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Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Subphylum: Urochordata
Class: Appendicularia


The Appendicularia or Larvacea are a group of solitary, free-swimming pelagic urochordates found throughout the world's oceans. Appendicularians are filter feeders that primarily occupy the euphotic zone (upper sunlit portion of the ocean) but some species can be found in deeper waters. The morphology of appendicularians superficially resembles that of the tadpole larvae of most urochordates as they possess a discrete trunk and tail throughout adult life.

Like most urochordates, appendicularians feed by drawing particulate food matter into their pharyngo-branchial region, where food particles are trapped on a mucus mesh produced by the pharynx and drawn into the digestive tract. However, appendicularians have greatly improved the efficiency of food intake by producing a "house" of protein and cellulose that surrounds the animal like a bubble and which contains a complicated arrangement of filters that allow food in the surrounding water to be brought in and concentrated prior to feeding. These houses are discarded and replaced regularly as the animal grows in size and the filters become clogged. Discarded larvacean houses account for a significant fraction of organic material descending to the ocean deeps.(Robinson, Reisenbichler & Sherlock 2005)

The tail of appendicularians contain a central notochord, a dorsal nerve cord, and a series of striated muscle bands enveloped either by epithelial tissue (Oikopleurids) or by an acellular basement membrane (Fritillarids). By regularly beating the tail, the appendicularian can generate water currents within its house that allow the concentration of food.

Immature appendicularians resemble the tadpole larvae of Ascidians, albeit with the addition of developing viscera. Once the trunk is fully developed, the larval appendicularian undergoes "tail shift", in which the tail moves from a rearward position to a ventral orientation and twists 90 degrees relative to the trunk. Following tail shift, the appendicularian will begin secretion of the first house.

The recent development of techniques for expressing foreign genes in Oikopleura dioica has led to the advancement of this species as a model organism for the study of gene regulation, chordate evolution and development.

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