La Portella

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La Portella
General information
Province Lleida
Comarca Segrià
Demonym Portellà, portellana
Land Area 12.45 km²
Altitude 259 m AMSL
Population 790 (2007)
Density 63.45 hab./km²
Mayor Jaume Ramon Casamajor i Esteve

La Portella is a municipality in the comarca of the Segrià[1] in Catalonia, Spain. It is situated on the right bank of the Noguera Ribagorçana river. A local road links the municipality with Lleida.


[edit] Demography

1900 1930 1950 1970 1986 2001
520 600 395 720 634 643

[edit] Note

  1. ^  La Portella became part of the Segrià in the comarcal revision of 1990: previously it formed part of the Noguera.

[edit] References

  • Panareda Clopés, Josep Maria; Rios Calvet, Jaume; Rabella Vives, Josep Maria (1989). Guia de Catalunya, Barcelona:Caixa de Catalunya. ISBN 84-87135-01-3 (Spanish). ISBN 84-87135-02-1 (Catalan).

[edit] External links

Coordinates: 41°44′28″N 0°38′30″E / 41.74111, 0.64167