Image talk:LaEspero.mid

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I believe that this MIDI is public domain. Zamenhof, who wrote the song, died well over 85 years ago, so that, itself, is in the public domain. Many MIDIs do not have embedded copyright notices or notices of authorship, and many do. I presumed that most people who release MIDIs on the Internet do so knowing that their authorship will usually not be preserved, and the MIDIs will be copied and placed on other sites, indexed by search engines under different filenames, and modified.

I opened the MIDI in a hex editor to try to look for either. I found this:

L.L.Zamenhof (poemo/letra/lyric
MIDI-programa????o/Programa MID
Fl??vio Fonseca - flafon@solar.c

Apparently, Flavio Fonseca is a Brazilian Esperantist musician. The email is truncated, and I doubt he has an account at I'm going to try to get a hold of him, User:Chuck SMITH suggested that TEJO might be able to help me find him. I'm going to also try my hand at making my own MIDI of La Espero...although the sheet music I found online is just the melody (sounds simple), and it's a little difficult to read (low-resolution scan.) cprompt 00:46, Dec 27, 2004 (UTC)