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The L-notation is widely used to express the computational complexity of an algorithm. By definition

L_n[\alpha,c]=O\left(e^{(c+o(1))(\ln n)^\alpha(\ln\ln n)^{1-\alpha}}\right),

where c is a positive constant, and α is a constant 0 \leq \alpha \leq 1.

When α is 0, then


is a polynomial function of lnn. When α is 1 then


is a fully exponential function of lnn.

[edit] Example

For the elliptic curve discrete log problem, the fastest general purpose algorithm is the baby-step giant-step algorithm, which has a running time on the order of the square-root of the group order n. In L-notation this would be

L_n[1, 1/2] = O(n^{\frac{1}{2}})

[edit] References