From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
[edit] Myself
I'm an 18-year-old student residing in Chicago, Illinois. I graduated from Saint Viator High School in Arlington Heights, and I now study at Loyola University Chicago.
[edit] Interests
My biggest interest at the moment is body modification, which is where I spend a lot of my time on Wikipedia. As I learn more, I'll be contributing - hopefully I can get some photos! I am also interested in the airline industry, American cars, metal music, early-20th-century history, travel, and video gaming. As my study of Spanish progresses, I hope to translate some articles to and from the Spanish and English Wikipedias.
[edit] Where I've Been
I have had the chance to go to five countries:
I've also gone to various islands in the Caribbean belonging to the French and Dutch. My next trip: to Spain!
Within the US, I've been to 17 of the 50 states, as well as Washington, D.C and Puerto Rico.
I've visited too many cities to list, but I especially love Chicago, San Diego, Paris, San Francisco, and Buenos Aires. I plan to visit New York City, Denver (again), and Philadelphia soon.
[edit] Contributions
"Risks" section of Tongue Piercing
Daith piercing
Antitragus piercing
Charlie Trotter Foie Gras incident
Frontera Grill
Lincoln Prairie School