Lantmanna Party

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Lantmanna Party (Lantmannapartiet; literally 'Party of the Rural People') was a political party in Sweden. It was founded in 1867 and represented in the second chamber of the Riksdag. The party did not have any clear political ideology but claimed to represent farmers and ordinary people, although it was never a real agrarian party. The party was also supported by the main Swedish newspaper at the time, Dagens Nyheter.

In 1888 the party was split in two parties over the issue on free trade contra protectionism; the free trade advocates founded the Old Lantmanna Party and the protectionists founded the New Lantmanna Party. In 1895 the two parties reunited under its old name. In 1912 the Lantmanna Party merged together with the National Progress Party to the new Farmer and Bourgeoisie Party (Lantmanna- och borgarepartiet).
