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In Greek mythology, Labda (Greek: Λάβδα) was a daughter of the Bacchiad Amphion, and mother of Cypselus, by Eetion.[1] Her name was derived from the fact of her feet being turned outward, and thus re­sembling the letter lambda (Λ)[2], which, by the accounts of the most ancient Greek grammarians, was originally pronounced "labda," (IPA [laːbdaː]).

[edit] References

"Labda." Leonhard Schmitz. Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology. William Smith, editor (1870).

  1. ^ Aelius Herodianus, v. 92. (cited in Smith)
  2. ^ Etymologicum Magnum p. 199. Compare Cypselus. (cited in Smith)

This article incorporates text from the public domain Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology by William Smith (1870).