed to write a page name correctly (e.g., Piano-Rag-Music, Jack-in-the-box, Nineteen Eighty-Four), prefer simple hyphens, and avoid hair spaces, even in the odd case of a range forming part of the title, e.g., History of the Soviet Union (1985-1991). -- 20:34, 11 January 2007 (UTC)

I certainly found out the reason. When you save a HTML page by default most browsers use the title tagged name of the page. Windows or even Windows NT however doesn't save the dashes as Unicode characters but as ASCII-150 (for the m-dash). When now loading the file into IE or Firefox the file name is considered an URL to the local HD, but within URLs only lower case characters are allowed. As a result opening it fails. I am not aware if the problem occurs in Latin-1 based languages as well, but at least in every localised Windows/NT version which primarly uses Latin-2 character sets. It's basically a kind of inconsistency between ASCII and ANSI. -- 09:44, 12 January 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Alain Prost

Can I suggest that using headings for individual years on the Alain Prost article is making the table of contents very long? I think that was the reason we originally did it the way it was. I'm not going to revert any more of your changes to them (sorry - I'd already done the early 1980s before I realised you were a serious editor!), but it's something to think about. Cheers for the tidying up work you're doing. 4u1e 00:34, 27 January 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Regulamentul Organic

Hi. Can you please explain what happened with note 109 in that text? I would also like to point out that you are making further referencing of the text incomparably harder and harder to follow or correct. Dahn 14:04, 31 January 2007 (UTC)

Leandrod, I repeat: your version currently features a note with no content (it keeps moving as you are editing, but it is somewhere in the low 100s). Can you please check what you have lost in the process? Dahn 14:12, 31 January 2007 (UTC)

Obrigado. Dahn 14:26, 31 January 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Biblical Magi

Your version currently features some notes with no content (it keeps moving as you are editing in 6 January 2007). Can you please check what you have lost in the process? Dietmar 17:20, 10 February 2007

[edit] Iranian revolution

Hello, I Thank you for your attempt but it couses some problems.--Sa.vakilian 07:04, 11 February 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Coastel Offshore Cellular

I have added a "{{prod}}" template to the article Coastel Offshore Cellular, suggesting that it be deleted according to the proposed deletion process. All contributions are appreciated, but I don't believe it satisfies Wikipedia's criteria for inclusion, and I've explained why in the deletion notice (see also "What Wikipedia is not" and Wikipedia's deletion policy). Please either work to improve the article if the topic is worthy of inclusion in Wikipedia, or, if you disagree with the notice, discuss the issues at its talk page. Removing the deletion notice will prevent deletion through the proposed deletion process, but the article may still be sent to Articles for Deletion, where it may be deleted if consensus to delete is reached, or if it matches any of the speedy deletion criteria. Agent 86 23:28, 16 February 2007 (UTC)

  • I "prodded" the article because I do not think the topic meets notability criteria; in particular, WP:CORP, the guideline outlining the criteria for companies. If this article is more than spam or advertising for the company, please expand it to include the basis for which it is notable. Otherwise, I will probably nominate it for deletion at Articles for Deletion. Agent 86 00:03, 18 February 2007 (UTC)

[edit] American School POV

Just wondering your thoughts on placing POV on the American School (economics) page? --Northmeister 00:28, 6 April 2007 (UTC)

Per your response...Thank you. If you wish to rework the article or work with me to do so; in making it detached and straight-forward along with criticism from other School's of economics. I am open to that. Let me know. I will be around for a short time only. I've noticed some of your work thus far and approve. --Northmeister 01:10, 8 April 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Combined refs

Leandrod, I appreciate all your good-faith help, but you are undoing combined-reference style, which observes a CMS format precisely. The result is now double, treble etc. ref tags which were deliberately deliberately deliberately avoided and which have spoiled the elegant appearance of the text. Anyway, I won't change them back: it will take too long. But the notes no longer enrich each other in the way intended: some of the combinations were very subtle. Surely you couldn't have thought such a style was an accident. (My reference for this noting system is Chicago 15.12: "The use of more than one note reference at a single text location (such as 5,6) should be rigorously avoided. Instead the notes referred to should be combined into a single note.") qp10qp 20:20, 11 April 2007 (UTC)

Well, I did consolidate; that was the point of that citation style. I would have one tag for, say, four connected notes. I may unpick some of your restructuring in future, but it's too late to just revert because there's a lot of editing going on there today. As far as CMS being designed for print is concerned, did you know that it is one of the styles recommended by our MoS? I actually think it's a more flexible style than our "ref name =", citation templates, and such, which are hard to combine with other references. qp10qp 21:32, 11 April 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Thank you

I just wanted to express my appreciation for your work on Data sharing. Your contributions make it look and read much better! RonCram 20:27, 25 April 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Reverting ref change on Cursed Soldiers

My apologies, but see my edit summary.-- Piotr Konieczny aka Prokonsul Piotrus | talk  17:53, 7 June 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Thank you for help on the William Stacy article

Thank you very much for your recent edits. I am new to Wikipedia, and I appreciate. Regards, ColWilliam 01:15, 30 June 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Wikisource

Please be careful about breaking Wikisource references as you did here, in an otherwise much needed copyedit. Cheers, Savidan 21:28, 17 July 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Transcendental idealism chart

I noticed you're the active author of the article about Immanuel Kant in English Wikipedia. I'm the main author of the Polish version of that article. I prepared nice chart illustrating arising of phenomena. Now I'd like to translate it into English and put it on Wikimedia and English Wikipedia. It's a pity my knowledge of English language is mediocre. So I'm not sure of English translations of four Kant's concepts.

I ask you for help. If you could strengthen me in my translations or correct them, I'll be very grateful. These concepts are:

  • What creates some ideas, for example of God, soul etc. (my translation: “theoretical reason”)
  • What use time and space to create experience (my translation: “senses”)
  • What uses categories to create concepts (my translation: “sense” or “reason” — I'm not sure which one is more reliable)
  • What uses practical reason to create some ideas, for example the idea of categorical imperative (my translation: “postulates”)

Use my Polish home page to answer, please.

w1k0* 16:44, 30 July 2007 (UTC)

[edit] hiss impatience

I was in the middle of edits and you certainly did *not* restore the "last known good" version prior to my edits but rather renewed the mangled idea that what is currently ref 2 refers to scholarly opinion. Did you read the article at all? By all means have an opinion but let's try to at least make the cited articles and the words match, no? TMLutas 17:39, 3 August 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Please don't delete blank lines

Hello, deleting the blank lines after sections headings makes it harder for other editors to do their work. Please don't do it. Sincerely, Opus33 15:24, 16 September 2007 (UTC)

[edit] WikiProject Student Affairs

Hi! I noticed you have contributed greatly to some education-related articles and I was wondering if you'd like to join a WikiProject for Student Affairs that I'm trying to start. I tried this a few months ago but there was no interest, so now I'm trying to contact people directly that may have an interest. Let me know if you'd want to join such a WP so I can submit a request. Thanks! --Noetic Sage 23:08, 18 September 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Pidgin

Hi. I was just wondering why you had changed all the dashes in the Pidgin (software) article? It seemed a bit unnecessary to me. ~~ [Jam][talk] 07:23, 10 October 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Armenian Genocide editing

Sorry I undid some of your changes to the article; the quote template did not display at all correctly, so I reverted it quickly so incoming readers would have an easier time reading it. I apologize for undoing some of your other edits by association, I was just trying to act quickly. -Oreo Priest 21:44, 11 October 2007 (UTC)

It turns out the syntax error was due to the space between the | and the body of the quote as in: {{quote | BODY... as opposed to {{quote |BODY.... I fixed the formatting without reverting your other edits this time, but I'm puzzled that it did display correctly for you; I've never seen any exception to incorrect display when a line (or argument in a template) begins with a space. -Oreo Priest 22:21, 11 October 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Counter-insurgency

You're awesome. Perspicacite 03:10, 28 October 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Question

Re this edit: [5] -- I agree with you that the form 1900s is to be preferred to 1900's, but the title of the drawing itself uses the latter, and that title was used verbatim. Should it be changed to the correct form? It's a trivial point; I'm just wondering how such matters should be handled. Regards, Kablammo (talk) 14:15, 20 November 2007 (UTC)

The discussion farther up on this page notes that combined referencing is an acceptable format on Wikipedia as well as in print media. I chose that format because it goes well with a footnote/source method where both on-line and print media are sourced. I believe it presents a better appearance, and also allows for discussion of an online source within a single footnote (not yet present here, but which could be added in the future.) Kablammo (talk) 14:59, 20 November 2007 (UTC) I partially restored the former citation format, but did not repeat single-source footnotes. Kablammo (talk) 17:12, 20 November 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Inline citations inside paragraphs

Are there for a reason - to back up controversial claims. With more than one source in the article and many authors, one cannot guarantee that all info in a given paragraph comes from the citation at its end. Yes, it is likely, but to be safe, each sentence needs its own cite (and sometimes, specific claims inside sentneces need them too). PS. Cite 8 broken now.--Piotr Konieczny aka Prokonsul Piotrus| talk 22:23, 20 December 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Hyphens changed to ‐

Several months ago you changed hyphens to ‐ (this displays as a square on my computer) in edits such as,,,, and others. In some of these cases (maybe in all) I cannot see what was wrong with the hyphen (refer Wikipedia:Manual_of_Style_(dashes)#Hyphens). In any case, what is this ‐ that displays as a square (on my computer, at least)? thanks, Nurg (talk) 01:11, 22 December 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Bombing of Dresden

Hi, as one of the editors of Bombing of Dresden in World War II, would you mind commenting here about a possible name change? There is a proposal to call the article simply Bombing of Dresden. Cheers, SlimVirgin (talk)(contribs) 14:33, 9 January 2008 (UTC)

[edit] Your edits to Daniel Boone

Please be patient with me, but I'm still learning. You made some edits to Daniel Boone that I don't understand--I'm not questioning them, I'm just trying to learn more. I understand changing "Boone" to "he," but don't know what was changed with the "...." edits [6]. Thanks for your help! Wakedream (talk) 19:22, 26 January 2008 (UTC)

[edit] hi

Hi. I found you in categories of users who can contribute in English and Portuguese. I myself am a native speaker of English, but I'm well on my way to learning Portuguese. Just check out my user page and talk page, and join in any of the discussions. To keep updated, you can even put a watch on my user page, which will automatically watch my talk page. :-) learnportuguese (talk) 15:55, 11 February 2008 (UTC)

[edit] Churchill on Leningrad and Mannerheim in Siege of Leningrad

Olá Leandrod,

Thank you very much for your interest in sources. I'll return to updating the article after I'll have some time available, it's already after midnight here, and I have work to do. Here are two sources that I currently have on my desk, and there are more sources on British, American and Swedish communication with the Finns, and with the Russians, concerning the siege of Leningrad and related operations.


1a. Winston S. Churchill. Memoires of the Second World War. An abridgment of the six volumes of The Second World War. By Houghton Mifflin Company. Boston. ISBN 0-395-59968-7 (pbk.)

Page 480. ...Hitler ordered the Army Group North to take Leningrad... Leningrad was encircled but not taken.

1b. Winston S. Churchill. The Second World War. Book III. The Grand Alliance. Chapter I. Our Soviet Ally. (I've been reading this at libraries, albeit the abridged volume is enough for my home)

2. Finland in the Second World War. Between Germany and Russia. By Olli Vehvvilainen. Translated by Gerard McAlister. Palgrave, 2002.

Page 89. One day before the Operation Barbarossa began, president Ryti stated to a parlimentary delegation... "If a war now breaks between Germany and Russia it could be to the advantage of the whole world."

Pages 98 - 101. Finnish forces crossed the line of Finland's 1939 border, and occupied Russian territories (east of Leningrad).

Page 100. Churchill appealed to Mannerheim in a personal letter: Surely your troops advanced far enough for security during the war and could now halt and give leave. (Note: Finns did not leave, but blocked the norhtern railroad and crossed the Svir River trying to connect with Germans to form the larger "second circle" around Leningrad. At the same time Finland expelled all British diplomats from Helsinki)

Page 100. On 6 December, Great Britain declared war on Finland. This was followed by declaration of war from Canada, Australia, India and New Zealand.

Page 104. Hitler proposed a Finnish border which would run from the White Sea to the Svir River and the Neva River.

Page 104. ..plans drawn up in the Finnish Headquarters in summer 1941, it was the task of the occupation authorities of eastern Karelia to prepare the region for permanent integration with Finland.

Page 105. Russian place names were replaced with Finnish ones. The population was segregated into 'nationals' and 'non-nationals'... and the latter were to be deported

Page 107. ... the fate of prisoners of war was even more horrible. In 1941 over 65,000 soviet soldier had been taken prisoner by the Finns. ... during the first winter, over 10,000 prisoners died of hunger and disease in the overcrouded camps. all in all, over 18,700 men died ... while in captivity in Finland.

Page 108. As hopes of a German victory evaporated, so also public references to a "greater Finland" wained.... in June 1944, ..a massive offensive by the Red Army forced the Finns to withdraw from the area (Eastern Karelia, north-east of Leningrad). Then the dream of a Greater Finland was finally buried.

Page 109. For two-and-a-half years the Finnish Army occupied the positions it had captured in autumn 1941 in Eastern Karelia and north of Leningrad.

Other sources that I've studied so far show that Churchill's pressure on Mannerheim to stop attacking Leningrad and its supply lines on the railroads to northern seaports was probably one of the very few explicit requests addressed directly to the enemy. Britain declared war with Finland, because Mannerheim ignored most of Churchill's plea, and crossed all border lines in efforts to build "Greater Finland" with the help from Hitler. However, people are fooled by smokescreen of lies and false declarations, while many secert diplomatic and military files and letters are never shown to public, because politicians do not like to expose their bloody and dirty secrets. My visits to the West Point Miliary academy produced mixed results, their library has very little on the Barbarossa and the Eastern Front. Library of Congress is much better. The St. Petersburg Public Library has the best selection of published sources and military maps of the siege of Leningrad. "Leninskaya Biblioteka" in Moscow is also pretty good on the subject, but nothing is as good as the "Museum o the Siege of Leningrad" in St. Petersburg. Everything is real in this museum: weapons, bombs, shells, uniforms, maps, documents, photos, and letters form all sides of the battle. A "must see" museum.

Thank you again,

Happy editing, Steveshelokhonov 08:38, 18 February 2008 (UTC)