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Commercial? Yes
Type of site Statistics & Community
Registration Free, or subscribe for £1.50 per month ($3 USD)
Available language(s) Multilingual (12)
Owner CBS Interactive
Created by Communal
Current status Active is a UK-based internet radio and music community website, founded in 2002. It claims over 21 million active users based in more than 200 countries.[1] On 30 May 2007, CBS Interactive acquired for £140m ($280m USD).[2]

Using a music recommendation system known as "Audioscrobbler," builds a detailed profile of each user's musical taste by recording details of all the songs the user listens to, either on the streamed radio stations or on the user's computer or some portable music devices. This information is transferred to's database ("scrobbled") via a plugin installed into the user's music player. The profile data is displayed on a personal web page. The site offers numerous social networking features and can recommend and play artists similar to the user's favourites.

Users can create custom radio stations and playlists from any of the audio tracks in's music library, and are able to listen to some individual tracks on demand, or download tracks if the rightsholder has previously authorised it. Registration is required to acquire a profile but is not necessary to view any part of the site or to listen to radio stations.


[edit] History

The current website was developed from two separate sources: Audioscrobbler and, which were merged in 2005.

Audioscrobbler began as a computer science project by Richard Jones while he attended the University of Southampton School of Electronics and Computer Science in the United Kingdom.[3] Jones developed the first plugins, and then opened an API to the community, after which many music players on different operating system platforms were supported. Audioscrobbler was limited to recording music its users played on a registered computer, which allowed for charting and collaborative filtering. was founded in 2002 by Felix Miller, Martin Stiksel, Michael Breidenbruecker and Thomas Willomitzer, all from Austria and Germany, as an internet radio station and music community site, using similar music profiles to generate dynamic playlists. The "love" and "ban" buttons allowed users to gradually customise their profiles. won the Europrix 2002 and was nominated for the Prix Ars Electronica in 2003.[4]

The Audioscrobbler and teams began to work closely together, both teams moving into the same offices in Whitechapel, London, and by 2003 was fully integrated with Audioscrobbler profiles. Input could come through an Audioscrobbler plugin or a station. The sites also shared many community forums, although a few were unique to each site.

On 9 August 2005, the old Audioscrobbler site at the domain name was wholly merged into the new site. On 5 September 2005, was launched as a separate development-oriented site. However, at the very bottom of each of the new pages there still remains an Audioscrobbler "slogan", which changes each time the page is refreshed. Based on well known sayings or advertisements, these originally appeared at the top of the old Audioscrobbler website pages and were all created and contributed by the original site members.

On 14 July 2006, an update to the site was made. This update included a new software application for playing radio streams and for logging of tracks played with other media players. Other changes included: improvement of the friends system and updating it to require a two-way friendship; the addition of the "Dashboard", where users can see on one page relevant information for their profile; expanded options for purchasing music from online retailers; and a new visual design for the web site (including an optional black color scheme).

Within the community reactions to the new visual design were mixed. Opinions were also divided between those who welcomed the introduction of more social features and those who argued that technical issues (such as an incompatibility with Internet Explorer 7 and other known bugs) should have priority. With over 10 million tracks "scrobbled" each day, the popularity of the site at peak times often causes the databases to overload, with consequent delays in updating personal charts and other data.

On 15 July 2006, a Japanese version of the site was launched. Currently, the site is available in various other languages, including German, Spanish, French, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Portuguese, Swedish, Russian, Turkish and Simplified Chinese.

As of December 2006, teamed up with EMI on Tuneglue-Audiomap.[5]

In October 2006, the site won Best Community Music Site at the BT Digital Music Awards, and in January 2007 it was nominated for Best Website in the NME Awards.

At the end of April 2007, rumours of negotiations between Viacom and emerged, suggesting that Viacom intended to purchase for about £225 million.[6]

In May 2007 it was announced that Channel 4 Radio is to broadcast a weekly show called Worldwide Chart that reflects what users around the world are listening to. There are also plans to add a video section, enabling users to create their own personalised video channels.

On 30th May 2007 it was announced that has been bought by CBS for £140 million with's current management team staying in place.[7]

On 18 April 2008, lost temporary control of their datacenter. On their website they announced "Due to issues beyond our control, we have lost all power to our datacenter. Unfortunately will be offline until further notice. Please bear with us as we scramble to catch exploding DC/AC inverters... stay tuned, we'll be restoring regular service as soon as possible. Thanks for your patience."[8] is blocked in the United Arab Emirates by Etisalat along with other social networking sites.

[edit] Funding and staff Ltd is funded from the sale of online advertising space, monthly user subscriptions and donations. In 2004 the company received the first round of angel money, from Peter Gardner, an investment banker who was introduced to the founders as early as 2002. A second round was led by Stefan Glaenzer (joined by Joi Ito and Reid Hoffman), who bought into Michael Breidenbrueckers shares as well. In 2006 the company received the first round of venture capital funding from European investors Index Ventures, whose General Partners Neil Rimer and Danny Rimer also joined's board of directors, consisting of Felix Miller, Martin Stiksel and Stefan Glaenzer (Chair).[9]

There are currently more than 80 staff members, all of whom are currently based in East London, except for Edouard Brière, who lives in Sweden[citation needed].

[edit] Features

[edit] User accounts

The free user account includes access to all the main features listed below. Registered Users are also able to post in the forums, send and receive private messages and use the client music player.

  • Profile: A User can build up a musical profile using any or all of several methods: by listening to their personal music collection on a music player application on a computer or an iPod with an Audioscrobbler plugin, or by listening to the internet radio service, either with the client, or with the embedded flash player. All songs played are added to a log from which personal top artist/track bar charts and musical recommendations are calculated. They call this automatic track logging scrobbling. automatically generates a profile page for every user which includes basic information such as their user name, avatar, date of registration and total number of tracks played. This can be customised with additional information or photographs if desired but the fundamental layout cannot be changed. There is also a Shoutbox for instant messages. Profile pages are visible to all, together with a list of top artists and tracks, and the 10 most recently played tracks. Each Users' profile has a 'Taste-o-Meter' which gives a rating of how compatible your music taste is.
Profile pages can also include lists of friends, weekly musical "neighbours", favourite tags, groups and events. An optional customisable playlist may be also added, with tracks that the user wishes to share or promote. Other features include the ability to remove songs listened to within a 2 week timeframe, navigation to linked profiles (such as friends and musical neighbours) and a list of individual users' favourite albums.
A customisable display of Recently Played tracks, is now available via web services, allowing users to add them to blogs, MySpace or as forum signatures.
  • Recommendations: The most recent expanded service on is a revamped personal recommendations page known as "The Dashboard". This is only visible to the user concerned and lists suggested new music, events, journal entries and other people with similar tastes, all tailored to the user's own preferences.
Recommendations are calculated using a collaborative filtering algorithm so users can browse and hear previews of a list of artists not listed on their own profile but which appear on those of others with similar musical tastes. The page also lists music that has been directly recommended to the user and groups the user belongs to, journals written by users about artists the user listens to, and other users who have listened to similar music recently. There is also a 'recommendation radio' station which will play music specifically filtered based on the user's last week of listening. also permits users to manually recommend specific artists, songs or albums to other users on their friends list or groups they belong to, providing the recommendation in question is included in the database.
  • Groups: allows the formation of user groups between users with something in common (for example, fans of an artist, a genre of music, or membership of another internet forum). Groups may be linked to artists and countries. Any user may start a group and add members. Most groups are open to all, but membership may be subject to approval by the Group Leader. will generate a group profile similar to the users' profiles, showing an amalgamated set of data and charting the group's overall tastes. Individual groups have their own discussion forums and journal space, and a group radio station based on members music profiles is automatically generated once a sufficient number of members have joined. Group members are also able to submit recommendations of artists or tracks to all the other members of their group.
  • Events : With the October 2006 update, 'events'-functionality was added, which lets users specify a location and a radius from the location, then suggests gigs or festivals that that user may want to see in the area. Users can set themselves as attending an event.
Any registered user may add a new venue or event which will then be listed on the band or artist's main page, together with other details if available. There is also a facility to submit reviews and photographs of past events.

[edit] Subscriber accounts's dashboard, available only to subscribers.'s dashboard, available only to subscribers. offers paid accounts, costing £1.50, 2.50, $3 or ¥350 per month.[10] Some of the extra features that paid users receive are:

  • No advertisements
  • More radio options (custom radio stations for a user and loved tracks radio)
  • The ability to view recent visitors to one's own profile page
  • Beta testing at
  • User icon changes colour from grey to blue, and states "Subscriber"
  • Priority on server

[edit] Artist pages

Once an artist has had a track or tracks "scrobbled" by at least one User, automatically generates a main artist page, even if there is no music available for streaming on the radio. This page shows details of the total number of plays, the total number of listeners, the most popular weekly and overall tracks, the top weekly listeners, linked groups and journals, a list of similar artists, most popular tags and a shoutbox for messages. There are also links to events, additional album and individual track pages and similar artists radio. If the artist has music available for streaming or download an embedded flash player is also included with samples of the most popular tracks.

Official music videos and other videos imported from YouTube may also be viewed on the relevant artist and track pages.

Users may add relevant biographical details and other information to any artist's main page in the form of a Wiki. Edits are regularly moderated to prevent vandalism. A photograph of the artist may also be added. If more than one is submitted, the most popular is chosen by public vote. User submitted content is licensed for use under the GNU Free Documentation License. currently cannot disambiguate artists with the same name; a single artist profile is shared between valid artists with the same name.[1]

[edit] Music catalogue's music library contains well over 3.5 million individual audio tracks and past and present albums from artists on all the major commercial labels. Users are not allowed to upload copyrighted audio files but commercially available albums are regularly added by staff. Most currently popular and other well known artists have tracks available for streaming, although there are significant gaps in coverage and the most recent releases are not always added immediately. The music catalogue includes a wide variety of genres including classical, opera and musicals, as well as many little known and specialist recordings which are no longer generally available.

In February 2007 Warner Music, the world's third-largest music company, announced that it had signed a deal to allow its entire catalogue to be played on[11] Warner's music will shortly be made available over's service in Europe and North America. The site's co-founder, Martin Stiksel, said they were also in talks with the other three major labels and content holders.

On 9 July 2007, it was announced that had also signed a deal with the Sony BMG record label. The partnership will give the service's users access to the entire Sony BMG catalogue of music.

[edit] Independent artists and record labels

Independent record labels and unsigned artists are encouraged to promote their music on, because the filtering and recommendation features mean that the music will be played for users who already like similar artists. Labels and artists can upload their own music for streaming and provides access to weekly airplay statistics, with facilities for promoting individual artists or tracks. Labels and artists may choose whether their music is to be made available for streaming only, or for purchase or free download.

[edit] Previews and free downloads

30-second previews of any of the streamable tracks are available on demand, from anywhere in the site, by clicking on the grey arrow next to the name of the track or artist. Some tracks are also available to preview in full if the label or artist has specifically authorized it; these are indicated by black arrows. (All tracks are played in full when users listen to appropriate stations).

In October 2006, brought back its free download service which allowed users to download select tracks as specified by the artist or the label. The service only includes tracks on "indie" labels or by bands who upload their own material, although some artists who have since moved onto a major label such as Coheed and Cambria and My Chemical Romance have kept their free songs available for download. More than 100,000 songs are currently downloadable, [12] and there is a separate free download chart, updated weekly, showing the 200 most popular tracks.

On 23 January 2008, changed its business model with the Free the Music initiative. Most tracks and albums can be streamed off the website for free up to 3 times. The artists are paid each time the track is played. [13] This service is still in beta mode and free on demand listening is currently only available to users in the US, UK, and Germany.

[edit] Tags

With the August 2005 relaunch, supports user-end tagging or labeling of artists, albums, and tracks to create a site-wide folksonomy of music. Users can browse via tags, but the most important benefit is tag radio, permitting users to play music that has been tagged a certain way. This tagging can be by genre ("garage rock"), mood ("chill"), artist characteristic ("baritone"), or any other form of user-defined classification ("seen live"). However, since the tagging is not moderated, it is prone to manipulation by the site's users, most often resulting in genre disagreements among users or pushing certain artists higher up certain tags (the most well known example of this is boosting Paris Hilton to the top of the "brutal death metal" tag, obviously a joke).[14]

Subscribers are also able to create personal tag radio stations containing only tracks and artists that they have tagged themselves. All tag radio stations (including subscriber's personal tag stations) can be played by anybody, including non-subscribers.

[edit] Charts

One of the most popular features of is the automatic weekly generation and archiving of detailed personal music charts and statistics which are created as part of its profile building. Users have several different charts available, including Top Artists, Top Tracks, and Top Albums, as well as Weekly Top Artists and Weekly Top Tracks. Each of these charts is based on the actual number of people listening to the track, album or artist recorded either through an Audioscrobbler plugin or the radio stream.

Additionally, charts are available for the top tracks by each artist in the system as well as the top tracks for individual albums (when the tagging information of the audio file is available). Artist profiles also keep track of a short list of Top Fans, which is calculated by a formula meant to portray the importance of an artist in a fan's own profile, balancing out users who play hundreds of tracks overall versus those who play only a few.

As the information generated is largely compiled from the ID3 data from audio files "scrobbled" from user's own computers, and which may be incorrect or misspelled, there are many errors in the listings. Tracks with ambiguous punctuation are especially prone to separate listings, which can dilute the apparent popularity of a track. Artists or bands with the same name are not always differentiated. The system does attempt to translate some different artist tags to a single artist profile, but does not attempt to harmonise track names.

Charts are also available for user groups, thus providing a view into a demographic slice, and can reveal interesting new music based on the preferences of similar users.

The artist charts currently do not take track length into consideration. For example, an album with 22 short tracks will boost that artist's popularity for a particular user's rankings much more than an album with only 5 long tracks, even though the user spent the same amount of time listening to each. The impact of this problem is limited to personal charts. All other charts are calculated using reach, that is, the number of users who play a certain artist or track, rather than the total number of plays. This is also a defense against users who in the early days of Audioscrobbler submitted spam data in order to boost the rankings of a particular artist or song or their own ranking as a fan.

[edit] Global charts

Global Track Chart showing the top 10 tracks for the week ending September 3, 2006
Global Track Chart showing the top 10 tracks for the week ending September 3, 2006 generates weekly "global" charts of the top 400 artists and tracks listened to by all users. To prevent the artificial boosting of an artist or song by deliberately repeated tracks from a single listener, these charts are based on the total number of individual listeners (the reach) and not the number of actual plays.

The result is notably different from traditional commercial music charts provided by the UK Top 40, Billboard magazine, Soundscan and others, which are based on radio plays or sales. charts are less volatile and a new album's release may be reflected in play data for many months or years after it drops out of commercial charts. For example, The Beatles have consistently been a top 5 band at, reflecting the continued popularity of the band's music irrespective of current album sales.

The main reason behind the differences is that the charts reflect the musical taste of the particular demographic of the service's users, not that of the general public. users generally have an Internet connection, may be more computer-literate than average, and may have wide collections of music from which to choose, due to the ability to download music from the Internet.

Global Track Chart for the week ending October 14th 2007
Global Track Chart for the week ending October 14th 2007

The Global Tag Chart shows the 100 most popular tags that have been used to describe artists, albums, and tracks. This is based on the total number of times the tag has been applied by users since the tagging system was first introduced and does not necessarily reflect the number of users currently listening to any of the related "global tag radio" stations.

For the week ending October 14, 2007, Radiohead broke the record for both weekly plays and weekly listeners following the release of their album, In Rainbows, which was released only as digital download on that time. Therefore, the album would mostly be listened on a digital media player on a personal computer or portable media player, especially iPod, which every plays would be counted to the chart. Track "15 Step" set records for weekly plays and listeners and the ten tracks from In Rainbows made up the weekly top 10, with the lowest charting In Rainbows song having almost three times the number of listeners of the next highest placed track ("Stronger" by Kanye West, which had itself set a record for number of listeners a few weeks previously). The Radiohead album held the top 10 spots for four months after its initial internet release, but Amy Winehouse's Grammy wins helped her end this remarkable run.[citation needed]

[edit] radio offers customised "radio stations" consisting of uninterrupted audio streams of individual tracks selected from the music files in the music library.

Stations can be based on the user's personal profile, the user's "musical neighbours", or the tracks that the user has marked as loved when listening to any station. Groups based around common interests or geography also have radio stations if there are enough members, and tags also have radio stations if enough music has the same tag. Radio stations can also be created on the fly, and each artist page allows selection of a "similar artists" or "artist fan" radio station. (As of December 2006, it is no longer possible to create a "multiple artist" station i.e. a station based on music similar to that of more than one artist. has cited copyright restrictions as the reason for this change.[15]

Under the terms of the station's radio licence, listeners may not select specific tracks (except as previews), or choose the order in which they are played, although any of the tracks played may be skipped or banned completely. The appropriate royalties are paid to the copyright holders of all streamed audio tracks according to the law in the UK.

The radio stream uses an MP3 stream encoded at 128 kbit/s 44.1 kHz, which may be played using the in-page flash player or the downloaded client, but other community-supported players are available as well as a proxy which allows using a media player of choice.

As part of a recent programme of improvements in February 2007, registered users are also able to export the flash player to embed into blogs, personal websites, Facebook or MySpace pages.[16]

[edit] Player Player

Screenshot of the Windows client.
Developed by
Latest release / May 6, 2008[17]
OS Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, Unix
Genre Media player
License GNU General Public License

An "in-page" Flash player is now provided automatically for all listeners, it is no longer necessary to download additional software in order to listen to any of the music available from the music library. It is necessary, however, to download the Client if a user also wishes information about played tracks from their own digital music collection to be included in their personal music profile.

Prior to August 2005, generated an open stream that could be played in the user's music player of choice, with a browser-based player control panel. This proved difficult to support and has been officially discontinued. The client is currently the only officially supported music player for playing customised radio streams. The current version combines the functions of the music player with the plugin that transmits all track data to the server, and effectively replaces the separate Player and the standalone track submission plugins. It is also free software licensed under the GNU General Public License and available for GNU/Linux, Mac OS X and Microsoft Windows operating systems.

The player allows the user to enter the name of any artist or tag which then gives a choice of a number of similar artist stations, or similar global tag stations. Alternatively, Recommendation radio or any of the user's personal radio stations may be played without the necessity to visit the website.

The player displays the name of the station and track currently playing, the song artist, title and track length as well as album details, the artist's photo and biographical details, album cover art when available, lists of similar artists and the most popular tags and top fans. There are several buttons, allowing the user to love, skip, or ban a song. The love button adds the song to the user's loved tracks playlist; the ban button ensures that the song will not be played again. Both features affect the user's profile. The skip button does not. Other buttons allow the user to tag or recommend the currently playing track. Other features offered by the application are: minor editing of the user's profile including removing recently played artists and songs from the loved, banned, or previously played track lists; lists of friends and neighbours, lists of tags and a list of previously played radio stations. Users can also open their full profile page directly from the player.

The client also enables the user to install player plugins, these integrate with various standalone media players to allow the submission of tracks played in those programs.[18]

In a former release of the Player application, the user could select to use an external player. When this was done, the Player provided the user with a local URL, through which the music stream was proxied. Users could then open the URL in their preferred media player. They have re-included this functionality in the latest version of the player.

[edit] Other players

  • LastFMProxy: a Python script written by Vidar Madsen, allows users to use their own music player again, by connecting to and relaying its stream to the user's player of choice.
  • Online Player: an open source PHP application made for listening to radio streams on a webpage. It allows users who can't run or install any applications on their PC to listen to radio streams.
  • lastfmmobile (lfmm): In the vein of LastFMProxy and Online Player, lastfmmobile (lfmm) facilitates direct manipulation of the Last.FM Shoutcast/mp3 stream. Originally designed for Internet Explorer for Pocket PC, on the Windows Mobile platform, the portability of Javascript and the server-side rendering of PHP make lfmm available on a majority of web enabled devices. Still under heavy development.
  • Rhythmbox: is able to play streams through its plugin as of version 0.9.7. It also supports submitting the track information of other tracks to the profile.
  • Amarok: has had the ability to play streams integrated into the application as of version 1.4.1, and continues to support submitting information. Users of previous versions can play the streams using the LastamaroK script (homepage), which is based on LastFMProxy.
  • MyLastFM: an open source desktop client for the Windows platform which can play streams or relay the streams to other music players (similar to LastFMProxy). It requires Microsoft .NET version 1.1 Framework.
  • Last Exit: an open source Mono/GTK#-based client similar to the official player.
  • Shell.FM: an open source console based player for Linux.
  • Amua: a small, open source client for Mac OS X that resides as a menu item.
  • PandoraFM: lets you listen to your customized radio stations built by tagging within Pandora and the web site. A web based, online player.
  • BMPx: Supports native song reporting as well as radio playback since version 0.3x
  • LastBASH: A console/terminal based player, written in Bash.
  • Banshee: Music player using Mono and GTK#, has a plugin for
  • Vagalume: A GTK+-based client that works on standard PCs but is specially designed for the Nokia N800 and N810 Internet Tablets running the Internet Tablet OS.
  • Xbox Media Center: An open-source media player for the Microsoft Xbox can play the global radio stations and the global tags from XBMC LastFM Group.
  • MceFM: A plug-in to Windows Media Center which lets you listen to streams based on artists in your existing music collection.
  • Songbird: An open-source all-in-one music manager in the style of iTunes; supports listening to and scrobbling other songs back to by use of the Audioscrobbler plugin

Since consists of a Shoutcast mp3 stream it is possible to listen on using the player of your choice.[19]

[edit] Audioscrobbler plugin can optionally build a profile directly from a user's music played on their personal computer. Users must download and install a plugin for their music player, which will automatically submit the artist and title of the song after either half the song or the first four minutes have played, whichever comes first. When the track is shorter than 30 seconds (31 seconds in iTunes) or the track lacks metadata (ID3, CDDB, etc), the track is not submitted. To accommodate dial-up users, caching of the data and submitting it in bulk is also possible.

[edit] List of supported media players

Following applications have native support for sending song information:

The following services support sending service-specific recently-played track feeds:

Plugins are available for the following applications:[20]

[edit] Supported audio players (hardware)

There is some support for portable audio players. Since these are offline (which breaks the concept), track info has to be batch scrobbled. Players for which batch upload software is available:

  • iPod: The most recent version of the software for Windows and Mac (introduced in May 2008) features iPod scrobbling. Although this was introduced in a previous version of many users had complained that such features had ceased to function in recent updates.[23] There are several other programs which support this feature:
  • Various other players: supported with the Rockbox firmware - logs made by these players can be uploaded to the Audioscrobbler service via a web based interface written by stead: Rockbox .scrobbler.log to Upload, or the open source Qt4 program QTScrobbler
  • Zenses is an open source utility program for MTP compatible devices such as iriver clix, Toshiba's Gigabeat line, SanDisk's Sansa series, Samsung's YP series, Microsoft Zune, & Creative's Zen players. It lets you submit play counts from the player to, view charts on what you've played and create recently added playlists. Zenses was designed and developed for use with Creative's Zen Vision:M media player, however it should also work with most other MTP compatible devices. For more info on MTP and corresponding devices check here: Media Transfer Protocol. Some MTP players such as the SanDisk Sansa M230 don't register play counts and thus will not work with Zenses. However, according to the Zenses' Last.FM group, the development of any further release has been stopped.
  • iPod Touch and iPhone: Through the process of Jailbreaking your iPod Touch/ iPhone, there is a third party application known as MobileScrobbler which you can add to your device.

All Audioscrobbler plugins are open source and the listening data it collects is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License. The data is available from's Audioscrobbler site.

[edit] Other third party applications

[edit] supported applications

  • Build

As of March 2008, the website has added a section titled "Build" where third party applications can be submitted for review, and then posted to the page.[25]

  • SXSW Band-Aid partnered up with the SXSW festival by creating an application embedded in the corresponding group page that filters the various artists at the festival by a user's listening statistics, and then uses's recommendation service to also suggest other performing artists that said user hasn't listened to.[26]

[edit] Other Applications

[edit] Blog

On 30 May 2007, launched their company blog.

[edit] Similar services

[edit] See also

[edit] References

[edit] Further reading

[edit] Press

[edit] External links