Labour Friends of Israel

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Labour Friends of Israel is a UK Parliament based campaign lobby group promoting support within the British Labour Party for a strong bilateral relationship between Britain and Israel. It also seeks to strengthen ties between the British and the Israeli Labour party. Labour Friends of Israel supports a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, with Israel recognised and secure within its borders and the establishment of a viable Palestinian state.[1]

Founded in October 1957 at a public rally at the Labour Party Conference,[1] it has developed into one of the largest special interest groups in the Labour Party drawing wide support from Members of Parliament and Government Ministers. Labour Friends of Israel has a large membership, organised into local branches. It seeks to strengthen the bond between the British Labour Party and the Israeli Labor Party, organising meetings in both the UK and Israel between senior figures. In 2003 it described itself as "a Westminster based lobby group working within the British Labour Party to promote the State of Israel".[2]

As of 25th September 2007 its Chair was Jane Kennedy MP and President was Rt Hon Gwyneth Dunwoody (Deceased) MP. Vice Chairs were Barbara Keeley MP, Andrew Dismore MP, Louise Ellman MP and Gary Titley MP. Members of the Labour Friends of Israel Policy Council were Rt Hon Stephen Byers MP, Rt Hon Derek Foster MP, Rt Hon George Foulkes MSP, Jane Kennedy MP, Rt Hon Paul Murphy MP, Rt Hon Don Touhig MP and Denis MacShane MP. House of Lords Chair was Baroness Ramsay of Cartvale.

The Labour Friends of Israel is a distinct organisation to the Jewish Labour Movement, the affiliated socialist society and successor to the UK Poale Zion.


[edit] Members of LFI

In alphabetical order, members of Labour Friends of Israel include:

[edit] See also

[edit] References

[edit] External links