Large Red Damselfly

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Large Red Damselfly

Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Odonata
Suborder: Zygoptera
Family: Coenagrionidae
Genus: Pyrrhosoma
Species: P. nymphula
Binomial name
Pyrrhosoma nymphula
(Sulzer, 1776)

The Large Red Damselfly Pyrrhosoma nymphula is a European damselfly. It is one of the first damselflies to emerge in the year.


[edit] Habitat

It inhabits ponds and dykes, and occasionally slow-moving rivers.

[edit] Identification

Females occur in many colour forms, but all have yellow bands around the abdominal segments. They can easily be confused with Small red damselflies.

[edit] Behaviour

One of the most common damselflies, the Large Red Damselfly is often the first damselfly to emerge, usually in April or May. They inhabit a variety of waters, and on a summer day the dash of red perfectly complements the blue of Azure and Common Blue Damselflies.

[edit] Gallery

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