Le nozze di Teti e di Peleo

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Operas by Francesco Cavalli

Le nozze di Teti e di Peleo (1639)
Gli amori d'Apollo e di Dafne (1640)
La Didone (1641)
La virtù dei strali d'Amore (1642)
Egisto (1643)
L'Ormindo (1644)
Doriclea (1645)
Il Giasone (1649)
Orimonte (1650)
Oristeo (1651)
La Calisto (1652)
Eritrea (1652)
Veremonda (1652)
Rosinda (1653)
Orione (1653)
Ciro (1654)
Xerse (1655)
Statira principessa di Persia (1655)
Erismena (1655)
Artemisia (1657)
Hipermestra (1658)
Elena (1659)
Ercole amante (1662)
Scipione affricano (1664)
Mutio Scevola (1665)
Pompeo Magno (1666)
Eliogabalo (1667)

v  d  e

Le nozze di Teti e di Peleo is an opera by Francesco Cavalli - specifically, an opera scenica or festa teatrale. The work, set to a libretto by Orazio Persiani, was Cavalli's first opera, and was first performed at the Venetian opera house Teatro S Cassiano during January 1639. It is also the first Venetian opera for which a score survives to this day.

The plot is based upon the mythological tale of the wedding of Peleus and Thetis. Cavalli's scenes of divine activity require elaborate theatrical staging, and his score calls for plentiful activity of both chorus (who portray such different characters as gods, Tritons, Bacchantes, and demons) and dancers.

[edit] Roles

Role Voice type Premiere Cast, January, 1639
(Conductor: - )
Thetis soprano
Jupiter bass
Aeolus tenor
Peleus tenor
Pluto bass
Discord contralto
Hymen soprano
Momus tenor
Mercury tenor

[edit] References