Labour Party Rule Book

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The Labour Party Rule Book is the governing document for the Labour Party in the United Kingdom and contains the Labour Party Constitution. The first part is known as "Constitutional rules" and contains the most important provision for Labour party governance and principles.

[edit] Full contents table

Section A

The national rules of the Labour Party

Chapter 1 Constitutional rules Clause I Name and objects Clause II Party structure and affiliated organisations Clause III The party’s financial scheme Clause IV Aims and values Clause V Party programme Clause VI Labour Party Conference Clause VII Party officers and statutory officers Clause VIII The National Executive Committee Clause IX The National Constitutional Committee Clause X Scope of rules

Chapter 2 Membership rules Rule 2A Conditions of membership Rule 2B Membership procedures Rule 2C Membership subscriptions

Chapter 3 Party conference Rule 3A Delegations Rule 3B Conference Arrangements Committee Rule 3C Procedural rules for party conference

Chapter 4 Elections of national officers of the party and national committees Rule 4A General principles Rule 4B Procedural rules for elections for national officers of the party Rule 4C Procedural rules for elections for national committees

Chapter 5 Selection for elected public office Rule 5A General rules for selections for public office Rule 5B Selection of local government candidates Rule 5C Selection of Westminster parliamentary candidates Rule 5D Selection of European parliamentary candidates Rule 5E Selection of candidates for devolved institutions

Chapter 6 Disciplinary rules Rule 6A National action by the party Rule 6B Action by CLPs

Section B Rules for units of party organisation

Chapter 7 Rules for CLPs Rule 7 CLP rules Rule 7A Amendments to CLP rules for coterminous local authority areas

Chapter 8 Rules for branches

Chapter 9 Rules for Regional Boards and European party units

Chapter 10 Rules for women’s forums

Chapter 11 Rules for Young Labour Rule 11 Young Labour rules Rule 11A Young Labour groups Rule 11B Young Labour National Committee

Chapter 12 Rules for Labour Party local government committees

Chapter 13 Rules for local government Labour groups on principal authorities Rule 13A General rules and provisions for Labour groups on local authorities Rule 13B–D Model standing orders for Labour groups

Chapter 14 Rules for Ethnic Minorities forums

Chapter 15 Model procedural rules (standing orders) for party units

Chapter 16 Party contacts and glossary

[edit] Appendices

The appendices of the rule book contain the National Executive Committee statements on:

  • The Importance of our members
  • National Executive Committee procedural guidelines on membership recruitment and retention
  • Selection of Parliamentary candidates – procedural rules
  • National Executive Committee guidelines for the selection of Local government candidates
  • Procedural guidelines in disciplinary cases brought before the National Constitutional Committee

[edit] See also

[edit] External links