Larry Tudgeman

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Lawrence "Larry" Tudgeman
First appearance I've Got Rhythmic
Last appearance Bye Bye Hillridge High/ Magic Train
Portrayed by Kyle Downes
Nickname(s) Larry
Gender Male
Age 14
Title Master

Lawrence "Larry" Tudgeman III is a fictional character from the Disney Channel TV Series Lizzie McGuire. He is played by Kyle Downes.


[edit] Personality

Lawrence "Larry" Tudgeman III is an unpopular student at Hillbridge Junior High, who although is ridiculed and taunted by fellow students, has a far more superior image of himself and pictures himself as a sophistocated alpha-male, rather than eccentric, obsessive and of lacking in hygiene, which most people perceive him because he has worn the same shirt since the second grade, and is obsessed with science fiction movies and television programmes. This can be conveyed in the episode "The Untitled Stan Jansen Project" where when Gordo is setting him up and ask him to describe himself, he says, "I've always seen myself as a Captain Kirk meets James Bond type of guy ... going where no secret agent has ever been before." When Gordo reveals to him that he is a "geek," Larry gets extremely offended and exclaims, "I'm not a geek! My mom says that people are just mean because they're jealous!"

This is also conveyed in "Dear Lizzie," where it can be conveyed that Larry sees himself in a much more superior character. However, Larry states many times that he is proud of his individuality in episodes such as "Scarlet Larry," where he explains that his intelligence comes from his interest of the world in general. Larry, despite appearing creepy and erratic, is more comfortable in his own skin compared to Lizzie, Miranda, Kate, etc., and isn't so bothered about others' perceptions of him. However, this does not mean to say that he does not want to be friends with people who are considered "popular."

Throughout the series, he tried hard to be friends with Kate, not because of popularity, but more to due with the fact that he might have had a crush on her. This can be conveyed in "I've Got Rhythmatic," where Kate persuades Larry into ruining Lizzie's performance by flirting with him. However, the chance of a further relationship are ruined when in "I Do, I Don't" Kate and Larry have to work together as in a fake "marriage," and Kate is much more interested in having Ethan as a partner and instead of working with Larry, tries to persuade Ethan to "leave" Miranda, his "wife," for her. When Kate "leaves" Larry at the marriage reunion in school, Kate leaves him in front of everyone, in which after a heated argument Larry responds by throwing a bowl of punch over her head.

[edit] Interests

Larry excels (and also enjoys) subjects such as Math and Science, and can be found spending his time throughout the intervel in a Science classroom. He is heavily interested in science fiction, such as the Star Wars film series and the television programme Star Trek. He was also obsessed with the role playing game "Dwarflord," which is a take on Dungeons & Dragons, by changing the name due to copyright measures. Larry was even more obsessed than Gordo, that he leaded the group of Dwarflord players at Hillbridge High and even dressed up in roleplaying outfits for the event. In "Scarlet Larry", he once stated that he was, "intrigued about the world around me," which was his answer to Lizzie questioning where he received all his intelligence from.

[edit] Relationships with Main Characters

Lizzie - At first, Lizzie is disgusted by Larry Tudgeman and although does not dislike him, will joke about him behind his back and tends to find it humorous if Larry acts in a strange manner. But throughout the season, although she still finds Larry weird, she grows towards him and eventually appreciates him as somewhat of a friend. Larry, however, although he was mutual with Lizzie when he broke up, still has a small infatuation on her and is somewhat bitter about the break-up. This can be expressed in "Bye Bye, Hillbridge High" when Larry gives Gordo unwanted advice on his relationship with Lizzie.

Miranda - Miranda is possibly most judgemental towards Larry; she is not so much upset about Larry's personality, but about his reputation - she finds him disgusting because of his habits and is afraid of the concept that if she were to befriend Larry, people would have an impression that she was just like him. She is even more disgusted at the idea that Larry might have a crush on her. Throughout the series, her behaviour towards Larry tones down and when Larry dresses up in a more attractive, sophistocated suit to go to her party, Miranda has an attraction towards him, as she does not recognise that it's him, but once she realises that it was Larry all along, she then realises her mistake, and she grow fond of him by the end of the series, despite still finding him bizarre. It is indicated that Larry has a crush on Miranda in several episodes, but nothing has came out of it yet.

Gordo - Both Gordo and Larry see each other as rivals at the beginning of the season, as Gordo regularly receives good grades, and Gordo has as intense an obsessive streak as Larry has a competitive streak. This is evident in the episode "Obsession," where both Gordo and Larry are competing against one another to win the Science Olympics. By the end of the episode, Gordo claims that he hate Larry when he giggles hysterically, "Look! The aliens brought back Elvis! And they shrunk him! Hee heee!" Throughout the series, however, Gordo sees Larry as less of a rival, and numbs down to him eventually, grinning, "Tudgeman," whenever Larry acts unusually.

[edit] Love Relationships

  • In "Scarlett Larry", he goes on a date with Lizzie and is misleaded to believe that he is Lizzie's boyfriend. However, both mutually decide that that their personalities and interests are too different to continue the relationship. It is still indicated throughout the series that Larry still has a small crush on Lizzie - in "Rated Aaargh!" he relishes that he gave Lizzie CPR, and in "She Said, He Said, She Said" there are small indications that Larry may still have an infatuation on Lizzie.
  • In "My Fair Larry", he has a makeover and Miranda begins to fall in love with him (as she believes it is somebody else). There are also strong hints throughout the series that Larry has an infatuation on Miranda - In "Scarlet Larry" he asks Lizzie whether Miranda is an available choice after they break up, and it is revealed in "Gordo's Video" that Larry has a screensaver of Miranda. In "And The Winner Is" there are strong hints that Larry is interested in Miranda. However, mostly it is a one-sided crush, as Miranda appears disgusted at Larry often.
  • In Rumours, Larry thought Kate would love him if he would ruin Lizzie's Rhythmic Gymnastics, which was obviously a lie.
  • In "Clue-Less", Larry has a small romantic interlude with a minor character, Veruca. However, nothing has yet arose out of it.