Lake Ukiel

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right|A bird's-eye view of Likusy]] Lake Ukiel (or Krzywe Lake - informal name) is a lake which is located on Pojezierze Olsztyńskie, in the northwest part of Olsztyn, between district Dajtki, Gutkowo i Likusy.

  • Area: 412,0 ha
  • Maximum depth: 43 m
  • Average depth: 10,6 m
  • Lake's volume: 43 611,5 tys. m³
  • Area of full catchment: 25,9 km²
  • Degree of purity: II (2004)
  • Category of susceptibility to degradation: II (2004)

Ukiel is the biggest lake in Olsztyn. There are pensions, hotels and a municipal beach.

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