Latvian Socialist Soviet Republic

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Latvijas Sociālistiskā Padomju Republika
Latvian Socialist Soviet Republic



1918 – 1920

Flag of Latvian Socialist Soviet Republic


"Visu zemju proletārieši, savienojieties!"
(Workers of the world, unite!)
Capital Riga (to 22 May 1919)
Language(s) Latvian, Russian, Latgalian
(German, Yiddish, Lithuanian, and Estonian in localised areas)[1]
Government Socialist republic
Chairman of the Soviet Government
 - 1918 – 1920 Pēteris Stučka
Legislature All-Latvian Congress of Workers' Soviet Deputies
 - Established 17 December 1918
 - Recognized by RSFSR 22 December 1918
 - Disestablished 13 January 1920

The Latvian Socialist Soviet Republic (Latvian: Latvijas Sociālistiskā Padomju Republika, LSPR) was a short-lived socialist republic formed during the Latvian War of Independence. It was proclaimed on 17 December 1918 with the political, economic, and military backing of Vladimir Lenin and his Bolshevik government in the Russian SFSR. The head of government was Pēteris Stučka.


[edit] History

The LSPR armed forces, which consisted of the Red Latvian Riflemen and other units of the Red Army, were quickly able to capture most of the territory of present-day Latvia, forcing Kārlis Ulmanis's provisional government into a small pocket of territory around the city of Liepāja.

Stučka's government introduced sweeping communist reforms, resuming the radical policy direction from the abortive Iskolat regime. Some reforms were initially popular, such as the expropriation of property from the upper and middle classes, called the "bourgeoisie" by socialist activists. The decision to unilaterally nationalise all agrarian land, however, had dire economic consequences for the cities, as rural support for the regime declined drastically. The peasants no longer agreed to supply the townsfolk with foodstuffs on the government's terms, and shortages became critical. When the people in Riga and other cities began to starve, contributing to widespread discontent among the proletariat as well, a wave of terror swept both rural and urban areas, seeking out alleged counter-revolutionaries supposedly responsible for the failures of the regime. Arbitrary Revolutionary Tribunals and the so-called Flintenweiber ("Gun-Women") were memorable components of this wave of terror.

When the Entente-backed Ulmanis government counter-attacked with the backing of German Freikorps units in the spring of 1919, they quickly regained the lost territory. The capital, Riga, was recaptured on 22 May 1919, and the territory of the LSPR was reduced to a part of Latgale in eastern Latvia, until finally reconquered by combined Latvian and Polish forces in early 1920.

[edit] References

  1. ^ Decree on use of languages in official documents, 8 March 1919 (Latvian)

[edit] Bibliography

[edit] See also

[edit] External links
