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This user loves Kyle.
This user is a surfer.
In an emergency, this user may be slapped with a trout.
\sum_{i=1}^{\infty}{1 \over i^2} This user is an advanced mathematician.
CR-5 This user is most likely completely insane.
This user's spiritual beliefs
are complex and personal.
This user is of Italian ancestry.
6x1025 This user ranks a 6x1025 on the Kinsey scale.
This user values saltwater creatures above all else.
UAS This user attends or attended University of Alaska Southeast.
fish This user is a student of the Marine Sciences.
IntS !
This user understands leet, IM & texting slang, but won't use it. "411 ur LOL pwn ROFLMAO OMG b310ng 2" you, thanks.