La Gomera

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an entirely different island is Peñón de Vélez de la Gomera off Morocco
La Gomera
Flag of La Gomera
Flag of La Gomera
Location Atlantic Ocean
Coordinates 28°06′N, 17°08′W
Archipelago Canary Islands
Area 369,76 km²
Highest point Garajonay
1,484 m
Flag of Spain Spain
Autonomous Community Canary Islands
Province Santa Cruz de Tenerife (province)


Population 21,952 (as of 2006)
Density 55,32/km²
Mountains in the center of La Gomera
Mountains in the center of La Gomera
Los Organos, La Gomera.
Los Organos, La Gomera.

La Gomera is the second-smallest of Spain's Canary Islands in the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of Africa. It is located at 28°06′N, 17°08′W. Gomera is an Arabic word meaning 'small firebrand'.


[edit] Political organization

La Gomera is part of the province of Santa Cruz de Tenerife. It is divided into six municipalities:

The island government (cabildo insular) is located in the capital, San Sebastián.

[edit] Ecology

The island is of volcanic origin and roughly circular, about 22 km (15 miles) in diameter and rising to 1487 m (nearly 5000 feet) at the central peak of Garajonay. It is shaped rather like half of a peeled orange from which the segments have been parted, leaving deep ravines or barrancos which are coated, like icing, with laurisilva - or laurel rain forest.

The upper reaches of this densely wooded region are almost permanently shrouded in cloud and swirling mist, which has created lush and diverse vegetation. This is the Garajonay National Park which enjoys UNESCO recognition and protection of the environment. The slopes are criss-crossed by paths, presenting varying levels of challenge to walkers, and stunning views to reward the energetic.

The central mountains catch the moisture from the trade wind clouds and create a jungle climate rich in vegetation high in the cooler air, which contrasts with the warmer sun-baked cliffs near sea level.

Between these extremes is a fascinating range of vegetation, and the Gomerans have for centuries farmed the lower levels, channelling water for the irrigation of their vines, fruits and vegetables, such as bananas.

[edit] Culture

In 2003, some 19,580 people lived on La Gomera.

The local wine is distinctive, and complements a tapa (snack) of Gomerian cheese, roasted pork or goat meat.

The Gomerans have a unique way of communicating across the valleys by an amazing kind of whistled speech called Silbo. Silbo Gomero language, a whistled language, is an indigenous language, whose existence was known since Roman times. Invented by the original inhabitants of the island, the Guanches, Silbo was adopted by the Spanish settlers in the 16th century and survived after the extinction of the Guanches. When this unique medium of communication was about to die out early in the 21st century, the local government required all children to learn it in school.

The aboriginal inhabitants of La Gomera worshipped their God Orahan in the mountains, as their grand sanctuary, the summit and centre of the island. Many of the natives took refuge in this sacred territory in 1489, when they were facing imminent defeat at the hands of the Spaniards, and it was here that the conquest of La Gomera was completed. Several ceremonial stone constructions have appeared in the archaeological findings. Here they set up sacrificial altar stones or "pyres", stones or slate hollows or cavities where they offered up part of the bounty they received from their God, especially goats and sheep on the sacrificial fires. On La Gomera the God was named Orahan, on La Palma he is known as Abora and on Tenerife and Gran Canaria he was named Arocan.

Christopher Columbus made La Gomera his last port of call before crossing the Atlantic in 1492. Columbus stopped at Gomera for wine and water, intending to stay only four days. He became romantically involved with Beatriz de Bobadilla, Governor of Gomera, and he stayed a month. When he finally sailed she gave him cuttings of sugarcane, which became the first to reach the New World. The house in San Sebastián in which he stayed is now a tourist attraction.

[edit] Notable natives and residents

  • Antonio José Ruiz de Padrón (1757-1823), Franciscan priest and politician.
  • José Aguiar (1895-1975), painter.
  • Pedro García Cabrera (1905-1981), writer and poet.

[edit] External links

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