Lagunas de Mejia National Sanctuary

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The Lagunas de Mejia National Sanctuary is on the coast of Arequipa, Peru, in the mouth of the River Tambo. It is a sanctuary for migratory birds.

The sanctuary was established on February 24, 1984, and is in the department of Arequipa, province of Islay, with an area of 690.6 hectares.

It is a refuge for migratory birds on the coast of the Pacific Ocean. This area provides food for birds like the playero (Calidris alba).

On the shores of the lakes are frogs (Bufo limensis) and lizards (Microlophus tigris), and fish sych as the lisa (Mugil Cephalus) and pejerrey (Basilichthys sp.).

On the beach there are 180 types of birds as residents and migratories. These include the gaviota gris (Larus modestus), the playero blanco (Calidris alba), the rayador (Rinchops niger), the Peruvian seagull (Larus belcheri), the dominion seagull (Larus dominicanus) and the gaviota capucho gris (Larus cirrocephillus), the zambullidor pimpollo (Rollandia rolland), the zambullidor grande (Podiceps major), the pato sutro (Anas flavirostris) the pato garantillo (Anas bahamensis), the pato Colorado (Anas cyanopltero), the polla de agua (Gallinula chloropus), the choca (Fulico americana), the gallineta comun (Rallus limicola), the garza - heroncuca (Ardea cocoi) the big white heron (Egretta alba), the small white heron (Egretta thula) and the blue heron (Hydronassa caerulea). The purpose of this sanctuary is to protect the fauna and flora, and to promote tourism.

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