Lactarius scrobiculatus

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Lactarius scrobiculatus

Scientific classification
Kingdom: Fungi
Division: Basidiomycota
Order: Russulales
Family: Russulaceae
Genus: Lactarius
Species: L. scrobiculatus
Binomial name
Lactarius scrobiculatus
(Scop.) Fr.[1]
How to create a mycomorphbox
Lactarius scrobiculatus
mycological characteristics:
gills on hymenium

cap is depressed


hymenium is decurrent


stipe is bare


spore print is cream


ecology is mycorrhizal


edibility: inedible

Lactarius scrobiculatus is a basidiomycete fungus, belonging to the genus Lactarius, whose members are called "milk caps." Taxonomy places this species into subgenus Piperites, section Zonarii, subsection Scrobiculati.[2] The distinctive fruiting bodies of this large, inedible fungus are locally common in forests throughout Europe and North America.


[edit] Description

Lactarius scrobiculatus produces large agaricoid fruiting bodies which arise from soil. The cap has an eye-catching orange to yellow coloration and is covered with small scales arranged in indistinctive concentric rings. The surface is wet, glossy and slimy especially in wet weather. The cap may be wide, with a large diameter (about 15 cm in mature specimens), but with a depressed centre and slightly inrolled margin. The gills are crowded and coloured cream to yellow, with darker patches being present sometimes. When cut, the gills bleed copious amounts of a white to cream milk (latex), which soon darkens to yellow. The stem, in relation to the cap, is quite short and stubby. The surface is cap-coloured but the presence of small pits, filled with fluid, is a key identifying feature. The stem is hollow. The spores are coloured creamy with an elliptical-globular shape.[3]

When a small piece of flesh is chewed, it tastes quite acrid. So acrid, that a researcher reportedly developed a numbness in the mouth, having nibbled on a piece.[4] It doesn't have any discernible smell.

There are several recognised varieties, including var. canadensis. var. montanus and var. pubescens.[5]

[edit] Distribution

This species is known throughout Europe, as well as North America where its occurrence is rare.[6] It occurs primarily in coniferous forests where it forms a mycorrhizal relationship and appears to prefer damp, boggy areas. The fruibodies rarely occur singly — usually there are several more nearby. The fruiting season of L. scrobiculatus is summer to autumn.

Closeup of gills and stem, showing latex.
Closeup of gills and stem, showing latex.

[edit] Edibility

Lactarius scrobiculatus is inedible and may even cause irritation to the gastrointestinal tract. It is eaten in eastern Europe after pickling or thorough cooking and even then, some might still experience distressing symptoms.[4]

[edit] References

  1. ^ Index Fungorum
  2. ^
  3. ^ Mabey, Richard (1993). Mushrooms & Toadstools of Britain and Europe. David & Charles, 106. ISBN 0-7153-0155-1. 
  4. ^ a b Poisonous and Hallucinogenic Mushrooms. The Evergreen State College, Olympia WA. Retrieved on June 14, 2007.
  5. ^ Lactarius scrobiculatus varieties. Russulales News. Retrieved on June 19, 2007.
  6. ^ Rogers Mushrooms - Lactarius scrobiculatus. Rogers Mushrooms. Retrieved on June 14, 2007.