
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hi everyone, If you want to contact me:

Use my talkpage (click "Discuss this page" at the left).

You can send me e-mail directly to:

laudaka at yahoo dot com

But if you prefer you can use the send e-mail feature of (By the way: NEVER put your e-mail address on any webpage written the normal way — you'll get loads of spam e-mail otherwise.)

Feel free to add me on one or more instant messenging software programs:

  • AIM screenname: laudako (with an O)
  • Yahoo!Messenger ID: laudaka
  • MSN Messenger: (never send e-mail to this adress, I use it only for MSN Messenger)
  • ICQ: search for nickname laudaka and you'll find only me, or ICQ#: 770 211 75

When I was just new to, that was in January 2004. I directly loved the idea and philosophy of Pages I like most to read are about space exploration, and I made my first edits there. Furthermore, I try to correct spelling errors when I encounter them in pages I happen to read. (For more info on correcting spelling errors, see Wikipedia:Typo.)

My homepage has been down for ages. Sorry for that.

My age/sex/location is 29/M/Netherlands (Europe; the .nl sites are sites from the Netherlands by the way)

With kind regards,

Keep making better or just enjoy reading it :-) Paulus/laudaka

User:Laudaka/notesforself (feel free to read this if you're really very, very curious — it's a bunch of gobledygook, gibberish :-P )

User:Laudaka/usa state postal abreviations (this is intended to be pretty handy for people not from the US, like me, 'cos the postal abreviations are very commonly used, and the Associated Press abreviations, plus the capitals in the article about US states, are quite distracting.)

User:Laudaka/WordPerfect 12 CM bugs

User:Laudaka/under construction till