Lawyers Without Borders

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Lawyers Without Borders is a non-profit, Hartford, Connecticut United States–based organization founded in 2000, whose goal it is to engage the legal profession on an international basis. They support the capacity of non-governmental organizations worldwide, advance the rule of law, protect the integrity of the legal process via neutral observation, offer support to lawyers in the field, and finally serve as a law oriented clearinghouse, linking needs with legal resources to meet a need.

The organization's orientation is neutral, like the Red Cross. Its advocacy is private (usually directly to governments or international organizations) and not public, as opposed to Amnesty International. This is unusual in the NGO arena.

Lawyers Without Borders name is one of the unofficial "Without Borders" franchises names, which began with "Doctors Without Borders."

Lawyers Without Borders is commonly known by its United Nations' acronym, LWOB.

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